
Vector-borne disease models with Lagrangian approach. (English) Zbl 1534.92073

Summary: We develop a multi-group and multi-patch model to study the effects of population dispersal on the spatial spread of vector-borne diseases across a heterogeneous environment. The movement of host and/or vector is described by Lagrangian approach in which the origin or identity of each individual stays unchanged regardless of movement. The basic reproduction number \(\mathcal{R}_0\) of the model is defined and the strong connectivity of the host-vector network is succinctly characterized by the residence times matrices of hosts and vectors. Furthermore, the definition and criterion of the strong connectivity of general infectious disease networks are given and applied to establish the global stability of the disease-free equilibrium. The global dynamics of the model system are shown to be entirely determined by its basic reproduction number. We then obtain several biologically meaningful upper and lower bounds on the basic reproduction number which are independent or dependent of the residence times matrices. In particular, the heterogeneous mixing of hosts and vectors in a homogeneous environment always increases the basic reproduction number. There is a substantial difference on the upper bound of \(\mathcal{R}_0\) between Lagrangian and Eulerian modeling approaches. When only host movement between two patches is concerned, the subdivision of hosts (more host groups) can lead to a larger basic reproduction number. In addition, we numerically investigate the dependence of the basic reproduction number and the total number of infected hosts on the residence times matrix of hosts, and compare the impact of different vector control strategies on disease transmission.


92D30 Epidemiology
34D23 Global stability of solutions to ordinary differential equations
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