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Ooizumi (Japanese: 大泉 Ooizumi) is an open-world NPC located in Yashiori Island, Inazuma. He is found in a watchtower in Musoujin Gorge. He is a member of the Watatsumi Army.

His dialogue changes after completing the Dracaena Somnolenta Chapter, Act I: Warriors' Dreams Like Spring Grass Renewing.



(To be added.)


Ooizumi wears the Watatsumi Army's standard uniform, modeled from the ashigaru (Japanese: 足軽) of feudal Japan. His clothing consists of a light red-white gradient shitagi with a red-violet colored left sleeve, gray kobakama, and waraji sandals without the socks. Although not visible, the Sangonomiya Clan's crest is imprinted on the back of the shitagi, below the neck. Additional features on the uniform's design such as breastplates and helmets are not present, compared to Shogun's Army uniforms, but were still equipped with sode (shoulder armor), han-kote (half-armored sleeves), haidate (thigh guards), and sune-ate (greaves) armor, whose colors were red and black with gold accents. The right shoulder guard has the Sangonomiya Clan's crest imprinted on it. Oozumi is equipped with a juumonji yari, whose shaft is colored with a red-white gradient and has the Sangonomiya Clan's crest under the spearhead.

Idle Quotes[]

Before completing Warriors' Dreams Like Spring Grass Renewing
Icon Dialogue Idle If it weren't for the decree...
Media:VO Ooizumi 01.ogg "Ugh... If it weren't for my orders, I'd already have taken up arms."
After completing Warriors' Dreams Like Spring Grass Renewing
Icon Dialogue Idle How this settlement...
Media:VO Ooizumi 02.ogg "I can't say that I'm completely happy with how the settlement went down."


Dialogue Set #1[]

(Before completing Warriors' Dreams Like Spring Grass Renewing)
Ooizumi: Are you... with the Shogunate?
Ooizumi: Hmm, you don't seem like one of them.
Ooizumi: If you are a Shogunate lackey, I shall not show mercy.
Icon Dialogue Talk You seem to really hate the Shogunate.
Ooizumi: Of course. If I didn't, why would I be with the resistance?
Ooizumi: I can't put up with the Shogunate's actions. They only care about raising taxes and suppressing the commoners instead of doing productive things. The Vision Hunt Decree was just the final straw, that's all. There are a ton of other reasons why everyone hates them.
Ooizumi: Ever since the war started, we've constantly had to regroup after just a few battles. I have no clue when we'll finally win.
Ooizumi: Because I can't defy my orders, I can't really do anything, even though I just want to annihilate the entire Shogunate, even if I had to do it by myself. For now, I'm a scout on frontline, observing the movements of the Shogun's Army.
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Ooizumi: Yeah, you watch out for the Shogunate dogs too.

Dialogue Set #2[]

(After completing Warriors' Dreams Like Spring Grass Renewing)
Ooizumi: *sigh* I'm sure you've heard of the peace negotiations between the Shogunate and Sangonomiya, right?
Ooizumi: To be honest, this result is kinda... disappointing...
Icon Dialogue Talk Why's that?
Ooizumi: The oppressive practices of the Shogunate played out before our eyes day after day. Are we really just going to just call things square after all that?
Ooizumi: The Sakoku Decree, the Vision Hunt Decree... These both led to incredible amounts of suffering. We can't forget their actions just because we're all praying for a short-term peace.
Ooizumi: And as far as I know, the Shogunate, they're not going to stop here. That's why we must remain vigilant as well. Someday, we'll make the, pay for what they've done.
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Ooizumi: Yeah. You watch out for the Shogunate too.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]
