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Moriguchi (Japanese: 森口) is an open-world NPC located in Fort Fujitou, Inazuma.

His dialogue changes after completing Chapter II, Act III: Omnipresence Over Mortals. More dialogue is added after completing the Dracaena Somnolenta Chapter, Act I: Warriors' Dreams Like Spring Grass Renewing.



(To be added.)


Moriguchi wears the Watatsumi Army's standard uniform, modeled from the ashigaru (Japanese: 足軽) of feudal Japan. His clothing consists of a light red-white gradient shitagi with a red-violet colored left sleeve, gray kobakama, and waraji sandals without the socks. Although not visible, the Sangonomiya Clan's crest is imprinted on the back of the shitagi, below the neck. Additional features on the uniform's design such as breastplates and helmets are not present, compared to Shogun's Army uniforms, but were still equipped with sode (shoulder armor), han-kote (half-armored sleeves), haidate (thigh guards), and sune-ate (greaves) armor, whose colors were red and black with gold accents. The right shoulder guard has the Sangonomiya Clan's crest imprinted on it. Moriguchi is equipped with a juumonji yari, whose shaft is colored with a red-white gradient and has the Sangonomiya Clan's crest under the spearhead.

Idle Quotes[]

Before completing Omnipresence Over Mortals
Icon Dialogue Idle Vision Hunt Decree...
Media:VO Moriguchi 01.ogg "Curse the Vision Hunt Decree... so many people hurt."
After completing Omnipresence Over Mortals
Icon Dialogue Idle Vision Hunt Decree...
Media:VO Moriguchi 02.ogg "That accursed Vision Hunt Decree is finally lifted."


Dialogue Set #1[]

(Before completing Omnipresence Over Mortals)
Moriguchi: Hmph, if it hadn't been for the Shogunate, I would have been able to reunite with my wife...
Icon Dialogue Talk What happened to your wife?
Moriguchi: My wife is on Watatsumi Island. I have to serve here because of the war, so we've been separated.
Moriguchi: The Vision Hunt Decree has not only hurt people with Visions, but also the commoners like us. Damn this stupid law.
Moriguchi: I just feel like I've spent too long on the battlefield. I've almost forgotten what the blissful life we had as a couple was like...
Icon Dialogue Talk Anything more to say about Watatsumi Island?
Moriguchi: If you've only been here for a short while, don't be mislead into thinking that every island of Inazuma is as run-down as this dump.
Moriguchi: My homeland, Watatsumi Island, could not be more different from this place in terms of scenery.
Moriguchi: Watatsumi Island has many highlands with numerous waterfalls, with Sangonomiya in their center. And Sangonomiya itself is a most beautiful place. Not only are there gigantic corals, but also vegetation with totally different colors from those you'd see anywhere else...
Moriguchi: Back in the day, I would always run up the highlands to admire Sangonomiya. I even met my wife there when she was harvesting flowers. Hahaha!
Moriguchi: *sigh* The more I talk about it, the more I miss her so dearly...
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Moriguchi: See you. Ugh, I really want to go home.

Dialogue Set #2[]

(After completing Omnipresence Over Mortals)
Moriguchi: Haha, have you heard? The Vision Hunt Decree's been abolished! The Shogunate's [sic] had to eat some humble pie and no mistake!
Moriguchi: Once the dust settles, I can return home to my wife at last!
Icon Dialogue Talk About the Tatarigami...
(After completing Warriors' Dreams Like Spring Grass Renewing)
Moriguchi: *sigh* As a resident of Watatsumi Island, it pains me to say this, but it was our comrades who undertook that action.
Moriguchi: Wars really do cause people who fight in them to stop being themselves.
Moriguchi: As a soldier, I can understand what they did. But as a husband and a father, such deeds are unforgivable, even if they were perpetrated by my comrades.
Moriguchi: Her Excellency the Divine Priestess has imposed strict military orders to prevent any such things from happening again.
Moriguchi: Regardless, this is a lesson to both sides of this conflict.
Icon Dialogue Talk What happened to your wife?
Moriguchi: My wife is on Watatsumi Island. I have to serve here because of the war, so we've been separated.
Moriguchi: The Vision Hunt Decree has not only hurt people with Visions, but also commoners like us. This law... It could burn in a fire, for all I care.
Moriguchi: But it's all over now! Isn't that wonderful?
Moriguchi: Once I return home to my wife, I'll tell her this good news for sure...
Icon Dialogue Talk Anything more to say about Watatsumi Island?
(Same as before)
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
(Same as before)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]
