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Genshin Impact Wiki

Version 2.0 Special Program[]

Genshin Impact Version 2.0, "The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia," will be launched on July 21st. We would like to thank all Travelers for their support and companionship, and we will bring you more updates on Version 2.0. (The redemption codes provided in this Special Program will expire on July 10th at 12:00 noon, so Travelers should redeem them as soon as possible~)

The Genshin Impact Preview will be released on this channel on July 9 at 12:00 PM (UTC-4). During the program, Dawei (Co-Founder of miHoYo) and the Dev team will share their insight on the anticipated content in the new version. Look out for the redemption code drop in the livestream. Follow us now to get the most up to date information! See you all there, Travelers!

Introducing Inazuma[]

Dawei: Next, let's talk about Inazuma, which everyone is very excited about. What kind of changes are there in the development of Inazuma compared to the first two regions?

Aquaria, Combat Designer: A lot! Inazuma is the third large-scale region open to Travelers, after Mondstadt and Liyue. During the whole process of creating Inazuma, the whole team faced a huge challenge, namely from two aspects. On one hand, there was the issue of the pacing of content output after the launch because everyone was already exploring Mondstadt and Liyue, which were already launched. We spent a lot of time continuing to develop these large areas of land and produce new content on them on an ongoing basis. But when we started to develop Inazuma, the challenges were actually greater. Like what I said earlier, on one hand, we have to make sure that we can continuously update the versions to be launched and continue to provide players with gameplay content. On the other hand, we also have to work on the key node, to develop the new area of Inazuma and launch a massive release of high-quality playable content that may be even larger than the previous versions. These goals actually put a lot of pressure on the team. It's probably a serious challenge that everyone in our team has never faced in their career.

The second aspect is about the overall performance of the game content. We engaged in a more in-depth thought and design process. Different from the themes that everyone has come into contact with, such as Mondstadt's "freedom" and Liyue's "contracts" — Inazuma, which is centered around Electro, has ushered in a new theme called "eternity." Then, we will also optimize the design ideas of game content from the level of gameplay based on this theme to present them in a uniform manner. For Inazuma-related regional productions and many aspects on top of it, such as the background, gameplay design, we started on them pretty early. Some of our teammates have been working hard on the development of the version corresponding to Inazuma for a long time before the Inazuma content is released to our players.

Compared to similar, new areas that Travelers can explore such as Dragonspine in V1.2 and the Golden Apple Archipelago in V1.6, the scale of Inazuma is larger and the content is more dense, so the relevant work required is also more intensive. For the content as a whole, we have come up with some keywords to condense what we want to express in the Inazuma area. For example, eternity, Electro, and energy mentioned earlier, these keywords will then bring out a series of scenarios and gameplay designs but eventually they will converge back to these core concepts. When it comes to energy, for example, we have more stage gameplay and combat mechanics to explore more possibilities on the concept of Elemental Energy and create new combat systems. When it comes to Electro, outside of the existing combat-related Electro-Charged and Superconduct reactions, we will also take into account some of the unique local mechanisms and ecological features that Inazuma has to expand on the gameplay for Electro.

At the same time, we have learned from our experience in previous regions. We have abandoned some of the challenges that require players to use certain characters or specific elements in order to complete them. What we have done now is to change these designs to mechanisms that fit within the existing rules — mechanism puzzles that can be solved when the player figures out how to use the mechanism. On this basis, we also tried to use some gameplay methods to significantly change our players' exploration experience in the region. We hope that through these changes, players can find new fun and enjoy themselves in the Inazuma region.

Dawei: Hearing this makes me very excited to visit Inazuma.

Aquaria, Combat Designer: Haha, Inazuma has been awaiting our Travelers for a long time. I am very glad to be here today to share so many thoughts with you all at once. For combat design, we will also continue to provide players with a more interesting and high-quality gaming experience. Later there will be more development staff to introduce the content of Inazuma in detail. Please stay tuned, Travelers.

Dawei: The unveiling of a new region is often accompanied by an entire new culture and adventure. I believe everyone has been looking forward to this. Previously, Travelers have made many friends in Mondstadt, the City of Freedom, and Liyue, the Harbor of Contracts — and also got to find out more about the unique culture of each region. On the other side of the sea, the land of Inazuma also has its own stories to tell. The nation that seeks "eternity" under the rule of the Electro Archon. What kind of extraordinary encounters will Travelers have when they arrive there? Today, we have a special guest, Head of Genshin Impact's Creative Concept and Writing Team, Xiao Luohao, to share with everyone some content about Inazuma.

