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Ordinary Memorial is a quest in Gorou's Hangout Event, : Act I - The Canine General's Special Operations.


  1. Ask Katheryne about the fate of the box
  2. Go to Komoe Teahouse to investigate
  3. Talk to Kozue
  4. Go to the place indicated by Taroumaru
  5. Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
  6. Talk to Gorou
  7. Deliver the Treasure Hoarders back to the Adventurers' Guild
  8. Return to Watatsumi Island


Treasure Rumors[]

UI Quest Quest Description

Gorou says that his box is at the Adventurers' Guild. Go with him to ask Katheryne.
(Ask Katheryne about the fate of the box)
You tell Katheryne about how Gorou is looking for a box he buried.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 katheryne 01.ogg Katheryne: Hmm, I'm afraid that will be a little difficult...
Icon Dialogue Talk Why, what's happened?
Icon Dialogue Talk Has the box gone?
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 katheryne 02.ogg Katheryne: Don't worry, the item you are looking for is safe and sound. However, I'm unable to return it to you at present.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 katheryne 03.ogg Katheryne: The reason being, it is connected to a case involving the Treasure Hoarders, which is still under investigation.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 gorou 01.ogg Gorou: That's strange... I buried that box there — what does it have to do with the Treasure Hoarders?
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 katheryne 04.ogg Katheryne: Allow me to explain. Not long ago, we received a commission concerning a theft by Treasure Hoarders at Komore Teahouse.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 katheryne 05.ogg Katheryne: The adventurer who accepted the commission followed their trail, and heard that they had buried the treasure at Nazuchi Beach.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 katheryne 06.ogg Katheryne: But when we went to dig up the stolen items, we found many other things buried there along with them. As such, we cannot ascertain which of the items have to do with the Treasure Hoarders at this stage.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 katheryne 07.ogg Katheryne: For now, all we can do is hold all related items at the Adventurers' Guild until such a time as we have caught the group of Treasure Hoarders in question. Then, we will see that all items are returned to their rightful owners.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 gorou 02.ogg Gorou: I see... I never expected that other people would be burying things in the same place.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 gorou 03.ogg Gorou: Well, since these are the rules, I won't press you for it. But might I ask how the investigation is coming along?
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 katheryne 08.ogg Katheryne: This is where the difficulty arises. To date, we have still not been able to locate the hiding place of the Treasure Hoarders, so I'm afraid it still could take some time.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 gorou 04.ogg Gorou: So there's no knowing when this will be resolved...
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 gorou 05.ogg Gorou: Maybe I could help? I could find the Treasure Hoarders for you, and once you confirm everything is in order, you'll be able to return my box to me.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 gorou 06.ogg Gorou: It's very important to me, so the sooner I get it back, the better.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 katheryne 09.ogg Katheryne: That is perfectly acceptable.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 katheryne 10.ogg Katheryne: However, many adventurers have investigated this case recently. They have searched far and wide, but their efforts have been fruitless.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 katheryne 11.ogg Katheryne: If the two of you are still interested in taking the case, you may have to devise an original approach...
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's head to Komore Teahouse first.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 gorou 07.ogg Gorou: Yes, it seems like the only sensible place to start.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 gorou 08.ogg Gorou: With any luck, we might be able to find some clues there... actually, since it's come up — what's the Komore Teahouse like?
Icon Dialogue Talk A place to have tea.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 gorou 09.ogg Gorou: Well obviously, hehe, anyway...
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 gorou 10.ogg Gorou: Let's go take a look.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's actually a hot pot place.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 gorou 11.ogg Gorou: Hot pot? So they call it a teahouse, despite the fact that it is obviously a hot pot restaurant... How confusing.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 gorou 12.ogg Gorou: Anyway, let's go take a look.
Icon Quest Step Step Description

