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Yoh (Japanese: You) is an open-world NPC located in Inazuma City, Inazuma.

Upon completing Home Lies Over the Ocean, following a certain dialogue branch at night for the first time gives the player the player a Lucky Dog's Clover.



Yoh is the husband of Michiru and the father to Atsuko.


(To be added.)

Quests and Events[]

World Quests

Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle It will be fine...
Media:VO Yoh 01.ogg "Don't worry. Atsuko will be fine."
After completing Home Lies Over the Ocean
Icon Dialogue Idle Atsuko...
Media:VO Yoh 02.ogg "*sigh* Atsuko... You have to return home safely."
After completing Transient Dreams
Icon Dialogue Idle I knew it!
Media:VO Yoh 03.ogg "*sigh* Atsuko's safe and sound, I knew we had nothing to worry about..."
Icon Dialogue Idle Oh, Atsuko...
Media:VO Yoh 04.ogg "Oh, Atsuko, I hope you won't leave again..."


Dialogue Set #1[]

Available before completing Home Lies Over the Ocean.

(During daytime)
Michiru: Ah, my daughter has fled the country for some time now. I wonder how she's doing...
Yoh: Eh, you're going on about that again, are you?
Michiru: How could you say that? I don't even know if she is getting by or not. I wonder if she's alright...
Yoh: Didn't I tell you that someone saw her in Liyue? Just stop talking about it already.
Michiru: I know, I know. But not having seen her in person, I'm still worried...
Yoh: Just relax. She'll be okay. She is our daughter, after all!
Yoh: Our daughter has been independent since she was little. She knows how to take care of herself. She started cooking for herself at the age of seven or eight. Why, by the time she was a teenager, she could already sail out to sea by herself.
Yoh: She enjoys being free and traveling around. She must have been really unhappy at being trapped in Inazuma.
Michiru: But...
Yoh: Trust me, she'll be fine. She is out of the country, living a free and happy life. She's probably made new friends already.
Yoh: She most likely doesn't write letters to us because she doesn't want the government to find out and bring us trouble.
Yoh: Yes, that must be it...
(During nighttime)
Yoh: Youngster, are you also away from your parents and traveling abroad?
Yoh: My daughter would be about your age. She's also alone and abroad...
Icon Dialogue Talk May I ask about your daughter?
Yoh: My daughter's name is Atsuko. She left home to seek freedom and hasn't returned yet.
Yoh: She's been a tough girl since she was young, longing for a free and independent life. Ever since the Sakoku Decree took effect, she became more and more unhappy. I just knew that she would leave, and she did eventually do so...
Yoh: Although I know what my daughter is capable of, I'm still worried about her as her father...
Icon Dialogue Talk I've met someone by that name in Liyue.
Yoh: R—Really? Is she about this tall, with short hair?
Yoh: Ahh, excellent. Excellent! If it really is her, I should really thank the Liyue adepti for protecting her...
Yoh: Oh no, I should thank you, too. Thank you for bringing us news of her.
Yoh: Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful...
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Yoh: See you. I really hope that I can see my baby girl soon...

Dialogue Set #2[]

Available after completing Home Lies Over the Ocean.

(During daytime)
Michiru: Ah, my daughter has fled the country for some time now. I wonder how she's doing...
Yoh: Now, now, didn't our daughter say so in her letter? She's doing well! We don't have to worry.
Michiru: But... She might've been fine when she wrote this letter, but how can we be sure that she didn't encounter any trouble afterward?
Michiru: Not having seen her in person, I can't help but be worried...
Yoh: Just relax. She'll be okay. She is our daughter, after all!
Yoh: Our daughter has been independent since she was little. She knows how to take care of herself. She started cooking for herself at the age of seven or eight. Why, by the time she was a teenager, she could already sail out to sea by herself.
Yoh: She enjoys being free and traveling around. She must have been really unhappy at being trapped in Inazuma.
Michiru: But...
Yoh: Trust me, she'll be fine. She is out of the country, living a free and happy life. She's probably made new friends already.
Yoh: Whenever you think of her, take her letter out and read it again.
Yoh: If our daughter knew how much you worry about her every day, she would be troubled, too.
(During nighttime)
Yoh: Ah, it's you, Traveler. How have you been?
Yoh: Since you're traveling alone, please watch out for your own safety...
Icon Dialogue Talk So, about your daughter...
Yoh: My daughter Atsuko has been a free-spirited girl since she was young. Ever since the Sakoku Decree took effect, she became more and more unhappy.
Yoh: Soon, she left us and started traveling abroad.
Yoh: However, Atsuko came home just a while back.
Yoh: Her mother and I were so happy during those few days. The girl we were looking forward to seeing finally came back. It was like a dream.
Yoh: Sadly, she didn't stay long before leaving. She probably left to travel some more.
Yoh: Our girl is all grown up now. She has her own view of the world. Guess we can't keep her here forever...
Icon Dialogue Talk About the letter...
Yoh: You mean that letter? It almost caused a misunderstanding back then, and I apologize for that.
Yoh: After our daughter left again, that letter constantly reminds me and her mother of her.
Yoh: I often take it out and read it. Thank you so much for bringing the letter to us. Thank you, truly.
Icon Dialogue Reward You're welcome.
Yoh: Thank you for the effort that you put in to bring this letter to us. Please accept this charm as a token of gratitude.
Yoh: When I look at you, I'm reminded of Atsuko... May the Electro Archon protect you in your journeys ahead.
(Obtain 3★ Lucky Dog's Clover Lucky Dog's Clover)
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Yoh: Goodbye. I really hope that I can see my little girl soon...

