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Festive Elegance is the first part of the True Tales of the Violet Garden: Act I - The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture during the Hues of the Violet Garden event.


  1. Talk to Katheryne in Inazuma
  2. Go to Yae Publishing House to look for Yae Miko
  3. Go to the Irodori Festival site on Ritou


UI Quest Quest Description

The Inazuman Adventurers' Guild seems to have a quest for you. Look for Katheryne for more details.
(Talk to Katheryne)
Media:vo rcjeq001 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hi Katheryne, we heard that you have a new commission for us?
Media:vo rcjeq001 1 katheryne 01.ogg Katheryne: That's correct. There's a requester who has submitted a designated commission for the two of you.
Media:vo rcjeq001 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: A designated commission? Sounds like it must be pretty important. Uh, what kind of task is it, exactly?
Media:vo rcjeq001 1 katheryne 02.ogg Katheryne: Hehe, there's no need to worry. This commission is not dangerous by any means. Perhaps you have heard that Inazuma will soon be holding a major festival — the "Magnificent Irodori Festival."
Media:vo rcjeq001 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Yay! A festival! Come to think of it, we haven't attended a festival in Inazuma for a while.
Media:vo rcjeq001 1 katheryne 03.ogg Katheryne: The Yashiro Commission and Lady Yae are responsible for all the festival preparations. The one who has requested your help is none other than Lady Yae herself.
Icon Dialogue Talk Oh, so it's Miko's commission.
Media:vo rcjeq001 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Hehe, you know Miko... She always has some unusual ideas in her head. You can bet a festival planned by her is gonna be one to remember.
Media:vo rcjeq001 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: We'd better go to Grand Narukami Shrine and see what she needs us to do.
Media:vo rcjeq001 1 katheryne 04.ogg Katheryne: Lady Yae is currently at Yae Publishing House in Hanamizaka, so there's no need to go all the way to the shrine. In fact, she has instructed me to have you directly meet with her there.
Media:vo rcjeq001 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh, well that's convenient enough. Let's go then!
UI Quest Quest Description

Since you were commissioned by Miko herself, you might as well ask her for more details. You've heard that she can be found near Yae Publishing House...
(Approach Yae Publishing House)
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 01.ogg Yae Miko: Aratani and Kuroda, how are things coming along?
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 aratani 01.ogg Aratani: All the books and commissioned prints for Yae Publishing House were bound and sent out yesterday afternoon, Lady Yae.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 02.ogg Yae Miko: Very good. And Murata?
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 murata 01.ogg Murata: We have already received word from Eipekkusu and Sailing Breeze that the materials are all in place for "Shogun Almighty: Reborn as Raiden With Unlimited Power" and "Pretty Please, Kitsune Guuji?"!
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 03.ogg Yae Miko: Well done. And what about you, Onodera?
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 onodera 01.ogg Onodera: ...
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 04.ogg Yae Miko: Ahem. O—no—de—ra?
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 onodera 02.ogg Onodera: Oh, uh, yes Lady Yae! Everything is ready for the new issue release party.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 05.ogg Yae Miko: You are the one who organized the plans for this release party. In other words, you are the team's fearless leader now. So please, show some confidence.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 06.ogg Yae Miko: Besides, there's no need to be nervous. This project is destined for success, I feel quite optimistic about it.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 07.ogg Yae Miko: I shall specially grant you leave for the next couple of days, Onodera. Please take the opportunity to have a good rest. After all, you will be very busy on the day of the release party.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 onodera 03.ogg Onodera: Yes, Lady Yae. Thank you very much!
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 08.ogg Yae Miko: Alright then, is everyone clear about their assignments? Good. We are running out of time, so let's get moving! Chop chop!
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 09.ogg Yae Miko: Ah, hello little ones. I take it you have received my commission, hmm?
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Some organizer you are! It's nearly time for the festival and you're still over here ramping things up for your light novel business! Shouldn't you be getting back to the Grand Narukami Shrine?
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: You weren't thinking of dumping all the festival preparations on us, were you? Hmph, if so, then you can forget it, Paimon won't accept such a commission!
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah, forget it!
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 10.ogg Yae Miko: My my, such harsh words... It hurts to hear that kind of talk from you two. But, as you can clearly see, I'm here working like a dog for the festival, yet you say I'm not doing my job.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 11.ogg Yae Miko: Let me ask you, little ones, who ever said that the festival must involve the Grand Narukami Shrine?
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Huh? But isn't that a given? This is Inazuma, after all.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 12.ogg Yae Miko: Yes, that is true. But now that the Sakoku Decree has been lifted, Inazuma is no longer the same nation that once resisted change tooth and nail.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 13.ogg Yae Miko: Therefore, rather than sticking to the same old traditional festival, the Yashiro Commission and I have decided to shake things up a little... This time, we'll be holding an international cultural festival, distinctly Inazuman but with a unique twist.
Icon Dialogue Talk International...
Icon Dialogue Talk Cultural festival?
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 14.ogg Yae Miko: Hehe, I suppose I should start by telling you the origins of the Irodori Festival.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 15.ogg Yae Miko: Legend has it that there were five poets in ancient Inazuma who were supremely gifted in singing and writing poetry. They are known as "The Five Kasen."
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 16.ogg Yae Miko: Every year, one of the five would present a collection of the group's poems to the Shogun for review, which would then spark cultured discussions regarding those works.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 17.ogg Yae Miko: Thanks to them, Inazuma's culture blossomed and gained great influence at that time.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 18.ogg Yae Miko: As time passed, people began creating various tales based on The Five Kasen. The Irodori Festival was also developed as a result to show appreciation for their works which so greatly enriched our lives.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Sounds like a festival that's really rooted in culture.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 19.ogg Yae Miko: Indeed, to describe it in the words of the ancients, it'd be "refined elegance." Unfortunately, with the flow of time, people have gradually forgotten about The Five Kasen and the festival.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 20.ogg Yae Miko: Which is precisely why I've decided to revive the Irodori Festival by...
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 21.ogg Yae Miko: Holding a cultural convention featuring light novels!
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Wa—Wait a minute... light novels!?
Icon Dialogue Talk What about all that "refined elegance" stuff you just said?
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 22.ogg Yae Miko: Please stop looking at me with those baffled expressions. In ancient times, poetry was all the rage. But nowadays, the entertainment format of choice is light novels.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 23.ogg Yae Miko: The important thing is not the format but the creative work itself. It is impossible to come up with anything fresh if you're stuck using some rigid format of the past.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 24.ogg Yae Miko: Speaking of which, don't you think that the concept of "focusing on the now" perfectly suits the current Inazuma?
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 25.ogg Yae Miko: And besides, it's a great opportunity to reintroduce Inazuma to all Teyvat through light novels. As they say, it's two birds with one stone.
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds like...
Icon Dialogue Talk A whole lot of thinly veiled self-justifications?
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Whoa, that was close... Paimon was nearly carried away by Miko's persuasive tongue.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: C'mon Miko, you can't fool us! We know you by now, this is all definitely stemming from your own personal interests!
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 26.ogg Yae Miko: Haha, I can't deny that my hobbies had no part to play in this. However, regardless of whether it's light novels or a festival, catching people's attention with a fresh concept is the essence here.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 27.ogg Yae Miko: Well, what do you say? Aren't you two even a little curious about what interesting things you might see at the festival?
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Uh, maybe a little... Ah alright, Paimon's super curious now!
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 28.ogg Yae Miko: Hehe. Come, let's pay a visit to the venue in Ritou together. I promise that it will give you a whole new perspective on the festival.
Media:vo rcjeq001 2 yaemiko 29.ogg Yae Miko: There we'll meet a special someone who will tell you more about your tasks.
Icon Quest Step Step Description