Xiao Luohao, Head of Creative Concept and Writing Team: Hello, Travelers. I'm Xiao Luohao from the IP department. Nice to meet everyone. As Head of the Creative Concept and Writing Team, I'm honored to be here today to share details about some of the interesting design of the new region, Inazuma.

Dawei: Speaking of which, I know a lot of our players have done in-depth study of our game's lore and design.

Xiao Luohao, Head of Creative Concept and Writing Team: Yes. Personally, I also enjoy reading the analyses that our players have about Teyvat. Everyone in our team came up with a lot of content during the brainstorming process and all of these will become clues hidden in various parts of the game. Players can search for, discover, and decipher these clues. That's sort of a communication with us across time and space — it gives us creators a heartfelt sense of joy.

Dawei: That's right. The enthusiasm and attention our players have shown has been an important source of strength for our team. We are very thankful for everyone's love towards Genshin Impact. As creators, all we can do is strive to produce the best product in return for everyone's support. For example, today, we have brought some topics that we believe will be of more interest to everyone.

Xiao Luohao, Head of Creative Concept and Writing Team: To introduce Inazuma, let's start with the scene of this tea room we are in now. There is a similar teahouse in Inazuma and its overall style is rather tranquil and quiet. We named it Komore Teahouse. "Komore" actually means light passing through the gaps between leaves, but what's different from the atmosphere we're is now is Komore Teahouse is a very hidden place; only special guests with reservations are allowed to enter. The owner of the teahouse is a Shiba Inu with a bandana around his forehead. He has a very cute name, "Taroumaru."

Dawei: Boss Shiba Inu? That's really interesting. The teahouse is owned by a dog instead of a person — the communication should be different, right? Then, as a customer, after the Traveler has had tea, they have to put the money inside a small box by themselves?

Xiao Luohao, Head of Creative Concept and Writing Team: Yes, haha. And there are some special aspects of the teahouse: legend has it that all employees have signed some kind of unspeakable contract with Taroumaru and they must work there forever.

Dawei: Well that's not what I expected. It sounds like there's more than meets the eye to Boss Shiba Inu. After hearing this, I feel like these stories resemble urban legends. It feels like Inazuma is a remarkable place.

Xiao Luohao, Head of Creative Concept and Writing Team: In terms of urban legends, Inazuma is indeed different from the first two regions that Travelers are familiar with. However, the Komore Teahouse is only one small place in Inazuma City. In addition to this, there are so many more magnificent and larger locations in Inazuma. Each area has its own unique design and layout. We hope that Travelers can continue to explore in-depth during their adventures to discover the various stories and details hidden within.

Inazuma is the third region that Travelers set foot in on the continent of Teyvat. At the beginning of development, our team drafted the theme of Inazuma as an "Ocean Archipelago" as the only one of the seven nations located entirely in the ocean. We wanted to preserve the unity of the region represented by the name "Inazuma" but also hope that each separate island — because it consists of six different islands — is able to bring a different regional experience than what we encountered on our journey through Liyue and Mondstadt.

Dawei: Different types of natural scenery are easy to make but how can we control and present the uniformity of Inazuma? Can you share more on that with us?

Xiao Luohao, Head of Creative Concept and Writing Team: On the point of uniformity, it may be a bit long to share entirely. We have to start from the foundation of Inazuma's design. It is well known that Inazuma is a nation ruled by the Electro Archon and Electro represents something everyone is familiar with: lightning, which happens in a flash. Lightning often symbolizes a fleeting moment, an instant. However, the concept that the Electro Archon pursues in the story is "eternity." So, what exactly happened to cause the Electro Archon's conviction to change from being a moment to an eternity? What is the deeper meaning behind this change in philosophy? These contradictions and collisions are exactly what we want to convey to you in the plot. We also very much hope that the discussion on this core idea can be expanded upon — it can drive players to have a good gaming experience, and at the same time, they can ponder more about this. After establishing the general premise of the Electro Archon's pursuit of eternity, we started work on the details — presenting the conflict in the game's storyline and design, and manifesting it concretely.

