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Shigeru (Japanese: ) is an open-world NPC located in Inazuma City, Inazuma.



Shigeru is an editor at the Yae Publishing House. He manages Junkichi, the author of the Onibudou novel series. Shigeru is most often at odds with Junkichi thanks to the latter's writing style, which Shigeru actively discourages him from using; these pleas often fall on deaf ears, annoying Shigeru to no end. Junkichi attempts to find some novels with the Traveler to use as "anti-benchmarks" against Shigeru's preferred writing style, complaining about Shigeru's lack of creative freedom; these novels are well-liked by Shigeru due to their consistent writing with Shigeru lecturing Junkichi on this, irking the latter further.

Thanks to Junkichi's writing style, Onibudou experiences a significant drop in popularity; fearing its cancelation, Shigeru asks the Traveler to conduct a survey with the readers of Onibudou to figure out the reason for the novel's drop in popularity. The survey is concluded to the sight of an extremely depressed Junkichi, now aware of the reason behind the novel's drop in popularity; Shigeru opines that it was probably the right time for him to get a reality check regarding his writing style.

Fed up of Junkichi's constant antics, Shigeru requests the Traveler to act as Junkichi's ninja character as another reality check; by the end of this, Junkichi realizes how confusing his story has become thanks to his writing style and endeavors to take that advice for his future stories.


(To be added.)

Quests and Events[]

Story Quests

World Quests


Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle No. Stop...
Media:VO Shigeru 01.ogg "No. Stop adding weird abilities to the characters!"
During Hues of the Violet Garden
Icon Dialogue Idle Absolutely not...
Media:VO Shigeru Irodori 01.ogg "Absolutely not, could you stop adding random bits?"


Junkichi: ...And at that moment, klang! Time stops!
Shigeru: Wait, stop...
Junkichi: Exactly! Time stops, and then...
Shigeru: No, I mean "stop." I didn't mean "stopping time"...
Junkichi: Oh, you don't think a time-stop will do? What about invisibility? That sounds good too.
Shigeru: Argh, just listen here, you!
Junkichi: Huh?
Shigeru: Doesn't this character already have a boatload of super powers? If we add another, it will ruin the whole thing!
Junkichi: But...
Shigeru: No buts! Think, man, think!
Junkichi: Okay, okay... Aaand poof, there goes my inspiration all of a sudden.
Junkichi: I mean, come on, my gut tells me that we should give him the ability to stop time right here!
Junkichi: Why don't you think this over, instead?
Shigeru: Ugh, this is so exhausting...

Event Dialogue[]

Hues of the Violet Garden[]

(Talk to Junkichi or Shigeru)
Junkichi: Ugh, this deadline... There's no way I'll make it.
Junkichi: How about I just do a short story in a parallel universe, just to get something in for the festival, and then we can talk?
Shigeru: What? A parallel universe? Will the characters still be the same ones?
Junkichi: Well yes... and not entirely, no...
Junkichi: I mean, if we create a new world setting, then we don't have to consider the original narrative. We'll be free to innovate! This'll be done in no time!
Shigeru: ...Please don't do this. That's no different from the author writing fan fiction for himself!
Shigeru: Adding features and plot devices on for this reason will ruin all the content that we've built up so far. It's not worth it!
Junkichi: Come on, can't we...? Then I guess we've just got to prepare for the eventuality that I won't finish the manuscript.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Ā Mào
Ā Mào

Change History[]

