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Takatsukasa Tokibeitetsu (Japanese: 鷹司時兵衛徹 Takatsukasa Tokibeitetsu) is an enemy-only Yoriki Samurai fought in the Archon Quest Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage in Chapter II: Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals domain Tenryou Commission Headquarters.


Takatsukasa Tokibeitetsu is a member of the Takatsukasa Clan, a subordinate clan to the Kujou Clan, the head of the Tenryou Commission. Tokibeitetsu himself is the head of Internal Affairs, and serves as a bodyguard for Tenryou Commissioner Kujou Takayuki.

After Kujou Sara learns of her adoptive father's collusion with the Fatui and his deliberately misleading letters regarding the war's progress, she angrily charges into the Tenryou Commission Headquarters alongside the Traveler to confront him. There, Tokibeitetsu is the last of Takayuki's guards to confront them, but is defeated alongside the others.[1]


Tokibeitetsu takes the appearance of a Yoriki Samurai.

Quests and Events[]

Archon Quests[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishTakatsukasa Tokibeitetsu
Yīngsī Shíbīngwèichè
Yīngsī Shíbīngwèichè
Takatsukasa Tokibeitetsu
Korean타카츠카사 토키베이테츠
Takacheukasa Tokibeitecheu
SpanishTakatsukasa Tokibeitetsu
FrenchTakatsukasa Tokibeitetsu
RussianТакацукаса Токибэйтэцу
Takatsukasa Tokibeytetsu
ThaiTakatsukasa Tokibeitetsu
VietnameseBinh Lính Takatsukasa
GermanTakatsukasa Tokibeitetsu
IndonesianTakatsukasa Tokibeitetsu
PortugueseTakatsukasa Tokibeitetsu
TurkishTakatsukasa Tokibeitetsu
ItalianTakatsukasa Tokibeitetsu

Change History[]


  1. Archon Quest, Chapter II, Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals, Part 6: Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage