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OverviewAdvanced MechanicsSimultaneous Reaction PriorityCharacter Data
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If an element is applied to a target with multiple co-existing auras, multiple reactions may be triggered in order, which follows a certain priority sequence depending on the element applied.

Higher priority reactions will be triggered first, and lower priority reactions will only be triggered if the applied element was not fully consumed after triggering higher priority reactions. Lower priority reactions will use the leftover gauges from the higher priority reactions.

For example, when a target has 2U of Burning, 1U of Pyro, and 1U of Dendro simultaneously:

  • If 1U of Hydro is applied, it will trigger Vaporize, which fully consumes the Burning and Pyro auras and the applied Hydro, while the 1U Dendro aura remains untouched.
  • If 2U of Hydro is applied, it will first trigger Vaporize, fully consuming the Burning and Pyro auras but leaving 1U of the applied Hydro remaining. The remaining Hydro then proceeds to react with the Dendro aura, triggering Bloom and leaving 0.5U of Dendro on the target.
  • This is due to Vaporize having a higher reaction priority than Bloom for Hydro.

Reaction Priority Table[]

The following table displays full reaction priority sequences for each type of applied element:[1]

Priority Applied Element
Pyro Hydro Dendro Electro Cryo Frozen Anemo Geo Quicken
1 Burgeon Vaporize Spread Hyperbloom Cryo Superconduct Frozen Mark Electro Swirl Shattered Burning
2 Overloaded Hydro Swirl Quicken Aggravate Cryo Melt Frozen Superconduct Pyro Swirl Electro Crystallize Quicken Bloom
3 Pyro Swirl Frozen Burning Overloaded Cryo Swirl Frozen Melt Hydro Swirl Pyro Crystallize
4 Vaporize Hydro Bloom Dendro Bloom Electro Swirl Frozen Frozen Swirl Cryo Swirl Hydro Crystallize
5 Pyro Melt Hydro Aura Dendro Aura Electro-Charged Cryo Aura Frozen Swirl Cryo Crystallize
6 Burning Electro-Charged Cryo Superconduct Anemo Aura Frozen Crystallize
7 Pyro Aura Wet Mark Frozen Superconduct Geo Mark
8 Quicken
9 Electro Aura


In practice, the following multi-aura scenarios exist.

Note that scenarios listed may not be exhaustive. For scenarios not listed, refer to the table above.

Electro + Hydro[]

  • If Pyro/Cryo/Dendro/Anemo/Geo is applied, the Electro reaction will occur first, and the Hydro reaction will occur if the applied element was not fully consumed.
  • If Dendro is applied, the following may occur in sequence:
    1. Dendro and Electro react to cause Quicken
    2. Dendro and Hydro react to cause Bloom
    3. The Quicken aura previously produced reacts with Hydro to cause Bloom

Quicken + Electro[]

  • If Dendro is applied, Spread will occur before Quicken.
  • If Hydro is applied, Bloom will occur first, and Electro-Charged will occur if Hydro was not fully consumed.
  • If Pyro is applied, Overloaded will occur first, and Burning will occur if Pyro was not fully consumed.

Quicken + Dendro[]

  • If Electro is applied, Aggravate will occur before Quicken.
  • If Pyro is applied, Burning will occur and consume both Quicken and Dendro simultaneously.
  • If Hydro is applied, Bloom will occur and consume both Quicken and Dendro simultaneously.

Cryo + Dendro[]

  • If Pyro is applied, Melt will occur first, and Burning will occur if Pyro was not fully consumed.
  • If Electro is applied, Superconduct will occur first, and Quicken will occur if Electro was not fully consumed.
  • If Hydro is applied, Frozen will occur first, and Bloom will occur if Hydro was not fully consumed.[Note 1]

Cryo + Quicken[]

  • If Pyro is applied, Melt will occur first, and Burning will occur if Pyro was not fully consumed.
  • If Electro is applied, Aggravate will occur before Superconduct.
  • If Hydro is applied, Frozen will occur first, and Bloom will occur if Hydro was not fully consumed.

Cryo + Quicken + Dendro[]

  • If Pyro is applied, Melt will occur first, and Burning will occur if Pyro was not fully consumed, which consumes both Quicken and Dendro simultaneously.
  • If Electro is applied, the following will occur in order: Aggravate, Superconduct, Quicken. Quicken will only occur if Electro was not fully consumed when triggering Superconduct.
  • If Hydro is applied, Frozen will occur first, and Bloom will occur if Hydro was not fully consumed, which consumes both Quicken and Dendro simultaneously.

Freeze + Hydro[]

  • If Pyro is applied, only Melt will occur.
  • If Electro is applied, only Superconduct will occur.
  • If Anemo is applied, Hydro Swirl will occur first, and Frozen Swirl will occur if Anemo was not fully consumed.
  • If Geo is applied, Shatter will occur before Hydro Crystallize.

Freeze + Cryo[]

  • If Pyro is applied, Melt will occur and consume both Freeze and Cryo simultaneously.
  • If Electro is applied, Superconduct will occur. The Cryo gauge will be consumed first. If the Electro gauge is not fully consumed after depleting Cryo, it will continue to consume the Freeze gauge but will not trigger any extra reactions.
  • If Anemo is applied, Cryo Swirl will occur. The Cryo gauge will be consumed first. If the Anemo gauge is not fully consumed after depleting Cryo, it will continue to consume the Freeze gauge but will not trigger any extra reactions.
  • If Geo is applied, Shatter will occur before Cryo Crystallize.

Frozen + Hydro[]

  • If Pyro is applied, only Melt will occur.
  • If Electro is applied, only Superconduct will occur.
  • If Anemo is applied, Hydro Swirl will occur first, and Frozen Swirl will occur if Anemo was not fully consumed.
  • If Geo is applied, Hydro Crystallize will occur. Leftover Geo gauge will not react with the Frozen aura.

Frozen + Cryo[]

  • If Pyro is applied, Melt will occur and consume both Frozen and Cryo simultaneously.
  • If Electro is applied, Superconduct will occur. The Cryo gauge will be consumed first. If the Electro gauge is not fully consumed after depleting Cryo, it will continue to consume the Frozen gauge but will not trigger any extra reactions.
  • If Anemo is applied, Cryo Swirl will occur. The Cryo gauge will be consumed first. If the Anemo gauge is not fully consumed after depleting Cryo, it will continue to consume the Frozen gauge but will not trigger any extra reactions.
  • If Geo is applied, Cryo Crystallize will occur. The Cryo gauge will be consumed, and the Frozen gauge will not be consumed even if there is leftover Geo gauge after the reaction.

Frozen + Freeze[]

  • If Pyro/Electro/Anemo is applied, the Cryo-related reaction will occur and consume both Frozen and Freeze equally.
  • If Geo is applied, Shatter will occur before Cryo Crystallize.

Burning + Pyro[]

  • When Hydro/Electro/Anemo/Geo is applied, the Pyro-related reaction will occur and consume both Burning and Pyro equally.

Pyro/Burning + Dendro[]

  • When Hydro/Electro is applied, the Pyro reaction will occur first, and the Dendro reaction will occur if the applied element was not fully consumed.

Pyro/Burning + Quicken[]

  • When Hydro is applied, Vaporize will occur first, and Bloom will occur if Hydro was not fully consumed.
  • When Electro is applied, Aggravate will occur before Overloaded.


  1. A technique commonly referred to as "Fridge" takes advantage of the Frozen > Bloom reaction priority to allow for more instances of Bloom to be triggered using the same Dendro aura.

