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Ying'er (Chinese: 莺儿 Yīng'er) is an open-world NPC in Liyue Harbor.

Her dialogue changes slightly after completing Act II of Chapter I.



Ying'er is a shop assistant for the Scent of Spring at Chihu Rock, a shop for fine vases. She also makes perfumes as a side job.

During the events of Farewell, Archaic Lord, Zhongli tasked the Traveler with converting the flowers he had bought from Bolai into perfume as part of the Rite of Parting over Morax's death. The Traveler found Ying'er and she helped them create the needed perfume, taking them through step by step.

Later on, Timaeus discovered a "Smoldersleet Elixir" and with the Traveler's help, tracked its origins to Ying'er, who told them that it was just a popular perfume. Ying'er offered to teach him how to make perfume, seeing that it could help him out with his alchemical work. With her guidance, Timaeus was able to make an improved agent and the two began talking about essential oils and perfumes while the Traveler tested Timaeus' new potion.


She has brown hair and brown eyes and dons a light purple dress.

Quests and Events[]

Archon Quests

Story Quests

Hangout Events



Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle Come inside...
Media:VO Ying'er 01.ogg "Hey there, don't be shy... Come inside..."
During Fleeting Colors in Flight
Icon Dialogue Idle Treat yourself...
Media:VO Ying'er Lantern Rite 01.ogg "Why not treat yourself to a seasonal gift from Scent of Spring? You won't regret it~"
During The Exquisite Night Chimes
Icon Dialogue Idle Treat yourself...
Media:VO Ying'er Lantern Rite 02.ogg "Why not treat yourself to a seasonal gift from Scent of Spring? I promise it will be... unforgettable."
During Vibrant Harriers Aloft in Spring Breeze
Icon Dialogue Idle Treat yourself...
Media:VO Ying'er Lantern Rite 02.ogg "Why not treat yourself to a seasonal gift from Scent of Spring? I promise it will be... unforgettable."


(Prior to completing Farewell, Archaic Lord)
Ying'er: Well hello, you're looking rather fetching today. Care to take a look inside Scent of Spring? I'm sure you'll find something unforgettable~!
(After completing Farewell, Archaic Lord)
Ying'er: Well hello there, stranger... Did you come all this way just to see me?
Ying'er: Shame — this girl's still got to work. If only it were after hours...
Ying'er: Why don't you come feast your eyes on what we've got in store? I'm just a slab of lipstick and a dab of makeup compared to these beauties.
Icon Dialogue Talk Wait, is this a...
Ying'er: Of course! As you would expect. The real deal.
Ying'er: You didn't know? They let us open our own little hideaways, nothing to worry about.
Ying'er: Just imagine, the warmth of their bodies, the smoothness of their curves under your hands...
Ying'er: Pretty as they are, you can't have them out and about, it's not appropriate. I have to get them baked for twelve hours before I can even open shop...
Icon Dialogue Talk Wait, did you just say "baked"?
Ying'er: Of course! I mean, not as intensely as those other places, but once I've got them ready, they're just as good as anywhere else.
Ying'er: All our very best are as I described: full and elegant bodies, thinner up top, but curvaceous further down. It's what everybody is asking for these days...
Ying'er: The clients that I have come and pick their favorite and then off they go! They're always so glowing and satisfied when they're done.
Icon Dialogue Talk Oh, ahh, I'll... I'll pass.
Ying'er: Oh come now, why so stuffy? No one likes someone who can't appreciate and enjoy true beauty!

Event Dialogue[]

Fleeting Colors in Flight[]

Ying'er: Oh my~ If it isn't my old acquaintance. Did you come all this way during Lantern Rite to see me?
Ying'er: Of course, you look as lovely as ever.
Ying'er: It's just a shame that we're so busy, even though it's the festival period...
Ying'er: But either way, why don't you feast your eyes on what we've got in store? Who knows, you might chance upon some extra benefits.
Ying'er: I mean, I'm just a slap of lipstick and a dab of makeup compared to these beauties.
(Continue non-event dialogue)

The Exquisite Night Chimes[]

Ying'er: Oh my, if it isn't my old acquaintance. Did you come all this way during Lantern Rite just to see me?
Ying'er: It's been a while, but you still look as lovely as ever.
Ying'er: Ah, it's the Lantern Rite, but I don't really have much time to spare. Can't help it when the shop's so popular, you know? Otherwise...
Ying'er: ...Hehe, anyway, why don't you feast your eyes on what we've got in store? Who knows, you might chance upon some extra benefits.
Ying'er: I mean, I'm just a slap of lipstick and a dab of makeup compared to those beauties.
(Continue non-event dialogue)

Vibrant Harriers Aloft in Spring Breeze[]

Ying'er: Oh my, if it isn't my old acquaintance. Did you come all this way during Lantern Rite just to see me?
Ying'er: It's been a while, but you still look as lovely as ever.
Ying'er: Would you be interested in trying my new fragrance?
Ying'er: You could even daub some on the kite you're flying. That way, it'll carry far and wide.
Ying'er: I imagine such a kite would make a fine decoration in your home, too.
Ying'er: It's sure to leave a lasting impression.


  • In modern Mandarin Chinese, yīng (Chinese: ) primarily refers to warblers, potentially influenced by the Japanese word うぐいす uguisu, "Japanese bush warbler," whose kanji derives from the traditional form of yīng.[3] However, in pre-modern times, yīng solely signified orioles, specifically the black-naped oriole.[3]
    • The black-naped oriole is an important bird and a popular theme in traditional Chinese literature due to its beautiful song and role as a harbinger of spring.[3]
  • Her name could be inspired by the character also by the name of Ying'er (Chinese: 莺儿) from the romantic fiction Dream of the Red Chamber, one of the Four Greatest Classical Novels of China.
    • For the character in the novel, Ying'er ("Little Oriole") is a diminutive of her true name 黄金莺 Huángjīn Yīng, "Golden Oriole."[4]
  • The Chinese name for Scent of Spring is 春香窑 Chūnxiāng-yáo, "Spring-Scent Kiln." It matches China's cultural idea that a black-naped oriole (yīng) is an elegant harbinger of spring. "Kiln" (Chinese: yáo) is also a common suffix for orthodox porcelain producers, such as the Jingdezhen-yao (Chinese: 景德镇窑).
  • There are many double-entendres associated with Ying'er.
    • In Scent of Spring (Chinese: 春香窑 Chūnxiāng-yáo), spring (Chinese: chūn) may connote amorous or lustful feelings.[5] Also, kiln (Chinese: yáo) is colloquially used to refer to brothels.[6]
    • The term 流莺 liúyīng, lit. "wandering warbler/oriole" is a euphemistic way of referring to a streetwalker.
    • These may explain why the Traveler was confused about Ying'er's behaviors.
  • She is one of the few people from Liyue whose Japanese name is read using the kun'yomi instead of the on'yomi.
  • Ying'er is mentioned in the description of the following Furnishing:



Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
Korean앵아앵아[• 1]
RussianИн Эр
In Er
  1. Korean: Little Oriole (see Trivia)

Change History[]


  1. Twitter: EN VA Self Announcement
  2. Amuleto: JP VA's Profile
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Sibagu: Of Orioles and Warblers
  4. Baidu Encyclopedia: 莺儿
  5. Baidu Encyclopedia: (汉字)
  6. Baidu Encyclopedia:
  7. Archon Quest, Chapter I, Act II - Farewell, Archaic Lord, Part 3: Three Poignant Perfumes (Japanese Voice-Over)