
Fast conformal bootstrap and constraints on 3d gravity. (English) Zbl 1416.83070

Summary: The crossing equations of a conformal field theory can be systematically truncated to a finite, closed system of polynomial equations. In certain cases, solutions of the truncated equations place strict bounds on the space of all unitary CFTs. We describe the conditions under which this holds, and use the results to develop a fast algorithm for modular bootstrap in 2d CFT. We then apply it to compute spectral gaps to very high precision, find scaling dimensions for over a thousand operators, and extend the numerical bootstrap to the regime of large central charge, relevant to holography. This leads to new bounds on the spectrum of black holes in three-dimensional gravity. We provide numerical evidence that the asymptotic bound on the spectral gap from spinless modular bootstrap, at large central charge \(c\), is \( {\Delta}_1 \lesssim c/9.1 \).


83C80 Analogues of general relativity in lower dimensions
81T40 Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics
83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field
83C57 Black holes




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