Miko introduces the Irodori Festival to you breifly. Time to follow her to Ritou to see it for yourself.
(Approach the festival site)
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 yaemiko 01.ogg Yae Miko: During the Irodori Festival, the area around the Outlander Affairs Agency will become the main exhibition space for light novels.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 yaemiko 02.ogg Yae Miko: Once things are in full swing, not only will there be lots of official and fan-created work on display, there'll also be exclusive giveaways, prizes, and new release parties.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 yaemiko 03.ogg Yae Miko: This small plaza in front of the International Trade Association will be called "The Five Kasen Plaza" during the festival, and nearby shops will be selling special light novel merchandise. You certainly won't want to miss out.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wow, how should Paimon put this... It's definitely not your typical festival, but it sure looks like it'll be quite the party!
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah, it's like a light novel paradise.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Huh? Uh, Miko, what are these blank boards in the center of the plaza?
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 yaemiko 04.ogg Yae Miko: Yes, those are—
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 ayato 01.ogg Kamisato Ayato: Ah, Lady Yae did mention that there would be some reliable helpers coming to assist with the festivities. It appears she meant you two.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 ayato 02.ogg Kamisato Ayato: At last, we meet again, Traveler and Paimon. Tell me, how are you faring recently?
(If the player has not met Kamisato Ayato yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Kamisato Ayato — Pillar of Fortitude
The young but accomplished clan head of the Yashiro Commission's Kamisato Clan, Kamisato Ayato, is gentle and polite in his manners, and is a highly capable operator.
On the surface, he seems like a down-to-earth, elegant, and proper fellow who does not enjoy public appearances or showing off.
But those who know him well know never to underestimate him — for it was he who steadied the Kamisato Clan ship when the previous Commissioner had fallen gravely ill.
His present position is not one that could have been secured without extraordinary skills or brilliance. So, beware his immaculate smile all the same.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh, it's Ayato! Wow, so even a busy guy like yourself is here to attend the Irodori Festival.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 ayato 03.ogg Kamisato Ayato: Preparing festivals falls under the Yashiro Commission's scope of responsibilities. Seeing as Lady Yae has poured her heart and soul into the preparations, I'm obliged to be equally dedicated.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 yaemiko 05.ogg Yae Miko: Hehe. Come now Ayato, we're not strangers here. There's no need to sound so formal.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 yaemiko 06.ogg Yae Miko: We were just about to discuss the boards over here. They're related to our little helpers' tasks, so I'll let you give them a detailed rundown.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 ayato 04.ogg Kamisato Ayato: Certainly. I assume you two already know that the Irodori Festival originated from The Five Kasen. These five boards are here for painting their portraits.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 ayato 05.ogg Kamisato Ayato: This Irodori Festival is not only the first major festival to be held in Inazuma since the lifting of the Sakoku Decree, it is also an event deeply rooted in culture and the arts.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 ayato 06.ogg Kamisato Ayato: Therefore, the Yashiro Commission has personally invited several cultural celebrities from other nations.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 ayato 07.ogg Kamisato Ayato: For example, the artist we have invited to paint these portraits hails from the distant land of Mondstadt.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 ayato 08.ogg Kamisato Ayato: The Yashiro Commission will arrange accommodations and food in Inazuma for each of the distinguished guests. However, we fear that staying in a foreign land may feel a little uncomfortable.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 ayato 09.ogg Kamisato Ayato: Which is precisely why it would be ideal to have someone familiar with both Inazuma and other nations of Teyvat to serve as a guide for our guests.
Icon Dialogue Talk I get it now.
Icon Dialogue Talk So this is our commission.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 ayato 10.ogg Kamisato Ayato: I knew you would catch on. It is our hope that you would be able to guide the guests from the harbor to their residence at the International Trade Association while providing any necessary assistance along the way.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 ayato 11.ogg Kamisato Ayato: This Arrival Schedule includes the details of the ships on which the guests will be arriving. All you simply have to do is go to the docks at the indicated times.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 yaemiko 07.ogg Yae Miko: It's settled then. My, look at the time. I have to meet with my editors, so I must be going now.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 yaemiko 08.ogg Yae Miko: During the festival, most of the Yae Publishing House's editors will be staying near the Outlander Affairs Agency. If you run into any problems, you may find them there.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 ayato 12.ogg Kamisato Ayato: This festival requires the full cooperation of the Tri-Commission, and there are still many minor details which require my attention, so I must excuse myself for now. I'll leave the guests in your hands.
(Obtain Arrival Schedule Arrival Schedule)
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: All the details we need about the ships are on the timetable that Ayato gave us.
Media:vo rcjeq001 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Let's take a closer look and be sure to pick up the passengers according to the times written on it.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishFestive Elegance
Jǐn Tíng Fēngyǎ Shènghuì
Violet Garden's Elegant Grand Meeting
Jǐn Tíng Fēngyǎ Shènghuì
Kintei no Fuuga-na Seikai‍[!][!]
Violet Garden's Elegant Successful Meeting
Korean자색 정원의 축��
Jasek Jeongwon-ui Chukje
Violet Garden's Festival
SpanishElegancia festivaFestive Elegance
FrenchÉlégance festiveFestive Elegance
RussianПраздничная элегантность
Prazdnichnaya elegantnost'
Festive Elegance
VietnameseBuổi Tiệc Phong Nhã
GermanFestliche EleganzFestive Elegance
IndonesianKeanggunan FestivalElegance of Festival
PortugueseElegância Festiva do Jardim Violeta

Change History[]