You never expected that the box would be become embroiled in a theft case involving the Treasure Hoarders. Well then. Time to bring them to justice.
(Go to Komore Teahouse to investigate)
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 kozue 01.ogg Kozue: ...Are you here to investigate the recent theft as well?
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 kozue 02.ogg Kozue: We're grateful for the assistance. However, I'm afraid I don't have any more clues...
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 kozue 03.ogg Kozue: It was Taroumaru's No. 2 Reserve Fund that they stole. They struck late at night while there was no one in the surrounding area, so they could slip in unnoticed.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 kozue 04.ogg Kozue: By the time we realized, it was too late.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 kozue 05.ogg Kozue: They left enough clues for us to retrieve the box, but we've found no trace of the group of Treasure Hoarders who dared to target our teahouse.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 kozue 06.ogg Kozue: I've asked around many times, and there were no eyewitnesses at all. We're definitely dealing with experienced crooks here...
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 taroumaru 01.ogg Taroumaru: Woof!
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 kozue 07.ogg Kozue: Taroumaru? What are you doing out here?
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 taroumaru 02.ogg Taroumaru: Woof! Woof, woof!
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 kozue 08.ogg Kozue: How strange. I don't know what's gotten into Taroumaru today...
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 gorou 01.ogg Gorou: He says he knows where the Treasure Hoarders are hiding.
Icon Dialogue Talk You understand Taroumaru?
Icon Dialogue Talk Does that mean that you're a...
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 gorou 02.ogg Gorou: How can I describe it... It's like listening to a regional dialect. A lot of it goes over my head, but I can still get the general gist.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 gorou 03.ogg Gorou: Anyway, he says he was there at the scene of the crime. The Treasure Hoarders didn't see Taroumaru as a threat, so he stayed and listened in on their whole conversation.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 gorou 04.ogg Gorou: Since there were so many of them, and they were armed, Taroumaru didn't dare to bark loudly. So he just had to let them go.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 kozue 09.ogg Kozue: No wonder!
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 kozue 10.ogg Kozue: Poor boy, he's been acting more anxious than usual lately, and is always looking outside. And I thought he just wanted someone to take him for a walk...
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 taroumaru 03.ogg Taroumaru: Woof... woof, woof! Woof, woof, woof!
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 gorou 05.ogg Gorou: Yes... that does sound like quite a predicament.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 taroumaru 04.ogg Taroumaru: Woof! Woof, woof! Woof!
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 gorou 06.ogg Gorou: Okay, I think I understand now.
Icon Dialogue Talk I don't...
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 gorou 07.ogg Gorou: Taroumaru says he heard the Treasure Hoarders conspiring to hide out at the beach directly below Tenshukaku.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 gorou 08.ogg Gorou: No one usually thinks to look there, and it's become something of a safe haven for Treasure Hoarders.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 gorou 09.ogg Gorou: He also mentioned that they were a gang of five people, the leader's name is Kousuke, and the second-in-command is called Yasuhisa. The leader's scent indicated he was probably from the Narukami Island area, while the two newcomers in the team were more likely from somewhere else.
Icon Dialogue Talk You got all that from "woof"!?
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 gorou 10.ogg Gorou: Thank you, Taroumaru. It must have been hard for you, knowing the details of the crime but not being able to communicate them.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 gorou 11.ogg Gorou: Don't you worry, we'll take care of everything from here. We will definitely get your belongings back!
Media:vo wlcop001 1902802 gorou 12.ogg Gorou: Let's go there in person, (TravelerTraveler). We might not have any troops with us, but between the two of us, we should be able to deal with a handful of petty thieves.

(Talk to Kozue again)
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 kozue 01.ogg Kozue: That gang of Treasure Hoarders must have been planning this for a long time. Judging by how skillfully they infiltrated this place and the fact that they've managed to remain hidden ever since, it is clear that they are a group of seasoned thieves.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 kozue 02.ogg Kozue: But our own negligence is also to blame. We shouldn't have re-allocated so many people to other duties...

The Goods Returned[]

(Go to the place indicated by Taroumaru)
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 gorou 13.ogg Gorou: Shh... I think we're getting close.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902801 gorou 14.ogg Gorou: There is danger in the air... and something doesn't smell right. Be careful!
(Defeat the Treasure Hoarders)

(After the battle)
Media:vo wlcop001 1902803 kousuke 01.ogg Kousuke: This is bizarre... how would anyone think to look here?
Media:vo wlcop001 1902803 yasuhisa 01.ogg Yasuhisa: Uh, Boss, didn't you say that the most dangerous place is the safest place to hide...
Media:vo wlcop001 1902803 kousuke 02.ogg Kousuke: Yeah, and I still maintain that I'm right in principle... Think how many days we've been here — no one else has come looking for us, have they?
Media:vo wlcop001 1902803 kousuke 03.ogg Kousuke: I can't believe we got caught, just when the whole thing had nearly blown over... Hey, kid, who the heck are you guys, anyway?
Icon Dialogue Talk Just some people fighting for justice in Inazuma.
Icon Dialogue Talk Taroumaru's best buddies!
Media:vo wlcop001 1902803 gorou 01.ogg Gorou: We shouldn't waste any more time on these people.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902803 gorou 02.ogg Gorou: Life is tough in the resistance, but none of our troops would ever think about laying a hand on the innocent civilians under their rule. You have things so much better here, and this is how you choose to live your life? It's pure selfishness.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902803 gorou 03.ogg Gorou: (TravelerTraveler), we should turn them over to the Adventurers' Guild right away. Once their identities are confirmed, they'll get the punishment they deserve.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902803 kousuke 04.ogg Kousuke: Please, show a little mercy!
Media:vo wlcop001 1902803 kousuke 05.ogg Kousuke: We'll give you half of everything we've saved up over the years... If you're willing to turn a blind eye on this, anything's up for negotiation...
Media:vo wlcop001 1902803 gorou 04.ogg Gorou: That's enough. Tie them up and take them away!
Icon Dialogue Talk Yes, Sir!
Media:vo wlcop001 1902803 gorou 05.ogg Gorou: Oh! Uh... Come to think of it, this is not a military camp, so there's no need for me to be so heavy-handed.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902803 gorou 06.ogg Gorou: But thieves still have to be punished. (TravelerTraveler), let's escort them back.


