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Phlogiston Extraction Research Center is a point of interest located in Coatepec Mountain, Natlan. It is a secret underground research base operated by the Fatui where they have been extracting Phlogiston from captured Saurians.

It is indicated by "Inspection and Maintenance Records" found in the facility that the Fontaine Research Institute has been providing them with equipment, though it is unclear to what extent the Fontaine Research Institute is aware of what this facility has been doing.


Research Center Emergency Machine Operation Handbook[]

(A manual that seems to have seen a lot of use, judging by the proliferation of handwritten notes scrawled upon its pages.)
Regarding the Emergency Brake System:
The mining facility's brake system is a safety mechanism that must be manually activated and is designed to shut down the core and prevent mechanical damage resulting from malfunctions of the phlogiston research machinery.
When a potentially dangerous malfunction is detected, please activate the control consoles on both sides to initiate braking measures.
(Handwritten notes below...)
— Are these things they shipped us really all that useful? Is modifying it to be power it all with lava from Natlan even feasible...?
— Alright, Vasily, no point flipping through this manual any longer. Just keep your eye on these machines, humming and whirring away...
(Below this section is written...)
— Fine, as requested by Vasily, I hereby declare the following: I promise not to accidentally lock myself in the cage again, nor will I attempt to smash open the lock, thereby necessitating the activation of the braking system... On top of this, I solemnly swear that I will thoroughly read through this manual, cross my heart and hope to die. That's gotta be good enough, yeah?
— You'd better make good on that, Sidorenko. Seriously, if I have to catch those crazy little critters and put them all back in the cage one more time...

Diary of a Soldier Abroad[]

(This seems to be the diary of a soldier stationed here.)
I'm puzzled, to be honest. Why do we have to go to such lengths to capture Saurians from Natlan...
Something something phlogiston, special constitution, something something solid and liquid... Nomokonov seems more familiar with these things. I hear he had some kind of technical background before joining up with the Fatui.
He always tries to explain things to me, but it's all mumbo-jumbo to me. My brain just ain't cut out for that kinda stuff. The Fire-Water they sent us from Snezhnaya interests me more, anyway.
Our Lord has never revealed what all this phlogiston research is meant to be about.
That person from Natlan he brought with him the last couple of times seemed kinda suspicious, but we trust our Lord's judgment. Not like we care much about this stuff anyway...
First, a glass of Fire-Water, and then, sleep!
Note to self: Don't get locked inside next time.
I wish someone could've seen Vasily's face — he looked so pleased with himself, he did!
He's usually pretty likable, but so by-the-book when things need doing! Bo-ring.
Worse, there's no Fire-Water to drink today. Damn that Vasily, he took my stash!

Inspection and Maintenance Records[]

(A maintenance log with an inspection report and evaluations for various machinery is attached.)
Transportation Pipe Heat Resistance: No issues.
Directional Valve: No issues.
Advance Drill: Brand new.
Friction Press: Functioning Perfectly.
Test results: No issues at all. It's quite surprising that the Fontaine Research Institute's equipment is in such good condition. I had thought that they would just chuck us some random gear to try and pull a fast one on us.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishPhlogiston Extraction Research Center
Renso Saikutsu Kenkyuujo
Phlogiston Mining Research Center
Korean열소 채굴 연구소
Yeolso Chaegul Yeon'guso
SpanishLaboratorio de Extracción de Flogisto
FrenchLaboratoire d'extraction du phlogistiquePhlogiston Extraction Laboratory
RussianИсследовательский центр по добыче флогистона
Issledovatel'skiy tsentr po dobyche flogistona
ThaiPhlogiston Extraction Research Center
VietnameseViện Nghiên Cứu Khai Thác Phlogiston
GermanInstitut für Phlogiston-Extraktion
IndonesianPhlogiston Extraction Research Center
PortugueseCentro de Pesquisa de Extração de Flogisto
TurkishFilojiston Çıkarma Araştırma Merkezi
ItalianCentro ricerche per l'estrazione di Flogisto

Change History[]