I guess everyone hearing this now must be thinking about the rationale behind the Electro Archon's actions. For example, what is the motivation that drives her to pursue eternity? What happened to give her this idea? What does she use to pursue this goal? How feasible are such means? What stage has the Electro Archon reached so far in her pursuit of "eternity"? And what are the implications of her actions? Will this Archon's pursuit conflict with those of her people? ...And so on. In the actual process of production, these questions and thoughts converged together within the details in-game. They were transformed into a soil that nurtured the entire culture of Inazuma. We have taken these points into consideration when designing each island to reflect the pursuits of the gods, their favors, and the marks left by the people involved.

To reflect the greater worldview through stories of the common folk, through different factions, the theme of "the Electro Archon's pursuit of Eternity" is reflected through details, helping us present the big picture. Although there are different islands and factions, there are differences in how they are presented for certain aspects. But if we look at it from a holistic perspective, the conflict is present throughout the entire story and in every part of Inazuma. Thus, the unity of the whole is shown.

我明白了,也就是说——the overall concept of Inazuma runs like a vein through the design of the entire region,但细节各有不同。从这里面能够看出整个稻妻各个群体的动向与动机。
Dawei: I see, that's to say — the overall concept of Inazuma runs like a vein through the design of the entire region but the details vary. And from this, we can see the actions and motives of various factions from Inazuma.

Xiao Luohao, Head of Creative Concept and Writing Team: That's right. What I have mentioned is just a basic process of our brainstorming. For the specific design, we will start with three entry points: one is history, the second is culture, and the third is geography.


Xiao Luohao, Head of Creative Concept and Writing Team: We refer to history as the events that have happened in the Inazuma region. I believe that many players have noticed that there was a long and arduous Archon War on the continent of Teyvat. Many of our stories are derived from the Archon War that took place. In also includes the tragedy that arose, the destruction of Khaenri'ah. Many wars and battles have led to loss; out of the sorrow of loss, obsession is spawned. The gods' philosophy and humanism were also somewhat influenced by these major historical turning points.

During the creation process, we also did a lot of research on the real world for reference. For example, we referenced a system called "Bugyou," or "Commissions." In Inazuma, a "Commissioner" is basically an important person responsible for a certain area of affairs. There are three prominent Commissions in Inazuma. They are: the Tenryou Commission led by the Kujou Clan, responsible for managing security and military affairs, and enforcing the Vision Hunt Decree; the Kanjou Commission led by the Hiiragi Clan, responsible for managing finance and customs; and the third is the Yashiro Commission, led by the Kamisato Clan — they are in charge of managing shrines, festivals, and cultural events.

Dawei: One of those clan names sounded very familiar... Haha, let's move on. And how is the geographic aspect designed?

Culture and Geography[]

Xiao Luohao, Head of Creative Concept and Writing Team: In terms of geography, we first worked with the art and design teams to coordinate some adjustments. Taking the color corresponding to the region's element — similar to what we did for Liyue and Mondstadt — we had determined that the color representing Electro is purple and designed Inazuma building off this color. Inazuma is a region with distinctive features. This is what our design and planning departments want to reflect — they hope that its ecological environment contains more Electro with more Electro harvestable resources to interact with. This Electro-rich environment has given birth to different colors: vegetation, trees of different varieties, and special harvestable resources that are created in response to the environment. For example, there are Dandelions and Windwheel Asters in Mondstadt, and Liyue has Glaze Lilies and Silk Flowers — Inazuma also has distinct objects representative of its own culture and geography. We designed one called Naku Weed and another called Sakura Bloom. We used these nice-looking plants to integrate Electro in the collection and puzzle-solving aspects. The Electro element can be said to be the foundation of Inazuma's geographical design and further combining it with the core historical events of Inazuma.

We have also developed a landscape concept and cultural attractions that confirm to the design rules. For example, we have Mt. Yougou, a mountain related to the legend of the "tengu"; The Grand Narukami Shrine, which enshrines a huge tree resembling a fox; Tatarasuna, a place related to the crafting of swords; and Musoujin Gorge, created by a slash of the Electro Archon. With these regional settings, the terrain and landscape derived from the historical, geographical, and cultural designs described earlier are also important vehicles for the storyline in Genshin Impact. By integrating story with the environment, we can better present the story of Gods and humans in this world and try to bring players a more immersive gaming experience through various scenes, levels, and text.

