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Confirm quest requirements for the dialogue option "Could you tell me about your family?"

Venier is an open-world NPC located in Petrichor, Nostoi Region, Fontaine.

Venier's dialogue and appearance change after completing the World Quest Series Canticles of Harmony. During the quest, he is possessed by an unnamed citizen from Remuria.


Quests and Events[]

Hidden Exploration Objectives

Idle Quotes[]

Available after completing Trial of the Nameless Stone Statue and before completing Canticles of Harmony.

Icon Dialogue Idle Do not be complacent...
Media:VO Venier 01.ogg "Do not be complacent, citizens! They could attack at any time!"

Available after completing Trial of the Nameless Stone Statue and Canticles of Harmony.

Icon Dialogue Idle So tired...
Media:VO Venier 02.ogg "So tired... my arm hurts...


Dialogue Set #1[]

Available after completing Trial of the Nameless Stone Statue and before completing Canticles of Harmony.

Venier: A hundred and thirty-six... Alright, fourteen more times, and we'll take a break!
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you doing?
Venier: Hehe, training, of course! Only through constant exercise of the body and soul can I defend this city and destroy the detestable barbarian invaders.
Venier: And at the same time, prove myself to the Sebastos as worthy of ascension!
Icon Dialogue Talk Eligibility of ascension, you say?
Venier: That's right. Those who wish to ascend must either possess extraordinary musical talent, or have proven themselves through equally outstanding achievements and loyalty.
Venier: I've not demonstrated much musically in my life, so I can only secure ascension through ceaseless training!
Icon Dialogue Talk I wish you success!
Venier: Haha, thank you for the encouragement, friend! I, too, wish for the Sebastos to choose you to ascend to immortal form!
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Venier: See you. Careful out there, now!

Dialogue Set #2[]

Available after completing Canticles of Harmony.

Venier: So tired... My arm hurts... It's like someone hit it, or something.
Icon Dialogue Talk Would anyone dare to fight you?
Venier: Ah, my friend! Where did you learn to judge a book by its cover so?
Venier: I am a musician, you see! These arms are most elegant when they pluck a lyre's strings, I assure you.
Venier: Although I do not know why, though I was exhausted after waking up from a lengthy dream, my arms now feel like they have been granted manifold strength.
Venier: I've never been this tired, not even when I would play the lyre without rest or sleep.
Venier: It seems that I shall have to return to Capitolium to get some rest...
Icon Dialogue Talk What's the Capitolium?
Venier: Capitolium? Why, it's... it's... Wait. Where is it again?
Venier: Strange. Why did that word suddenly leave my lips? It's as if it was my hometown, where my family is.
Venier: *sigh* Alas, but I no longer have any family.
Venier: If this Capitolium is some dream world or the afterlife, may I reunite with them there!
Icon Dialogue Talk Sorry for your loss...
Venier: Grief will not simply disappear. We can only let it slowly fade.
Venier: I once thought the world unjust for this reason, but will any amount of that change the past?
Venier: The more I can commit to the Iridescence Tour, the fewer opportunities there will be for sorrow.
Venier: Perhaps Dvorak, bless his good heart, was just trying to help me get on my feet when he asked for my assistance with the festival!
Icon Dialogue Talk Could you tell me about your family?
(Unlocked after completing Transcription missing[Possibly As Light Rain Falls Without Reason])
Venier: My daughter inherited my musical gifts, and we were to perform at the Opera Epiclese together.
Venier: But I... lost her in the dissolved young women case...
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Venier: Goodbye. Sorry, but I can't even... wave goodbye to you properly.



  • The name Venier is a reference to the Venetian patrician family Venier.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]
