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where to find, location images

Key to Somewhere are Quest Items that are used to unlock an iron gate to the south-west of the Sanctum of Rainbow Spirits Domain, leading to the Local Legend "Balachko" — Shadows Like Blades Deepening fight and a Precious Chest.

A small group of Koholasaurus warriors are camping outside the gate; the first key can be found in a closed cell, while the other is found dangling on a rope (which should shine as an interactable).

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishKey to Somewhere
Dokoka no Kagi
Korean어딘가로 통하는 열쇠
Eodin'garo Tonghaneun Yeolsoe
SpanishLlave de algún sitio
FrenchClé d'un endroit
RussianКлюч от чего-то
Klyuch ot chego-to
VietnameseChìa Khóa Nơi Nào Đó
GermanSchlüssel zu irgendeinem Ort
IndonesianKunci ke Suatu Tempat
PortugueseChave de Algum Lugar
TurkishBir Yerin Anahtarı
ItalianChiave per un certo posto

Change History[]
