Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Pollux.

Pollux[1] (or Beta Geminorum[2]) was a star with an associated star system, located in the Orion sector[3] and Sirius sector block[3] of the galaxy's Beta Quadrant,[2] in Federation[3] space. (TOS episode: "Who Mourns for Adonais?"; ST reference: Star Charts; STO - Tutorial mission: "Communication Breakdown")

Pollux was around 33 light-years from Earth, where it is visible as part of the constellation of Gemini. Pollux was a K0IIIb class orange star, an orange giant. (ST reference: Star Charts)

History and specifics[]


The K-type orange giant Pollux in 2410.

The Federation starships USS Pollux, including the Pollux-class, were named for this location.

The orbiting star system at Pollux contained the planet Pollux II. (TOS comic: "All of Me")

The Pollux system was the location of the planet Pollux IV. That class M planet and the rest of the system were surveyed by the USS Enterprise in the year 2267. They met Apollo, last of the Beings, who became romantically involved with crewmember Carolyn Palamas before dissolving himself into the wind. (TOS episode: "Who Mourns for Adonais?")

The star system at Pollux contained the planet Pollux V. (TOS video game: 25th Anniversary)

In TNG video game: Birth of the Federation, the orbital configuration of the game map star systems was randomly generated each time a new game started. Neither were any history or specifics are established for this location in Starfleet Command III, as its name was arbitrarily selected for a Federation system on the game map by the game software, with random attributes.

In 2409, the Borg Collective returned to local space and erected a transwarp gate in the orbit of Pollux IV. The USS Khitomer was left damaged. Its recovery effort was aided by the USS Chimera. Captain Nog and a field-promoted lieutenant in command of the late Captain Masc Taggart's frigate investigated the Borg presence and engaged waves of Borg spheres and Borg probes until the Khitomer and Pollux were safe. (STO - Tutorial mission: "Communication Breakdown")

System makeup[]

Pollux (Beta Geminorum, K0IIIb type orange giant star, primary)

A planet at in the system is a Red planet rich in Tritanium. (TOS board game: Catan – Federation Space)



