
Interactions between algebraic geometry and noncommutative algebra. Abstracts from the workshop held May 1–7, 2022. (English) Zbl 1519.00017

Summary: This workshop was on the interactions between noncommutative algebra, representation theory and algebraic geometry. The major objective was to bring together researchers from those areas with the focus on topics and problems where geometric methods are prevalent.


00B05 Collections of abstracts of lectures
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
17-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to nonassociative rings and algebras
14-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to algebraic geometry
17A36 Automorphisms, derivations, other operators (nonassociative rings and algebras)
14A22 Noncommutative algebraic geometry
14D20 Algebraic moduli problems, moduli of vector bundles
16E35 Derived categories and associative algebras
Full Text: DOI


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[2] J. August, M. Cheung, E. Faber, S. Gratz and S. Schroll, Cluster structures for the A∞ singularity, in preparation.
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[37] G. Bellamy, A. Craw, and T. Schedler, Birational geometry of quiver varieties, in prepara-tion.
[38] G. Bellamy, Counting resolutions of symplectic quotient singularities, Compos. Math. 152 (2016), no. 1, 99-114. MR 3453389 · Zbl 1348.14033
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[44] D. Kaplan and T. Schedler, Crepant resolutions via gluing, in preparation.
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[50] Pieter Belmans, Chiara Damiolini, Hans Franzen, Victoria Hoskins, Svetlana Makarova, and Tuomas Tajakka. Projectivity and effective global generation of determinantal line bundles on quiver moduli, 2022. arXiv:2210.00033
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[53] Victoria Hoskins. Parallels between moduli of quiver representations and vector bundles over curves. SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl., 14:Paper No. 127, 46, 2018. · Zbl 1460.14030
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[59] Giovanni Cerulli Irelli, Francesco Esposito, Hans Franzen, and Markus Reineke. Cell de-compositions and algebraicity of cohomology for quiver Grassmannians. Advances in Math-ematics, 379:107544, March 2021. · Zbl 1490.16038
[60] Neil Chriss and Victor Ginzburg. Representation Theory and Complex Geometry. Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, 2010. · Zbl 1185.22001
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