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Transparent Ruins Record (I) is a Quest Item obtained from a chest in the transparent ruins northwest of the Hypostyle Desert Statue of The Seven and southeast of the Dune of Carouses.

The three Transparent Ruins Records are submitted to Soheil during the World Quest Invisible Barrier in Series Old Notes and New Friends.


Record of Leaves of Absence

Conscription of slaves from the city of Gurabad.
By command of Parvezravan, the Spirit of Victory, and by the grace of Al-Ahmar, we were able to build a pleasure garden here to provide 500 deserving men at a time with brief repose.

The slaves should be adequately fed, clothed, and provided with daily recreation, so that rebellion may be avoided.
The positions of fighting slaves, soldiers, and physicians must be filled so as to deal with unexpected problems.
We must be ensure that construction sites be installed with shops, dormitories, infirmaries, liquor shops, and cemeteries, and that free wrestling performances be held every seven days as a privilege for slaves.
Wealthy slaves should be allowed to hire serfs to share their toil, or to purchase their own slaves. However, should this affect law and order at the site and delay the progress of the construction project, the slaves of these slaves shall be executed, and their owners shall be given double the punishment.
Slave wages shall be paid in silver, and each supervising officer shall pay out the wages according to rank.

Dispatch the strong to lay pillar foundations for the flower garden.
Dispatch the skillful to carve patterns in the base of the pillars.
Dispatch the clever to design and prepare the furnishings for the people who shall come.
Dispatch the meticulous to prepare delicacies for the able who will surely come.
The remaining slaves are to be sent to break the rocky mountains into stones, cut trees into logs, and build the roofs with their strength.
It should not take more than twenty days from the excavation of the first shovelful of earth to the planting of the last flower.

Engrave the causes for laxness,
So that the generations who come after may know of such preposterous conduct,
And that even the most lax of workers may remain alert and ask to do more blessed labor.

Day 1
The wise man named Nefumat cried out that his residence had caught fire for reasons unknown, rendering him unable to contribute his wisdom. He took leave for one day.

Day 7
Three people were scorched by the radiant sun, and they took one day off.

Day 10
The wise man named Nefumat cried out that he had forgotten to shut the windows of his residence, and the sand had piled up to his ankles. He was unable to offer wisdom and took leave for one day.

Day 14
Four people were choked by sweeping sand, and they took one day off.

Day 18
The wise man called Nefumat cried out that he had eaten bread left for more than 500 days by mistake and was experiencing pain in his belly. He was unable to offer wisdom and took leave for one day.

Day 21
Ten people were scorched by the radiant sun, and they took one day off.

Day 25
The wise man called Nefumat cried out once again that the weather was hot and he could not sleep at night, causing his mind to grow drowsy. He took leave for one day.
This person was not incapable of contributing knowledge but was unwilling to do so. Should they offend again, they will be expelled from the city of Gurabad.

Day 26
Nefumat fled.

Day 27
Four people were crushed by a boulder. Surely this is because some insolent soul insulted Al-Ahmar. The divination has yielded dire portents. Work has been stopped.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishTransparent Ruins Record (I)
Tòumíng Yíjì de Jìlù - Qí Yī
Tòumíng Yíjī de Jìlù - Qí Yī
Toumei Iseki no Kiroku - Sono Ichi
Korean투명 유적 기록・첫 번째
Tumyeong Yujeok Girok - Cheot Beonjjae
SpanishRegistro de las Ruinas Transparentes (I)
FrenchRegistre des ruines transparentes I
RussianЗаписи Прозрачных руин I
Zapisi Prozrachnykh ruin I
Thaiบันทึกโบราณสถานโปร่งแสง (I)
VietnameseGhi Chép Của Di Tích Trong Suốt I
GermanAufzeichnungen der durchsichtigen Ruinen I
IndonesianCatatan Transparent Ruin (I)
PortugueseRegistro de Ruínas Transparentes (I)
TurkishŞeffaf Harabeler Kaydı (I)
ItalianTestimonianza sulle Rovine trasparenti (I)

Change History[]

Version 3.2
  • The English localization made a grammatical adjustment:
    • Old: Wealthy slaves should be allowed hire serfs [...]
    • New: Wealthy slaves should be allowed to hire serfs [...]

Version 3.1

  • Transparent Ruins Record (I) was released.