Potato Tree

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This article documents an April Fools' Day joke. 
This feature was exclusively part of a joke version and is not currently planned for addition to regular Minecraft.

A potato tree is a type of tree found in the Potato Dimension, added in 24w14potato. It can be harvested for potato stems and potato fruits.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Potato trees vary greatly in size. The smaller trees resemble jungle bushes. The larger trees can be over 50 blocks tall and often have the shape of several acacia trees stacked on top of each other. A unique feature of potato trees is that they grow potato fruits, which hang from potato pedicules, like lanterns hanging from chains. These pedicules can be found hanging from stems or leaves in the upper parts of any potato tree.

Potato trees come in 3 variants, but don't have a display name. There is the regular potato tree (code name: potato_tree), the tall potato tree (larger than the regular tree, has the code name: potato_tree_tall), and the mother potato tree (the largest tree, with the code name: mother_potato_tree).

Generation[edit | edit source]

Potato trees spawn naturally in the Potato dimension. They cover most of the corruption biome, and can be seen more rarely in arboretum.

Potato trees can also be grown from potato sprouts, although this sapling-like block does not grow into a tree on its own; bone meal must be applied in order for it to grow, similarly to fungi. Potato trees share more similarities with huge fungi: they aren't flammable, and they generate additional blocks (beyond stems and leaves) that emit light, the potato fruit.

However, unlike huge fungi, potato trees can sometimes generate with bee nests. Also, unlike an oak tree, generating a bee nest does not require the potato tree or sprout to be within proximity of a flower.

Data values[edit | edit source]

ID[edit | edit source]

Configured featureIdentifier
EnvSprite tree.png: Sprite image for tree in Minecraft [No displayed name]potato_tree
Configured featureIdentifier
EnvSprite tree.png: Sprite image for tree in Minecraft [No displayed name]potato_tree_tall
Configured featureIdentifier
EnvSprite tree.png: Sprite image for tree in Minecraft [No displayed name]mother_potato_tree

History[edit | edit source]

Java Edition
24w14potato Added potato trees.

Issues[edit | edit source]

Issues relating to "Potato Tree" are not maintained on the bug tracker because it is an April Fools' joke, and is therefore not in the newest stable version or snapshot. Issues reported there are closed as "Invalid".

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]