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Genshin Impact Wiki

Leisurely Pastime[]

The arena is found at the Icon Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime icon on the map.

The Akitsu Yuugei grounds located next to the "Test of Courage."
Players can initiate a game of Akitsu Yuugei of normal difficulty via the bulletin board.
Unfathomably, this classical game seems to possess a flair of originality and challenge, instilling it with high replayability.


Skill Effect
Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Modifier 1 Replicating Collider
Max Level: 1
In single-player challenges, when there are less than 3 Skill-Ball(s) on the field, for every 30 hit(s) added to the Combo count, 1 additional Skill-Ball will be launched forward in a random direction when the next successful hit is made using the bar.
In Co-Op challenges, the maximum number of Skill-Balls on the field will be 4, and the required Combo count will be increased to 50.
Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Modifier 2 Reflector Ward
Max Level: 1
For every 30 hit(s) added to the Combo count, a protective wall will be created at the lower bound of the map that can reflect any Skill-Balls that impact it. The wall will last 6s.
In Co-Op challenges, the wall will require an increased Combo count of 60 to be created.
Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Modifier 3 Shatter-prise!
Max Level: 3
For every 30 added to the Combo count, shattering a new brick will spawn a Merit-Ball. Using the bar to catch the Merit-Ball will net you 100/125/150 points.
Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Modifier 4 Relative Expansion
Max Level: 1
After switching characters, the bar will be made wider for 10s.
Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Modifier 5 Switch-celeration
Max Level: 1
Character Movement SPD increased by 20%.
Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Modifier 6 Impact Accelerator
Max Level: 3
For every 30 added to the Combo count, you will get an additional 80/100/120 points, and for your next hit, the Skill-Ball's flight speed will be increased by 20%. This flight speed increase can stack up to 3 times.
Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Modifier 7 Concomitant Impact
Max Level: 2
When there are less than 10 bricks on the board, and the ball lands another hit, the bar will shoot 8/10 enhanced fireworks ahead. Should these fireworks hit a brick, they will inflict even greater damage than normal. This effect can be triggered once every 4s.


Crunchy Sakura Mochi[]

An Electro brick-themed Akitsu Yuugei challenge. The spread of purple bricks makes the layout resemble neatly-sliced Sakura Mochi. From the crackling sound when you shatter the bricks, you can just imagine this to be one tasty pastry!

Complete "Akitsu Yuugei" to unlock.

Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Icon 1 Playful Leisure Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Icon 2 Unending Refinement
Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime 1a Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime 1b
  • Time Limit: 10:00
  • Brick Type
    Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Basic BrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Electrobrick
  • Banned Element: Hydro
  • Available Modifiers: 2
  • Time Limit: 02:30
  • Reserve Balls: 10
  • Brick Type
    Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Basic BrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Electrobrick
  • Banned Element: Hydro
  • Available Modifiers: 3
Objective Rewards
Complete Crunchy Sakura Mochi on Playful Leisure
Primogem 60
Courage Test Ticket 200
Toukabou Shigure 1
Complete Crunchy Sakura Mochi on Playful Leisure and trigger Detonate or Pierce 2 times
Courage Test Ticket 100
Mora 30,000
Hero's Wit 2
Complete Crunchy Sakura Mochi on Unending Refinement and achieve a 1,500 point score
Primogem 60
Courage Test Ticket 200
Mora 30,000
Complete Crunchy Sakura Mochi on Unending Refinement and achieve a 3,000 point score
Courage Test Ticket 100
Mora 30,000
Hero's Wit 2
Complete Crunchy Sakura Mochi on Unending Refinement and achieve a 4,500 point score
Courage Test Ticket 60
Mora 30,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4


A Hydro brick-themed Akitsu Yuugei challenge. The brick arrangement looks like stretched noodles. Its designer might've even taken direct inspiration from the ramen they were eating!

Complete "Crunchy Sakura Mochi" to unlock.

Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Icon 1 Playful Leisure Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Icon 2 Unending Refinement
Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime 2a Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime 2b
  • Time Limit: 10:00
  • Brick Type
    Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Basic BrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime HydrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Electrobrick
  • Banned Element: Pyro
  • Available Modifiers: 2
  • Time Limit: 02:30
  • Reserve Balls: 10
  • Brick Type
    Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Basic BrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime HydrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Electrobrick
  • Banned Element: Pyro
  • Available Modifiers: 3
Objective Rewards
Complete Men-Mayhem on Playful Leisure
Primogem 60
Courage Test Ticket 200
Mora 30,000
Complete Men-Mayhem on Playful Leisure and trigger Coagulating or Surge 2 times
Courage Test Ticket 100
Mora 30,000
Hero's Wit 2
Complete Men-Mayhem on Unending Refinement and achieve a 1,500 point score
Primogem 60
Courage Test Ticket 200
Mora 30,000
Complete Men-Mayhem on Unending Refinement and achieve a 3,000 point score
Courage Test Ticket 100
Mora 30,000
Hero's Wit 2
Complete Men-Mayhem on Unending Refinement and achieve a 4,500 point score
Courage Test Ticket 60
Mora 30,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Incandescent Tempura[]

A Pyro brick-themed Akitsu Yuugei challenge. The bricks, at first glance, look like multiple sticks of incense, while also resembling a dish of tempura with both its ends dipped in red jam. To some extent, these visuals do share a common sense of satisfaction...

Complete "Haunted Tales" and "Gibbering Grumbler" to unlock.

Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Icon 1 Playful Leisure Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Icon 2 Unending Refinement
Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime 3a Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime 3b
  • Time Limit: 10:00
  • Brick Type
    Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Basic BrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Pyrobrick
  • Available Modifiers: 2
  • Time Limit: 02:30
  • Reserve Balls: 10
  • Brick Type
    Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Basic BrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime PyrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Nullbrick
  • Available Modifiers: 3
Objective Rewards
Complete Incandescent Tempura on Playful Leisure
Primogem 60
Courage Test Ticket 200
Mora 30,000
Complete Incandescent Tempura on Playful Leisure and achieve a 50 Combo count
Courage Test Ticket 100
Mora 30,000
Hero's Wit 2
Complete Incandescent Tempura on Unending Refinement and achieve a 1,500 point score
Primogem 60
Courage Test Ticket 200
Mora 30,000
Complete Men-Mayhem on Unending Refinement and achieve a 3,000 point score
Courage Test Ticket 100
Mora 30,000
Hero's Wit 2
Complete Men-Mayhem on Unending Refinement and achieve a 4,500 point score
Courage Test Ticket 60
Mora 30,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Ice in the Miso[]

A Cryo brick-themed Akitsu Yuugei challenge. The layout of the board here resembles an ever spinning bowl of miso soup with floating icebergs dotting its expanse. The taste must be heavenly...

Complete "Incandescent Tempura" to unlock.

Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Icon 1 Playful Leisure Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Icon 2 Unending Refinement
Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime 4a Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime 4b
  • Time Limit: 10:00
  • Brick Type
    Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Basic BrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime HydrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Cryobrick
  • Available Modifiers: 2
  • Time Limit: 02:30
  • Reserve Balls: 10
  • Brick Type
    Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Basic BrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime HydrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Cryobrick
  • Available Modifiers: 3
Objective Rewards
Complete Ice in the Miso on Playful Leisure
Primogem 60
Courage Test Ticket 200
Mora 30,000
Complete Ice in the Miso on Playful Leisure and achieve a 50 Combo count
Courage Test Ticket 100
Mora 30,000
Hero's Wit 2
Complete Ice in the Miso on Unending Refinement and achieve a 1,500 point score
Primogem 60
Courage Test Ticket 200
Mora 30,000
Complete Ice in the Miso on Unending Refinement and achieve a 3,000 point score
Courage Test Ticket 100
Mora 30,000
Hero's Wit 2
Complete Ice in the Miso on Unending Refinement and achieve a 4,500 point score
Courage Test Ticket 60
Mora 30,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Tricolor Dango Sweetness[]

An Akitsu Yuugei challenge that instills a great many Elemental effects into the bricks, making the environment of the board look akin to a yet-skewered tricolor dango mixed in with a few pieces of candy. The experience is guaranteed to be as sweet as it looks!