Dawei: Can you pick a few to introduce? Such as the Grand Narukami Shrine? I'm very curious about the huge Sacred Sakura inside.

Xiao Luohao, Head of Creative Concept and Writing Team: The design of the sacred Sacred Sakura [sic] is derived from the belief of Himorogi and sacred trees. It symbolizes the Electro Archon's protection over the entire nation of Inazuma. But I would like to elaborate: we didn't just reference Sakura Trees for the Sacred Sakura but also a tree called the "quaking aspen." This tree is actually quite interesting. Underground, the root systems of many trees are closely interlinked, so what looks like a large forest is in fact made up of just one tree. Strictly speaking, it is just one tree. I think that's quite interesting. In fact, the Sacred Sakura adopted a similar design. This special natural ecology is applied to the game and when it complements the player's actual in-game experience and exploring, it will manifest as more distinctive and realistic. Then, since we are on the topic of the Sacred Sakura and Grand Narukami Shrine, I must mention two characters: the Raiden Shogun and Yae Miko. Both of them are extremely important characters in Inazuma. To a certain extent, they also symbolize the core of cultural design in Inazuma.

Dawei: Just listening already makes me very excited for Inazuma. I don't know how much longer I can wait. Oh yes, I want to ask: are there any other landmarks closely associated with the Raiden Shogun?

Xiao Luohao, Head of Creative Concept and Writing Team: If we don't talk about the Shogun's residence, Tenshukaku, for the time being, there is a geographical wonder in Inazuma called Musoujin Gorge. We feel that this location is very representative of the Raiden Shogun. Its existence is closely related to the Raiden Shogun. Here the Raiden Shogun once faced a large serpent that attacked from Watatsumi Island. To slay her opponent, the Raiden Shogun dealt a thunderous slash. But because her power was too strong, not only was the reat serpent severed on the spot, the whole island was cleaved into two. Now, you can still see the remains of the great serpent when you set foot on Yashiori Island, and the island is divided into north and south as if neatly sliced by a blade. This wondrous scene can be seen in the game — the result of that fierce battle in the past. But after the great serpent's tragic defeat, its grudge continues to linger. It has spawned something called Tatarigami. As a result, the Inazuma region has also developed a phenomena of suppressing the Tatarigami or exploiting the Tatarigami, from which is derived associated culture and history. For example: the mining of Crystal Marrow associated with the mining industry. That is, the excavation of a legacy related to the great serpent as well as the crafting of swords in Tatarasuna, etc.

The reason why the great serpent, Tatarigami, and the smelting at Tatarasuna are integrated in the design is also derived from some myths and legends that the great serpent is associated with primitive iron making.

Dawei: It feels like there are a lot of clues buried in Inazuma's design that is worth exploring.

Xiao Luohao, Head of Creative Concept and Writing Team: Yes. We hope players will embark on the journey themselves and experience the customs of Inazuma step by step as they explore. Players can venture more deeply into the world of Teyvat, unearth more secrets, and also have a lot of fun in the process.

Scene Production[]

Dawei: Welcome back to today's Version 2.0 Special Program. From what our teammates have shared so far, we have learned a little about the design concepts and regional flavor of Inazuma. So in the game, how do we express these ideas using visual art and turn these into scenes that everyone can fully explore? Next, we have Cissie, an artist from our scene production team.

Cissie, Environment Art: Hello, Travelers. I'm Cissie, in charge of the map of Inazuma. It's my honor to be invited by Dawei to the show today to talk about some of the scene design concepts of the new area, Inazuma.

Dawei: We've seen some images of Inazuma's scenery before. In a visual sense, they made a powerful impression on me. So, Cissie, can you tell us more about the overall art style of the map of Inazuma?

Cissie, Environment Art: Actually, we have included a lot of hidden designs and unique details in the map of Inazuma. It can be difficult to summarize purely with words, but generally speaking, what we want to convey to the players this time perhaps can be summarized by a quote from the Japanese author, Jun'ichirou Tanizaki: "We find beauty not in the thing itself but in the patterns of shadows, the light and the darkness, that one thing against another creates." Jun'ichirou Tanizaki's quote means that objects are hidden within vague rays of light and to let one's imagination enhance beauty, this is the biggest difference between Japanese and Western spatial design. If the Western style of design is to present everything in the fullest detail, then the Japanese pursuit of tranquility, seclusion, and calmness is to express an atmosphere — and this atmosphere remains throughout players' experience of the map of Inazuma, and it will gradually progress.

