
Geometry of holomorphic mappings and Hölder continuity of the pluricomplex Green function. (English) Zbl 1470.32100

For each non empty compact set \(K\subset\mathbb C^N\) let \(V_K\) denote its Siciak extremal function, \(V_K(z):=\sup\{\varphi(z): \varphi\) is plurisubharmonic on \(\mathbb C^N\), \(\sup\{\varphi(w)-\log(1+|w|): w\in\mathbb C^N\}<+\infty\), and \(\varphi\leq0\) on \(K\}\), \(z\in\mathbb C^N\). We say that \(K\) has the HCP property if there exist \(\omega, \mu>0\) such that \(V_K(z)\leq\omega(\operatorname{dist}(z,K))^\mu\), for each \(z\in\mathbb C^N\) with \(\operatorname{dist}(z,K)\leq1\). We say that \(K\) satisfies Markov’s inequality if there exist \(\varepsilon, C>0\) such that for each polynomial \(Q\) of \(N\) variables we have \(\|\frac{\partial^{|\alpha|}Q}{\partial z_1^{\alpha_1}\cdots\partial z_N^{\alpha_N}}\|_K\leq C(\deg Q)^\varepsilon)^{|\alpha|} \|Q\|_K\), \(\alpha\in\mathbb N_0^N\). Let \(h:U\longrightarrow\mathbb C^{N'}\) be holomorphic, where \(U\) is open in \(\mathbb C^N\). Let \(U_\ast\) denote the union of those connected components \(S\) of \(U\) such that \(\operatorname{rank} d_\zeta h=N'\) for some \(\zeta\in S\). We say that \(h\) is nondenegerate if \(U_\ast=U\). The main results of the paper are the following theorems:
– Assume that \(K\) has the HCP property and \(\widehat K\subset U\). Then the following conditions are equivalent: (i) \(h(K)\) has the HCP property; (ii) \(V_{h(K)}\) is continuous; (iii) \(h(K)\subset (h(K\cap U_\ast))\widehat{\;}\).
– Assume that \(h\) is nondegenerate, \(K\) has the HCP property, and \(\widehat K\subset U\). Then \(h(K)\) has the HCP property.
– Assume that \(h\) is nondegenerate, \(K\) satisfies Markov’s inequality, \(\widehat K\subset U\), and \(h(K)\) is nonpluripolar. Then \(h(K)\) satisfies Markov’s inequality.


32U35 Plurisubharmonic extremal functions, pluricomplex Green functions
32U15 General pluripotential theory


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