
Real algebraic geometry with a view toward Koopman operator methods. Abstracts from the workshop held March 12–17, 2023. (English) Zbl 1525.00020

Summary: This workshop was dedicated to the newest developments in real algebraic geometry and their interaction with convex optimization and operator theory. A particular effort was invested in exploring the interrelations with the Koopman operator methods in dynamical systems and their applications. The presence of researchers from different scientific communities enabled an interesting dialogue leading to new exciting and promising synergies.


00B05 Collections of abstracts of lectures
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
14-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to algebraic geometry
14Pxx Real algebraic and real-analytic geometry
12D15 Fields related with sums of squares (formally real fields, Pythagorean fields, etc.)
13J30 Real algebra
14M12 Determinantal varieties
14Q30 Computational real algebraic geometry
37M25 Computational methods for ergodic theory (approximation of invariant measures, computation of Lyapunov exponents, entropy, etc.)
44A60 Moment problems
46N10 Applications of functional analysis in optimization, convex analysis, mathematical programming, economics
47A57 Linear operator methods in interpolation, moment and extension problems
49M29 Numerical methods involving duality
49N35 Optimal feedback synthesis
52A20 Convex sets in \(n\) dimensions (including convex hypersurfaces)
52A27 Approximation by convex sets
52A41 Convex functions and convex programs in convex geometry
90C22 Semidefinite programming
90C25 Convex programming
90C26 Nonconvex programming, global optimization
93B28 Operator-theoretic methods
Full Text: DOI


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