Inazuma is the only island nation among the seven nations of Teyvat, so Inazuma's climate is different from that of Mondstadt and Liyue where the sky is quite clear. Inazuma is geographically located in an archipelago. No matter which island Travelers are in, they can feel the scenery changing rapidly in front of their eyes as the light and shadow flows, as if the scenery can be blown away by the sea breeze if you're not paying attention. We try to convey these emotions to our players by manipulating space and perception, to create a shift between light and shadow. At the same time, Inazuma is also an area deeply impacted by the Electro element. So visually speaking, it will have its own unique characteristics. Under the two primary contexts of being Electro-influenced and being an island nation, Inazuma's scenery and ecology are created based on the geographical formation of islands. On this map. we want our players to feel the impact of the Electro element on the entire area through the mountains and rocks.

Also, we wanted to create some very unique and recognizable structures, so we tried to get inspiration from the natural wonders of the real world. Lastly, we used the Byoubugaura Cliffs in Japan as the focus of the design. This place, known as the "Dover of the Orient," has a very unique geological structure: the rock grains are horizontal, and there are some small islands in the sea that look as though they plunged into the water horizontally, which seems very unstable. It's very similar to what we want to convey in terms of the Electro influence on the landscape. So based on this point, we refined and reconstructed these horizontal grains. We depicted these oblique grains and structures on every surface of the rocks and mountains and then we reintegrated the grains in the form of a collage which forms the "intersected lines" that we see.

Dawei: So that's how you demonstrate the Electro element's impact on the terrain? It's really innovative.

Cissie, Environment Art: Yes. But at the same time, we also came across a big challenge which is, how do we provide a way for the players to explore and experience this interesting ecology under the influence of the Electro element without destroying the original natural ecology? Later, we figured that if we see the entire island as a more three-dimensional space with upper and lower structures. Then, players can find these locations through secret places and channels — just like in "Spirited Away," how Chihiro reaches another world through a long tunnel or like in "My Neighbor Totoro," how Mei falls into Totoro's cave from the fence in her backyard. This would make it more interesting, right? Once we established this idea, with the encouragement and recognition from our colleagues from the Creative Concept and Writing and Planning teams, we started a long journey of realizing our concepts.

We placed the Sacred Sakura roots, which have mutated under the influence of Electro, around the torii gate and lit up these dark caves with special-shaped glowing purple shrubs. We want to show the wonders of the Electro element using form and color. If you want to explore certain mysteries, you can find keys in the village, jump into the dry well in the village, squeeze in between the rocks by the sea, or find treasures hidden under ordinary items in an obscure little cave inside Shugo Forest. There is a sense of danger everywhere here. Visually, there is a strong contrast from the places above ground, which are tranquil and beautiful.

There's also a place in Inazuma that's full of magical wonder which is Tatarasuna, Kannazuka. It is a great place where human history meets natural wonder. Just now, our colleague mentioned the battle between the Raiden Shogun and the great serpent after which the remains of the Tatarigami were sealed on this island. With the remains as the core, the energy can gather the surrounding rock which forms a huge visual center in the middle of the scene. Mikage Furnace, the largest smelting facility in Inazuma, is located here. To further enhance the visual depiction of this energy, we directed the surrounding plankways towards the middle to connect with the furnace in the center. Next, we enveloped the inner space in purple and added special effects of flying sand and flickering lightning to the environment to express a sense of danger and mystery.

It is also closely related to "Tatara Tales," a large-scale open world themed quest. Before unlocking relevant quests, there will be a huge energy shield that looks like an electric wave on the outskirts. You can feel the strong surge of energy inside by just getting a little closer.

Dawei: Now that you mention it, I realize that the flowers and plants in this scene are very different from those in the previous areas.

Cissie, Environment Art: That's right. As for the vegetation of Inazuma, its color corresponds with that of the Electro element. Our team discussed with the Creative Concept and Writing Team, and decided to use purple shades to depict areas that are affected by the Electro element. For normal areas that are not affected, we tried to pay homage to the classic vegetation colors of Ghibli animation. It's a fusion of different shades of cool green. The light-blue "baby blue eyes" and the dark blue hyacinths constitute the basic ecology of Inazuma. It connects every plain and swamp and reeds grow vigorously in the mountain passes, river banks, and on hills.

