
Multiple-scattering frequency-time hybrid solver for the wave equation in interior domains. (English) Zbl 1531.65208

Summary: This paper proposes a frequency-time hybrid solver for the time-dependent wave equation in two-dimensional interior spatial domains. The approach relies on four main elements, namely, (1) A multiple scattering strategy that decomposes a given interior time-domain problem into a sequence of limited-duration time-domain problems of scattering by overlapping open arcs, each one of which is reduced (by means of the Fourier transform) to a sequence of Helmholtz frequency-domain problems; (2) Boundary integral equations on overlapping boundary patches for the solution of the frequency-domain problems in point (1); (3) A smooth “Time-windowing and recentering” methodology that enables both treatment of incident signals of long duration and long time simulation; and, (4) A Fourier transform algorithm that delivers numerically dispersionless, spectrally-accurate time evolution for given incident fields. By recasting the interior time-domain problem in terms of a sequence of open-arc multiple scattering events, the proposed approach regularizes the full interior frequency domain problem – which, if obtained by either Fourier or Laplace transformation of the corresponding interior time-domain problem, must encapsulate infinitely many scattering events, giving rise to non-uniqueness and eigenfunctions in the Fourier case, and ill conditioning in the Laplace case. Numerical examples are included which demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed methodology.


65M80 Fundamental solutions, Green’s function methods, etc. for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs
35L05 Wave equation
65R20 Numerical methods for integral equations
65T50 Numerical methods for discrete and fast Fourier transforms


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