Main article: Ornamental Fish
There are certain lively and more valuable specimens of each fish species known as Ornamental Fish, and Fishing Areas with such fish at them will have more obvious ripples effects.
There are certain lively and more valuable specimens of each fish species known as Ornamental Fish, and Fishing Areas with such fish at them will have more obvious ripples effects.
There are certain lively and more valuable specimens of each fish species known as Ornamental Fish, and Fishing Areas with such fish at them will have more obvious ripples effects.
Ornamental Fish can be raised in a Pool of Sapphire Grace within your Serenitea Pot. You can obtain the blueprint for building the Pool at the Fishing Association in Liyue.
Ornamental Fish can be raised in a Pool of Sapphire Grace within your Serenitea Pot. You can obtain the blueprint for building the Pool at the Fishing Association in Liyue.
Ornamental Fish can be raised in a Pool of Sapphire Grace within your Serenitea Pot. You can obtain the blueprint for building the Pool at the Fishing Association in Liyue.