In summer, people sit on Amakane Island, where the sakura blossoms bloom, and watch the fireworks in the distance, lighting up the sky of Inazuma. The sakura blossoms in the city are illuminated by fireworks. The reflection of fireworks on the sea's surface inspires us to imagine beautiful things.

Dawei: From Cissie's description, I can feel a creator's passion for her works. I didn't know there are so many beautiful scenes in Inazuma. Which one left the deepest impression on you?

Cissie, Environment Art: This is a very hard question to answer. When you asked me just now, I had some images in my mind like a misty landscape and maple leaves blowing in the wind, with buildings on Ritou's shore. The port city is engulfed in a gloomy atmosphere and in the dim light, you can see people walking and talking. A few simple houses sit quietly beside a stream on the plain. When you look back, the top of a torii gate peeks out from among massive trees. If you happen to find a tanuki in the grass, you can follow it all the way up a misty forest. You'll then arrive at the home of Kamisato Ayaka which is surrounded by sakura blooms.

Dawei: I can already see the images in front of me.

Cissie, Environment Art: In terms of the architecture of Inazuma, my favorite would be the Kamisato Clan estate. Through the corridor with light passing through, as you sit in Miss Ayaka's tea room, Travelers can see the terrace framed by green branches through the semi-open structure. In the distance, Inazuma City and Tenshukaku can be seen faintly through the sakura blossoms. Through the thick clouds, the sun shines on the roof of Tenshukaku, like a painting in front of your eyes. The depiction of all these places with Eastern aesthetics never fails to impress me no matter how many times I see them.

There will be more wonderful scenes in the coming version. For example, Watatsumi Island with its distinctive and unique characteristics, peculiar landscape, and dreamy colors; and the magnificent Seirai Island which is constantly enshrouded by thunderstorms; Tsurumi Island, abandoned for many years, covered in withered branches and vegetation that looks like Thunderbird feathers; and the largest underground space below sea level in Inazuma... there are are more unique landscapes and plants waiting for you to explore. As the landscape creators, we are also looking forward to creating more new areas and giving a fresh and interesting experience to all Travelers.


Dawei: Thank you very much for your wonderful presentation, Cissie. Besides the beautiful scenery, Genshin Impact's music is also something that Travelers enjoy. Before officially entering Version 2.0, we reviewed the soundtrack of Genshin Impact Version 1.0. Many great tracks, like the one during the battle with "Childe" and the battle with Azhdaha, and the music that appears in our trailers like "Travail" and "We Will Be Reunited" will all be included in this new album "The Shimmering Voyage," let's take a look. Of course, the much-anticipated Inazuma soundtrack of Version 2.0 is also in production. Next up, we have Yu-Peng Chen of the HOYO-MiX team, the Composer and Producer of Genshin Impact soundtracks to give us a brief introduction.

Yu-Peng Chen, Music Producer: Thank you, Dawei! Hello, Travelers! I'm excited to share some details about the production of Inazuma's soundtrack. Genshin Impact is an open-world adventure game. Different soundtracks are required to match different locations. We take a lot of inspiration from music around the world. We had the London Philharmonic Orchestra record the soundtrack for Mondstadt. Then, we had the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra record the music for Liyue. For Inazuma, we approached the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra in collaboration with traditional-instrument musicians, once again to give a live performance to create the music of Inazuma.

Dawei: I'm sure the Inazuma soundtrack in Version 2.0 will give you a different experience from the music of Mondstadt and Liyue. Mr. Chen, can you give us an update on the recording of the Inazuma soundtracks?

Yu-Peng Chen, Music Producer: The best way to experience it is to wait until you can visit Inazuma and feel the music in the game. Here, I will share some information about the music production of Inazuma with you: when designing Inazuma's music, we added several traditional musical instruments in addition to classical orchestral music such as Shakuhachi, Shamisen, Taiko, Koto, etc. We used characteristic Japanese vocal singing. Due to the impact of the global pandemic, this time, we communicated online in real-time. For over a month, back and forth I liaised with the Japanese musicians remotely to review the melody and set the musical instruments. We overcame many difficulties, and achieved satisfactory results through this collaboration. I hope everyone will enjoy the music of Inazuma after entering Version 2.0.
