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Okazaki Rikuto is an open-world NPC located in Inazuma City, Inazuma.

Following a certain dialogue branch for the first time gives the player four Tri-Flavored Skewers.



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Quests and Events[]

Story Quests

World Quests


Web Events

Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle The craftsmanship of Erika...
Media:VO Okazaki Rikuto 01.ogg "That's just like Erika — always refining her craft."
During Hues of the Violet Garden
Icon Dialogue Idle Lively young customers...
Media:VO Okazaki Rikuto Irodori 01.ogg "Haha, there has been so many lively young customers recently..."


Okazaki Rikuto: Youngster, are you hungry already? Come and try some of Erika's cooking!
Icon Dialogue Talk And who might you be?
Okazaki Rikuto: I'm the owner of this izakaya.
Okazaki Rikuto: Feel free to order anything. Just place your order with Erika. As far as I'm concerned, her cooking is one of the best in Inazuma City.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're the owner, and you're drinking?
Okazaki Rikuto: Why not? Sake in my hand, fine cuisine at my table... After a busy life like mine, I think I'm owed at least a drink or two.
Okazaki Rikuto: You keep up the good work yourself! And when you're the boss someday, you can live like me, too.
Icon Dialogue Reward I still can't drink alcohol.
Okazaki Rikuto: That's because you are still young.
Okazaki Rikuto: There are also benefits to not drinking. You are still young, so there's no hurry.
Okazaki Rikuto: Let's have some barbecued skewers. They're delicious even without the drinks.
(Obtain Tri-Flavored Skewer Tri-Flavored Skewer ×4)
Icon Dialogue Talk I've heard that you're a real big shot.
Okazaki Rikuto: Hmm? Who told you that?
Okazaki Rikuto: Haha, Erika must have been bragging about me again.
Okazaki Rikuto: To be honest, I did have a pretty stand-up reputation when I was at the Tenryou Commission. Though I'm retired now, Yoriki and Doushin still often come to me for advice.
Okazaki Rikuto: Recently, even some major figures from headquarters have visited our store... It seems like there's something afoot in Inazuma...
Icon Dialogue Talk Inazuma is currently...
Okazaki Rikuto: Ah, you're still young, dear customer. What do you care about politics in Inazuma?
Okazaki Rikuto: Well, it's understandable. You are a traveler from afar, after all. It would be troublesome if you got stuck in Inazuma.
Okazaki Rikuto: If I must shed some light on the matter... the Tenryou Commission believes in the power of our Almighty Shogun. She definitely has her reasons for making her choices.
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me more about Seishimaru.
(After completing Film Notes)
Okazaki Rikuto: Oh, so you're interested in this tale, are you, youngster?
Okazaki Rikuto: I shan't hide it from you, then. Seishimaru was once a relative of mine.
Okazaki Rikuto: His tale was the talk of the town back in the day — not that I'd expect any young people to know of it now, though.
Okazaki Rikuto: I've lived for several decades myself and seen my own fair share of things. In truth, real life is often more exciting than fiction, hehe.
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Okazaki Rikuto: Yeah, come back anytime.

Event Dialogue[]

Hues of the Violet Garden[]

Okazaki Rikuto: Hello there, youngster. Have you attended the festival that the Yashiro Commission and Yae Publishing House have organized in Ritou?
Okazaki Rikuto: I've heard that it's very well done indeed and that it's been very popular amongst the youngsters. Even a store run by an old codger like myself got quite a lot of customers who came for the festival.
Okazaki Rikuto: Everyone's all dressed up to nines and in high spirits, to boot.
Okazaki Rikuto: Which is good, of course, very good! It feels like Inazuma itself is growing younger once more, haha!
(Continue non-event dialogue)



Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishOkazaki Rikuto
Gāngqí Lùdǒu
Gāngqí Lùdǒu
Okazaki Rikuto
Korean오카자키 리쿠토
Okajaki Rikuto
SpanishOkazaki Rikuto
FrenchOkazaki Rikuto
RussianОкадзаки Рикуто
Okadzaki Rikuto
ThaiOkazaki Rikuto
VietnameseOkazaki Rikuto
GermanOkazaki Rikuto
IndonesianOkazaki Rikuto
PortugueseOkazaki Rikuto
TurkishOkazaki Rikuto
ItalianOkazaki Rikuto

Change History[]
