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Jiu (Chinese: 阿鸠 Ā Jiū) is a quest-exclusive NPC that appears in Zhongli's Story Quest, Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act II - No Mere Stone.

Before No Mere Stone was released in Version 1.5, Jiu was a regular NPC located by the Dragon-Queller, a massive tree with blue veins found between Mt. Hulao and Nantianmen. Her dialogue made it apparent that she held Morax in contempt and instead worshiped Azhdaha, an ancient dragon sealed underneath the Dragon-Queller. After being removed from the overworld in Version 1.5, her dialogue is no longer accessible.

No Mere Stone revealed the truth behind Jiu as a coalesced part of Azhdaha's spirit. She is not a possessed human like Kun Jun, but is fully Azhdaha, the embodiment of his rage. She was originally sent out to see if the people of Liyue remembered Azhdaha. Enraged after finding out they did not, Azhdaha started his plan to escape from his seal.


Despite taking the form of a young girl, Jiu seems to be much older than she appears — she speaks about humans as if she isn't one of them and mentions events that happened thousands of years in the past. She also describes Morax as an usurper, yearning for the resurrection of the ancient being trapped underneath the Dragon-Queller.

In her dialogue, Jiu talks about an ancient being that has been trapped under the tree by the adepti thousands of years ago and tells the player that its resurrection is coming soon. A nearby stone tablet indicates that the being is the "evil dragon" Azhdaha, who was suppressed and trapped in the tree by the adepti to preserve lives in the world. However, this being is slowly consuming the tree and becoming one with it, giving a section of the tree blue veins and ghostly blue branches. When the dragon emerges, it will entirely consume the tree and absorb the energy of all the ley lines of the world.

During the events of No Mere Stone, Jiu lures away a mining team to excavate the area underneath the Dragon-Queller. Zhongli, the Traveler, and a man named Kun Jun catch her trail while investigating the team's disappearance and follow her into the domain underneath the Dragon-Queller, where it is revealed that she is in fact a mortal vessel representing Azhdaha's wrath and desire for revenge towards Morax and humanity.[2]

To hasten the destruction of the seals binding him, Azhdaha created Jiu so that she could work on breaking the seals from outside while his main body broke them from within. Doing this, however, also allowed a fragment of his conscience that still retained his memories and goodwill towards humanity to escape in order to warn Morax of the danger. This fragment went on to possess Kun Jun's body, but because of a lack of power, he was unable to remember his purpose — only that he had to seek out a legendary ore called Dragonfall. The fragment of Azhdaha possessing Kun Jun remembered everything during the battle against the dragon's main body and assists the party in the event that a character is knocked out.[2]

After Azhdaha's main body is subdued for a second time, Kun Jun confronts Jiu and reveals the truth about themselves: how Morax had granted Azhdaha the ability to see and live aboveground, and the two became close friends before "erosion" wore away at Azhdaha's memories and sanity, forcing Morax and the adepti to seal him away. In his last act of clarity, Azhdaha realized what was happening and allowed himself to be sealed away, but erosion made him forget that part as well, causing him to believe Morax betrayed him. As the energy used to sustain Jiu wore out, she faded away with Morax's name on her lips.[2]


Jiu is a young girl with short, blue hair and dead, grey eyes framed by golden glasses. She wears a dark green Liyue dress and dark green shoes.

Quests and Events[]

Story Quests

Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle The awakening is coming...
Media:VO Jiu 01.ogg "The awakening is coming... and with it, the storm..."


Jiu: You're a little early... Are you here to witness the resurrection of the most ancient, most awe-inspiring individual in Liyue's history?
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you mean Rex Lapis?
Jiu: Hah... That usurper?
Jiu: Humans... They care only about history since the dawn of the age of mankind...
Jiu: Are people really happy to just draw a line under the litany of atrocities humanity's ancestors are responsible for, call it "ye olde worlde," and just get on with their merry little lives?
Jiu: Well, I hope that anyone who willfully indulges in this fantasy world of false prosperity will be consumed by it, and thus get what they deserve.
Icon Dialogue Talk Resurrection?
Jiu: The adepti thought to suppress it with trees. Hah! Fools! Little did they know that after thousands of years... the trees that hold the beast shall surely become one with the beast...
Jiu: And lo, it shall stretch wide its arms, and unfurl its body, and reach out with its roots... And the ley lines of the world shall heed its call.
Jiu: Then, once the beast has quenched its great thirst for that energy which only the ley lines can provide...
Jiu: I imagine any significance we presume to have in this world will vanish for good. Wouldn't you agree?
Icon Dialogue Talk I didn't quite follow...
Jiu: Oh don't worry... You will see.


  • Jiu is the first NPC whose role was retroactively changed to accommodate a Story Quest. While some NPCs had updated dialogue after completing a certain quest, or a quest's dialogue changes depending on the completion of another quest, Jiu was removed from both the overworld and another World Quest she was featured in, The Secret of Nantianmen, regardless of the completion of No Mere Stone.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Ā Jiū
Ā Jiū
A Kyuu‍[!][!]
Ok Gu

Change History[]

Version 1.5
  • Jiu is no longer found at the base of the Dragon-Queller, except for during the quest No Mere Stone.

Version 1.0

  • Jiu was released.


  1. Twitter: EN VA Self Announcement
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Story Quest, Zhongli, Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act II - No Mere Stone, Part 4: Amidst Chaos, the Rock Is Unmoved