Complete "The Currents of Life" and "Deranged Decrepit Duelist" to unlock.

Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Icon 1 Playful Leisure Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Icon 2 Unending Refinement
Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime 5a Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime 5b
  • Time Limit: 10:00
  • Brick Type
    Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Basic BrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime HydrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime PyrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime ElectrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Cryobrick
  • Available Modifiers: 2
  • Time Limit: 02:30
  • Reserve Balls: 10
  • Brick Type
    Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Basic BrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime HydrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime PyrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime ElectrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime CryobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Nullbrick
  • Available Modifiers: 3
Objective Rewards
Complete Tricolor Dango Sweetness on Playful Leisure
Primogem 60
Courage Test Ticket 200
Mora 30,000
Complete Tricolor Dango Sweetness on Playful Leisure and achieve a 50 Combo count
Courage Test Ticket 100
Mora 30,000
Hero's Wit 2
Complete Tricolor Dango Sweetness on Unending Refinement and achieve a 1,500 point score
Primogem 60
Courage Test Ticket 200
Mora 30,000
Complete Tricolor Dango Sweetness on Unending Refinement and achieve a 3,000 point score
Courage Test Ticket 100
Mora 30,000
Hero's Wit 2
Complete Tricolor Dango Sweetness on Unending Refinement and achieve a 4,500 point score
Courage Test Ticket 60
Mora 30,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Elemental Jumbo[]

An Akitsu Yuugei challenge that instills a great many Elemental effects into the bricks and threatens to overwhelm the senses in a kaleidoscope of colors. When your Skill-Ball strikes a target, a wondrous chain reaction is sure to occur...
Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Icon 1 Playful Leisure Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Icon 2 Unending Refinement
Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime 6a Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime 6b
  • Time Limit: 10:00
  • Brick Type
    Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Basic BrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime HydrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime PyrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime ElectrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Cryobrick
  • Available Modifiers: 2
  • Time Limit: 02:30
  • Reserve Balls: 10
  • Brick Type
    Akitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Basic BrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime HydrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime PyrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime ElectrobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime CryobrickAkitsu Kimodameshi Leisurely Pastime Nullbrick
  • Available Modifiers: 3
Objective Rewards
Complete Elemental Jumbo on Playful Leisure
Primogem 60
Courage Test Ticket 200
Mora 30,000
Complete Elemental Jumbo on Playful Leisure and achieve a 50 Combo count
Courage Test Ticket 100
Mora 30,000
Hero's Wit 2
Complete Elemental Jumbo on Unending Refinement and achieve a 1,500 point score
Primogem 60
Courage Test Ticket 200
Mora 30,000
Complete Elemental Jumbo on Unending Refinement and achieve a 3,000 point score
Courage Test Ticket 100
Mora 30,000
Hero's Wit 2
Complete Elemental Jumbo on Unending Refinement and achieve a 4,500 point score
Courage Test Ticket 60
Mora 30,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
60Against the Invisible NetRealm of Tranquil EternityMystic Onmyou Chamber (combat), Hyakunin Ikki 2022-03-18, Misty Hills, Foggy Vales (combat), Hyakunin Ikki 2022-10-10, Leisurely Pastime, Warrior's Spirit, Fayz Trials: Hypothesis (challenge #2 and 6)
Combat, Domains, Special Gameplay
52The Everlasting TrailThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2Hyakunin Ikki 2021-09-02, Leisurely Pastime
 N/AUnnamed Leisurely Pastime Soundtrack 1N/ALeisurely Pastime

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishLeisurely Pastime
"Nonbiri Yuugei"
Korean「느긋한 놀이」
"Neugeuthan Nori"
"Leisurely Play"
SpanishDiversión desenfadadaLighthearted Diversion
FrenchYuugei décontractéLaidback Yuugei
VietnameseChế Độ Giải Trí
GermanLockerer Modus
IndonesianSerpihan MurniPure Fragments
PortugueseDiversão Descontraída
TurkishEğlence Modu
ItalianPassatempo rilassanteRelaxing Pastime