<2600 years ago ― After Minacious Isle is formed,[3] a group of people gets shipwrecked there,[4] including a grandmother with a family heirloom from her hometown.[5] These people go on to live across the archipelago[3] for at least five generations.[6]
The speakers of Conch Retrospection I: Songs of a Distant Home (Five Mountains, Two Paths, One River, Four Winds, and Clan of Song) span a minimum of four generations starting with the grandchild of the first grandmother (the addressee and speaker, respectively, in Five Mountains), or five when including the first grandmother. It is unknown how many generations are not represented by the Echoing Conches. The tightest plausible timeline is as follows:
Let Person Z be the speaker of Five Mountains. Her grandchild, who she speaks to in Five Mountains, is Person A. Person A is from generation #1.
The speaker of Two Paths could be Person A (generation #1), now grown. She could be referring to herself as "Mommy" in third person, because she may be addressing her child. She speaks to Person B, who would be from generation #2.
The speaker of One River, "Grandma," could be Person B (generation #2), now grown. She speaks to Person C, who would be from generation #4.
The speaker of Four Winds could be Person C (generation #4), still a child.
The "Mother" in Clan of Song is likely not the speaker of One River, as while they both sound elderly, they have different voices.[Note 1] She could be the mother between Person B (generation #2) and Person C (generation #4), which would make her from generation #3. This would also make the other speaker in Clan of Song Person C (generation #4), now grown.
↑The first speaker in Pro-Exit Persuasion (the grandchild of "Grandpa") appears to have the same voice as the islander speaker in Conch Retrospection V: Grand Line in all four voice acted languages.