Icon Quest Step Step Description

You've got the box, but Gorou seems to want to return to Watatsumi Island before opening it...
(Deliver the Treasure Hoarders back to the Adventurers' Guild)
Media:vo wlcop001 1902804 katheryne 01.ogg Katheryne: I am pleased to confirm that these are indeed the individuals who stole from Komore Teahouse.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902804 katheryne 02.ogg Katheryne: I didn't expect you to catch them so quickly, especially with no new leads to explore.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902804 katheryne 03.ogg Katheryne: In accordance with the rules, now that we have procured an oral confession from the Treasure Hoarders and verified the list of stolen items, we can now return the box to you.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902804 katheryne 04.ogg Katheryne: Here, please take it.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902804 gorou 01.ogg Gorou: Ah... Thank goodness.
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you going to open it and take a look?
Media:vo wlcop001 1902804 gorou 02.ogg Gorou: Let me think... the contents of the box don't belong here — they belong on Watatsumi Island.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902804 gorou 03.ogg Gorou: So let's head there now and open it.

(Return to Watatsumi Island)
Media:vo wlcop001 1902805 gorou 01.ogg Gorou: One, two, three... yes, it looks like they're all here.
Icon Dialogue Talk What are these?
Media:vo wlcop001 1902805 gorou 02.ogg Gorou: Some personal items that once belonged to troops under my command.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902805 gorou 03.ogg Gorou: Water bottles, towels, knee guards... Just everyday items, but each one bears the handwritten name of its former owner. These were the only things those soldiers had for their families to remember them by.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902805 gorou 04.ogg Gorou: We all knew going into that battle that the odds of survival were slim. Many of the soldiers came to me and said they wanted to leave something behind as a keepsake for their loved ones.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902805 gorou 05.ogg Gorou: You see, their swords and polearms broke in battle, their damaged armor wouldn't have been easy to carry, and many of them couldn't write very well, so they couldn't even leave a letter...
Media:vo wlcop001 1902805 gorou 06.ogg Gorou: In the end, all they could leave to their families were these ordinary items. Artifacts of their daily lives.
Icon Dialogue Talk Gorou...
Media:vo wlcop001 1902805 gorou 07.ogg Gorou: My soldiers trusted me, but I failed to lead them to victory that day.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902805 gorou 08.ogg Gorou: Then they trusted me with these... and instead of honoring their last wishes right away, I had to hastily bury them in the sand...
Media:vo wlcop001 1902805 gorou 09.ogg Gorou: Every time something like this happens, I tell myself that by the next time I'm faced with the same situation, I have to be stronger.
Icon Dialogue Talk You got the box back. It's alright now.
Media:vo wlcop001 1902805 gorou 10.ogg Gorou: Yeah... but right now, let me just mourn them for a little while longer.

Ending: Final Remembrance[]

Final Remembrance
Aether Lumine
Hangout Gorou Act 1 Final Remembrance Aether Hangout Gorou Act 1 Final Remembrance Lumine
"Let me mourn them for just a little while longer."

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishOrdinary Memorial
Píngf��n de Jìniàn
Ordinary Memorial
Píngfán de Jìniàn
Heibon-na Kinen
Ordinary Memorial
Korean평범한 기념
Pyeongbeomhan Ginyeom
Ordinary Memorial
SpanishRecuerdos ordinariosOrdinary Memories
FrenchCommémoration ordinaireOrdinary Commemoration
RussianОбычные сувениры
Obychnyye suveniry
Ordinary Souvenirs
Ordinary Commemoration
VietnameseKỷ Niệm Bình Phàm
GermanEin gewöhnliches ErinnerungsstückA Ordinary Memento
IndonesianPeringatan yang BiasaOrdinary Memorial
PortugueseLembrança Ordinária
TurkishSıradan Bir Yadigar
ItalianMemoriale ordinario

Change History[]
