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Luo Feng (Chinese: 骆丰 Luò Fēng) is an open-world NPC on the Pearl Galley, anchored off the Liyue Harbor.



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Quests and Events[]

World Quests

Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle It's an honor...
Media:VO Luo Feng 01.ogg "It's an honor to meet you."


Luo Feng: It's an honor to meet you. Might I ask for your name?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm just an ordinary traveler.
Luo Feng: Don't be so modest!
Luo Feng: You may be young, but I can see that you have infinite potential!
Luo Feng: My name is Luo Feng, a merchant. If you should have need of me in the future, please, do not hesitate to ask.
Luo Feng: Of course, one good turn deserves another — should I ever need your assistance, please come to my aid then!
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you doing?
Luo Feng: Why, networking, of course.
Luo Feng: Not many people realize this, but the true value of this Pearl Galley lies in its guests!
Luo Feng: Which of the people who come on board are not movers and shakers of a kind? If I can build rapport with but a few such people, then this trip would have been well worth it.
Luo Feng: Well then, I shan't tarry. I need to get to know some more of these people!
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, bye, then.
Luo Feng: The honor is all mine!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishLuo Feng
Luò Fēng
Luò Fēng
Raku Hou
SpanishLuo Feng
FrenchLuo Feng
RussianЛо Фэн
Lo Fen
ThaiLuo Feng
VietnameseLuo Feng
GermanLuo Feng
IndonesianLuo Feng
PortugueseLuo Feng
TurkishLuo Feng
ItalianLuo Feng

Change History[]