Andorian stars and star systems
Andorian home system (Epsilon Indi) Federation icon image. the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
25 Canis Majoris • 78 Geminorum • 94 Leonis • Aemusa 885 • Alpha Quarram • Antipathy • Baran • Beta Forminia • Beta Geminorum • Beta Indi • Beta Leonis • Beta Rosa • Delta Canaris/Delta Canis Majoris • Denebola • Dundee • Eloras 375 • Epsilon Indar • Epsilon Keva • Gamma Eta Dara • Gamma Indus 552 • Jarovalla • Jaxsen • Jidop • Kadass • K'Kronn • Parim 758 • Pollux • Scorpi Maxima • Tau Anacrilus • Tau Tauri • Telcosus • Thalak • Thalassa • Tharsis • Thonolan • Threllvia • Trilith • Vorna • Wezen • Zeta Minoris
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (P)
P4T-16 Singularity • Paegan • Padora • Paggaru • Pagox • Pal's Star • Palgrenax • Palimer • Pallas 14 • Pallas 785 • Pallus • Palvarlion • Pandira • Pan'neth • Pantera • Paradane • Paradox • Paramindas 575 • Paranon • Pareleon • Pari • Parides • Parka • Parlur • Parmun • Parox • Parras • Parsentes • Parsion • Parvo • Parvok • Parziun • Pasadoran • Pasara Majoris • Pascal • Pasha • Patera • Patra Tor • Patria • Patton • Pava • Pedara • Pele Vortex • Pelham • Pelione • Pella • Pel'vor • Pelavos • Pelkaid • Pellion • Pem • Penchan • Penrek • Penta Dora • Penta Elva • Penta Gara • Penta Kiren • Penta Lema • Penta Mela • Penta Mori • Penta Viri • Pentam • Pentara • Pentarus • Pentis • Pentox • Penvada • Peralax • Perena • Peripon • Pernen • Perren • Perrex • Perriaz • Perrien • Perseant Alpha • Per'teth • Perxier • Petra • Peyoris • Peyra • Phad • Phaedus • Phara • Pharos 625 • Phax • Phenro • Pherod • Phi • Phi Delta • Phi Kappa • Phi Puma • Phicus • Phidian • Phillo'tok • Phi Unicornis • Phon'tek • Phriden • Phygma • Piachi • Pilar • Pilar • Pildera • Pilkor • Pinav • Pinikou • Piras Zeta • Pirzon • Piser • Pit of Gilgamesh • Pitcara Prime • Pithecus Majorus • Pi'vara • Pledora • Plemox • Pleth'ra • Pluro • Pochian • Poketa • Polidex • Polin • Polira • Pollox • Pol'tara • Polluxara • Pol'vadi • Polydorus • Polymax • Po'mek • Ponzox • Porabon • Porrima • Porsuk • Porxien • Posara • Posel • Posell • Poservoz • Poth'mek • Pran • Praetus • Pravian • Preficon • Prentu • Prezan • Primidara • Priox • Prometheus • Protari • Proteus • Protof • Providence • Proxman • Proxus • PSR 418-D/1015.3 • Pukier • Pulol • Puniex • Puriaz • Putak • Puxam • Puxas • PX1N4-152 Singularity • Pyra • Pyren • Pyrimiis • Pyris Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (P) Pegasus Major • Peliar Zel • Pelios • Pentath • Penthara • Persephone • Peyit • Portas • Prexnak • Priam • Prijipati • Prosenna • Psi-5 Aurigae • Psi Serpentis • Pyrellia • Pyrithia Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (P) p Eridani • Pagh • Pahvo • Pallor • Parsus Indi • Paxar • Peren • Perithees • Phardos • Pheben • Phi Virginis • Phylos • Pi Hydrae • Pi Mensae • Pi-3 Orionis • Pictae • P'Jem • Pollus • Pollux • P'rang • Priors • Procyon • Procyon A • Proxima • Proxima Canaris • Psi Cancri • Psi Velorum Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (0-9)
00 Raskae Majoris • 5 Arietis • 6 Arietis • 6-15 • 6-23 • 7 Ursae Minoris • 12 Lyncis • 13 Arietis • 19 Tauri • 22 Hydrae • 22 Ophiuchi • 25 Tauri • 34 Kraol • 37 Cassiopeiae • 43 Aquarii • 43 Geminorum • 47 Draconis • 55 Terae Majoris • 56 Arietis • 57 Arietis • 61 Ursae Majoris • 66 Imora • 74 Tauri • 77 Ursae Majoris • 78.56/3.54/23.44 • 83 Beta • 89 Mell Majoris • 90 Milenae Majoris • 99 Pegasi • 114 Delta • 114 Trianguli • 128 Trianguli • 334 Scorpii • 415 Arietis • 780 Arietis • 4725 Cancri • System 330 • System 7348 the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (0-9) 1 Herculis • 2 Ophiuchi • 3 Coronae Borealis • 4 Aurigae • 5 Coronae Borealis • 6 Delphini • 7 Aurigae • 7 Delphini • 8 Aurigae • 8 Canum Venaticorum • 10 Canum Venaticorum • 10 Lyrae • 11 Lacerti • 12 Canum Venaticorum • 12 Draconis • 13 Aurigae • 13 Draconis • 14 Draconis • 14 Lyrae • 15 Lyncis • 15 Sagittae • 15 Virginis • 16 Boötis • 16 Ceti • 16 Cygni • 17 Andromedae • 17 Aquilae • 17 Piscis Austrini • 18 Cygni • 20 Draconis • 20 Lyrae • 21 Andromedae (21 Andromedae A • 21 Andromedae B) • 21 Boötis • 23 Draconis • 23 Serpentis • 24 Cassiopeiae • 26 Pegasi • 27 Boötis • 27 Herculis • 27 Ophiuchi • 30 Boötis • 31 Aquilae • 33 Aurigae • 33 Draconis • 34 Aquarii • 34 Aurigae • 35 Ophiuchi • 37 Cygni • 37 Serpentis • 38 Sagittarii • 40 Capricorni • 42 Boötis • 43 Andromedae • 44 Persei • 46 Andromedae • 50 Aquilae • 50 Cygni • 50 Serpentis • 51 Pegasi • 53 Aquarii • 53 Aquilae • 56 Aurigae • 57 Andromedae • 57 Serpentis • 59 Aquarii • 61 Cygni • 61 Draconis • 63 Draconis • 65 Herculis • 70 Ophiuchi • 86 Ceti • 92 Herculis • 94 Aquarii • 99 Herculis • 112 Tauri • 218 Persei • 329 Aurigae • 492 Lyncis • 1440 Ophiuchi (1440 Ophiuchi B) • 1616 Ophiuchi • 1865 Serpens • 4408 Trianguli the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (0-9) 1 Centauri • 1 Corvi • 1 Orionis • 2 Corvi • 3 Canis Minoris • 3 Eridani • 4 Leonis • 5 Virginis ��� 7 Crateris • 8 Monocerotis • 10 Canis Minoris • 11 Hydrae • 13 Crateris • 13 Eridani • 13 Leporis • 14 Cancri • 14 Eridani • 14 Leonis • 15 Leporis • 16 Cancri • 17 Circini • 17 Pavonis • 18 Eridani • 19 Canis Majoris • 20 Librae • 23 Eridani • 24 Geminorum • 24 Leonis • 24 Orionis • 25 Canis Majoris • 26 Monocerotis • 26–27 Crucis • 27 Geminorum • 30 Hydrae • 31 Canaris / 31 Canis Majoris • 32 Pictoris • 34 Crucis • 34 Eridani • 34 Fornacis • 36 Leonis • 38 Eridani • 38 Lyncis • 40 Eridani (40 Eridani A • 40 Eridani B • 40 Eridani C) • 43 Pavonis • 46 Orionis • 54 Geminorum • 54 Orionis • 59 Eridani • 65 Cancri • 65 Fornacis • 66 Geminorum • 67 Eridani • 67 Virginis • 70 Leonis • 70 Ophiucus • 74 Orionis • 75 Geminorum • 78 Geminorum • 78 Pavonis • 82 Eridani • 83 Leonis (83 Leonis A • 83 Leonis B) • 87 Tauri • 88 Eridani • 88 Pavonis • 89 Carinae • 94 Leonis • 111 Pavonis • 113 Pavonis • 127 Scorpii • 128 Pavonis • 128 Trianguli • 198 Eridani • 1020 Octantis • 1212 Muscae • 4403 Pavonis the galaxy's Beta Quadrant icon image.
Stars, systems and objects of the Gemini constellation
37 Geminorum (Kantare) • Alpha Geminorum (Castor) • Beta Geminorum (Pollux) • Delta Geminorum (Goren) • Epsilon Geminorum • Gamma Geminorum (Alhena) • Iota Geminorum (Tribble system) • Kappa Geminorum • Lambda Geminorum • Rho Geminorum (Preenos) • Sigma Geminorum • Xi Geminorum (Alzirr) • Zeta Geminorum (Maximilian)



In the limited license RPG publications of Star Fleet Universe/Star Fleet Battles, the module "The Coming of the Meteor"SFU had Pollux IXSFU, the ninth planet of this system, as the site of USS Kongo Captain Phil Kosnett's decisive victory over a Klingon sabotage plot to navigate a meteor to impact a Federation industrial colony. The game assigned the Pollux system's locations as sector 2213.


External links[]
