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Keon is an open-world NPC located in Gandharva Ville, Sumeru.



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Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle Five...
Media:VO Keon 01.ogg "Yesterday, a total of five Dusk Birds flew by."


Keon's thoughts can be accessed by using Nahida's Elemental Skill, All Schemes to Know.

Media:VO Keon All Schemes to Know 01.ogg Keon: (What's the color of the Sumeru Rose again? The Forest Watcher told me once...)


Dialogue Set #1[]

Keon: It's my first time hearing your footsteps.
Keon: Sorry, but I'm blind, so I can't be of any help to you.
Keon: Still, my hearing is very good.
Icon Dialogue Talk Hello.
Keon: Oh, hello.
Keon: Travelers, merchants, and adventurers frequent Gandharva Ville... But your footsteps are more agile than theirs. You must be a lively and lovable youngster.
Keon: That's a good thing, and very rare to come by in Sumeru right now.
Keon: Young traveler, may the Greater Lord watch over you.
Icon Dialogue Talk Has something happened in Sumeru?
Keon: Not at all, it's peaceful as always.
Keon: It's just me, a blind old man, worrying about nothing.
Keon: The use of Akasha has been growing in popularity while fewer Dusk Birds are flying out of Sumeru City...
Keon: I can only hope that this is a sign of progress.
Icon Dialogue Talk About the Greater Lord...
Keon: The Greater Lord may be gone, but the people of Sumeru will never forget the blessings she bestowed upon us.
Keon: Youngster, I'm sure you know that every blade of grass and leaf in this land is a blessing from the Greater Lord.
Keon: *sigh* Human life is too short. Will I be alive to see the Dendro Archon bring Sumeru back to its former glory?
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Keon: Goodbye, may the Greater Lord watch over you.

Dialogue Set #2[]

(After completing Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies)
Keon: It's my first time hearing your footsteps.
Keon: Sorry, but I'm blind, so I can't be of any help to you.
Keon: Still, my hearing is very good.
Icon Dialogue Talk Hello there.
Keon: Why, hello, hello!
Keon: Travelers, merchants, and adventurers frequent Gandharva Ville... But your footsteps are more agile than theirs. You're a lively and lovable youngster - and no mistake!
Keon: That's a good thing, and very rare to come by in Sumeru right now.
Keon: Now then, young traveler, may Lesser Lord Kusanali watch over you.
Icon Dialogue Talk Has something happened in Sumeru?
Keon: Ah, there's a question. Now, I might be a blind old codger, but I've certainly heard things. Lots of things, in fact!
Keon: After the Akasha was shut down, even the number of birds singing in the forests have increased...
Keon: It's at times like these that we need youngsters like you up and about.
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me more about Lesser Lord Kusanali.
Keon: Lesser Lord Kusanali has started guiding Sumeru once more, and I believe that things can only get better from here.
Keon: Youngster, I'm sure you know that every blade of grass and leaf in this land is a blessing from the Dendro Archon.
Keon: *sigh* Life is too short... and yet I hope that I shall live long enough to see her deliver us back to glory.
Icon Dialogue Talk See you.
Keon: Farewell, and may the Dendro Archon protect you.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]
