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Sawada is a quest-exclusive NPC that appears in the Archon Quest Interlude Chapter: Act III - Inversion of Genesis.


Sawada is a long-time writer who used to live in Inazuma and moved to Sumeru between the Traveler's defeat of Stormterror and the beginning of Inversion of Genesis.[2]

He attended the Irodori Festival that occurred after the Sakoku Decree was lifted and learned that the illustrator Calx is from Mondstadt. Sawada later shared this information with Cyno while playing Genius Invokation TCG with him.[3]

In Sumeru, Aqaba asked Sawada for help investigating the Tatarasuna Mystery from over 400 years ago. During their investigation, Sawada reached out to everyone he knew and eventually received help from one of his friends, who worked in the government records office in Inazuma and was able to verify that the individuals involved in the incident lived in Inazuma at the time.[Note 1] After obtaining all the information they could find, Sawada began to write a book based on the events of the Tatarasuna Mystery, though with much dramatization.[4]

At the beginning of the Inversion of Genesis, Sawada and Aqaba are approached by the Traveler and Paimon, who overheard their discussion about the Tatarasuna Mystery. Though the Traveler and Paimon could not offer more information, Sawada and Aqaba were happy to share what they knew as well as their drafts of their book and essay, respectively. During this conversation, the Traveler and Paimon learn that there was an unexplained presence of a puppet in the stories of Tatarasuna from 400 years ago as well as a mysterious kabukimono, likely the puppet, who disappeared shortly before the tragedies of the Tatarasuna Mystery. The Traveler and Paimon deduce that the kabukimono was Scaramouche but are unable to figure out why he was in Tatarasuna 400 years ago.

After Scaramouche successfully removed his past and then-present identities from Irminsul, the Traveler decides to personally verify the effects of his removal in Inazuma. After returning to Sumeru, the Traveler and Paimon encounter Sawada and Aqaba again and reread the drafts of their book and essay, respectively, which no longer contain any traces of the kabukimono and puppet and additionally have new information about a mechanic. They also provide Sawada and Aqaba with information they learned in Inazuma about the Tatarasuna Mystery and the fall of most of the Raiden Gokaden.[5]


(To be added.)

Quests and Events[]

Archon Quests


  1. ↑ While it is not explicitly stated that the friend worked in Inazuma, it is unlikely that the friend worked elsewhere, given the nature of the information that the friend verified.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]


  1. ↑ Twitter: EN VA Self Announcement (Archived)
  2. ↑ Archon Quest, Interlude Chapter, Act III - Inversion of Genesis, Part 1: The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call
    Sawada: No, no! Of course I believe you. Actually, I first heard about your great exploits when I was still in Inazuma.
  3. ↑ Event Windblume's Breath Quest, Windblume Festival: Part I, Part 1: A Gathering of Outlanders
  4. ↑ Archon Quest, Interlude Chapter, Act III - Inversion of Genesis, Part 1: The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call
  5. ↑ Archon Quest, Interlude Chapter, Act III - Inversion of Genesis, Part 3: The Kabukimono's Finale