Dialogue Set #3[]

Available after completing Transient Dreams.

(During daytime)
Michiru: After waiting for so long, our daughter has finally returned home!
Yoh: Well, you look happy.
Michiru: Our daughter has returned! Of course I, her mother, am happy! Aren't you?
Yoh: Of course I am! But you need to stop pulling her aside to tell her all sorts of things. She'll get sick of it!
Michiru: ...Atsuko's been gone so long... There's so much I want to talk to her about.
Yoh: Well, keep talking, then. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? That she might leave once she tires of your yakking?
Michiru: Hah! Don't you try to scare me. I've already thought all this through.
Michiru: Since she likes exploring so much, we should just let her — all I ask is that she sends us letters to tell us how she's doing.
Michiru: I mean, it will still get a little lonely when she's not around...
Yoh: Come on, you'll still have me!
Michiru: Hah, as if that's the same thing.
(During nighttime)
Yoh: Ah, it's you, Traveler. How have you been?
Yoh: Since you're traveling alone, please watch out for your own safety...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm fine.
Yoh: That's good, that's good. Every time I look at you, I'm reminded of our Atsuko.
Yoh: She's definitely settled down a lot, and she's far better at doing the household chores as well.
Yoh: She doesn't want to tell us much about it, but I can guess that she's had her fair share of hardships out there.
Yoh: You don't seem that old yourself, Traveler, and yet you're always out abroad...
Yoh: I know that you're no ordinary person... but still, do be careful.
Yoh: Make more friends while you're out there, sure, but be sure to keep your eyes watchful. You'll avoid coming to grief that way.
Yoh: Hah, look at me nagging at you. Just like our girl's mother!
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's talk about Atsuko...
Yoh: Ah, Atsuko. She's never been one for restrictions.
Yoh: That she loves to roam was something that I had expected. But still, I suppose worrying is a parent's natural reaction.
Yoh: There's just nothing for it, you know? Our girl is all grown up now. She has her own way of seeing the world.
Yoh: ...Honestly, I think it's good for her. I'll be fine so long as she writes us from time to time just to let us know she's safe.
Yoh: And if she can come back to see us often like she's doing now? That would be a bonus.
Icon Dialogue Talk About the other "Atsuko"...
Yoh: Ah yes, speaking of that... That was certainly a strange incident. When Atsuko came back, she told us that the "Atsuko" who had returned home previously wasn't her.
Yoh: That other girl certainly was a bit different from our daughter, but you know what? Other than her unusually large appetite, "she" was a nice girl.
Yoh: It's just too bad that "she" left in such a hurry. I didn't have time to thank her at all.
Yoh: It must have been hard work bringing back all those fruits and seeds every day while she was staying with us.
Yoh: I wonder if "she" and Atsuko will ever have an opportunity to meet...
Icon Dialogue Reward Thanks for your concern.
Yoh: You're welcome.
Yoh: Thank you for having brought that letter to us from so far away. It can't have been easy.
Yoh: Please, take this talisman with you. May the Great Narukami watch over your steps.
(Obtain 3★ Lucky Dog's Clover Lucky Dog's Clover)
Icon Dialogue Talk See you around.
Yoh: Goodbye, Traveler.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name



Change History[]

Version 2.5

Version 2.0

  • Yoh was released.

