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Genshin Impact Wiki

Commence! A Suspect Genesis is an Event Quest during the Duel! The Summoners' Summit! event.


  1. Go to Mondstadt
  2. Ask Diona about the tournament
  3. Ask Margaret about the tournament
  4. Follow Charlotte to the columnist's address
  5. Go to the competition venue
  6. Talk to Kaeya
  7. Talk to Charlotte
  8. Follow the suspicious person
  9. Go to the side gate and follow the suspicious person
  10. Go past the city gate and follow the suspicious person
  11. Fend off the Treasure Hoarders
  12. Talk to the suspicious person
  13. Return to the competition venue


UI Quest Quest Description

After returning to Mondstadt, you hear news of a Genius Invokation tournament...
(On obtaining quest)
Media:vo dpeq001 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's been a while since we last played cards at The Cat's Tail... Wonder how Diona's doing?
Media:vo dpeq001 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Well, since we have some time on our hands, let's go check up on her!
(Approach the gate to Mondstadt)
Media:vo dpeq001 2 eichendorff 01.ogg Eichendorff: *sigh* What a disaster — I didn't even make it through the qualifiers! How'd you do?
Media:vo dpeq001 2 lennard 01.ogg Lennard: I didn't do any better... I was beaten by that little Timmie kid.
Media:vo dpeq001 2 lennard 02.ogg Lennard: I've only ever seen him out there feeding pigeons... No clue how he got to be such a good card player.
Media:vo dpeq001 2 eichendorff 02.ogg Eichendorff: The next round's starting soon, right? Let's head over and watch the matches. I'm curious to see who'll win the grand prize.
Media:vo dpeq001 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Did you hear that? A grand prize!
Media:vo dpeq001 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Sounds like they were talking about a card competition. They must be talking about Genius Invokation TCG!
Icon Dialogue Talk A Genius Invokation tournament, huh...
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you think there'll be any tasty food at the venue?
Media:vo dpeq001 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Should be! But let's go ask Diona for details!
(Approach Diona)
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 01.ogg Diona: Wh—Wha... Am I seeing double!? Do you have TWO tails!?
Media:vo dpeq001 3 kirara 01.ogg ???: Your eyes are working just fine — yes, I have two tails. You wanna pet them?
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 02.ogg Diona: Wow... Um... Does it hurt where your tail splits into two? Which one did you grow first? Oh, and what do you do when they start moving around while you're asleep?
Media:vo dpeq001 3 kirara 02.ogg ???: Oh... Well, uh...
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 03.ogg Diona: Oh, ah... sorry if those were tricky questions. I've just never seen anyone with two tails before!
Media:vo dpeq001 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Who's Diona chatting with? Hmm, from her outfit... Paimon would guess she's probably from Inazuma.
Media:vo dpeq001 3 kirara 03.ogg ???: Hehe, aw, don't worry, kid! I'm sure you'll be growing a couple of tails of your own in no time!
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 04.ogg Diona: Huh? ...You think I can grow two tails as well?
Media:vo dpeq001 3 kirara 04.ogg ???: Sure! You're a youkai too, right? Your youkai power must be really strong if you can already take on human form.
Media:vo dpeq001 3 kirara 05.ogg ???: I was just climbing a tree one day when another tail popped out, just like that. People started calling me a... um, a "nekomata," I think?
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 05.ogg Diona: Youkai? Nekomata? ...Ah, no, no, no, you've got it all wrong. My ears and tail are part of my Kätzlein bloodline.
Media:vo dpeq001 3 kirara 06.ogg ???: Oh. So... you're not a Mondstadt youkai?
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 06.ogg Diona: Mondstadt doesn't have anything like youkai. Is this your first time here?
Media:vo dpeq001 3 kirara 07.ogg ???: Yup! Fortunately for me, the company I work for's been expanding, so I'm now getting the opportunity to travel to cities all over Teyvat. ...Oh! It's been such a pleasure chatting with you that I almost lost track of time! I'd better get going, or I'll be late for my next customer!
Media:vo dpeq001 3 kirara 08.ogg ???: Diona of the Kätzlein Clan, your pick-up is complete. Thank you for choosing Komaniya Express!
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 07.ogg Diona: Great. Feel free to come hang out any time!
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 08.ogg Diona: Hmm... Do only youkai have tails in Inazuma?
Media:vo dpeq001 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hey, Diona!
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 09.ogg Diona: Hmm? Oh, (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon! Hey, what brings you back to Mondstadt?
Media:vo dpeq001 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Well, we figured it'd been a while since we visited The Cat's Tail, so we thought we'd come and say hi! Oh, and by the way — who was that just now?
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 10.ogg Diona: Oh, she's a courier from Komaniya Express. They're an international delivery service operating out of Inazuma.
Media:vo dpeq001 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Huh? Is The Cat's Tail doing international business now!?
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 11.ogg Diona: No, no, no, no. A customer left some goods with us and arranged for Komaniya Express to pick them up, that's all. I didn't mind.
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 12.ogg Diona: You've been to Inazuma, right? Did you... see lots of youkai like her there?
Icon Dialogue Talk We saw some with wings on their back.
Icon Dialogue Talk And others with fox ears.
Media:vo dpeq001 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Right! But this is actually the first time we've ever seen one with two tails.
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 13.ogg Diona: Wooow... I'd love to go see for myself one day... Hmm. Anyway, what were you two here for again? Did you need me for something?
Media:vo dpeq001 3 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh yeah, Paimon almost forgot. Do you know anything about a Genius Invokation TCG tournament? Apparently there's prizes and stuff!
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 14.ogg Diona: A tournament? Oh, you must mean the one being organized by the Adventurers' Guild. It's a pretty big event. They even had posters imported from Inazuma.
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 15.ogg Diona: But I'm busy with things here, so I didn't sign up. I don't know all the details... Maybe try asking my boss.
Media:vo dpeq001 3 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Got it. Well, with any luck we'll win some Mora, and then we'll treat you to some yummy food!
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 16.ogg Diona: Hmph! Whaddya you mean, "luck"? I'm the one who taught you how to play, after all!
Icon Dialogue Talk Thanks, Coach.
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll make you proud.
Media:vo dpeq001 3 diona 17.ogg Diona: That's meow like it! Okay, you two should probably get going now. Head to the fountain plaza — my boss usually takes a walk around there at this time of day.
Media:vo dpeq001 3 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Alright, we'll go there right away.
(Approach Margaret)
Media:vo dpeq001 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, Margaret! We thought we might find you here.
Media:vo dpeq001 4 margaret 01.ogg Margaret: Oh, if it isn't (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon! It's been a while, hasn't it? Lemme guess — back to play some cards?
Media:vo dpeq001 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Uhh... It's not like we only ever come back to Mondstadt to play cards...
Media:vo dpeq001 4 margaret 02.ogg Margaret: Oh, really? I just assumed you were here to take part in the King of Invokations Grand Prix.
Media:vo dpeq001 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: King of Invokations Grand Prix...? Oh, that must be the Adventurers' Guild one that Diona mentioned.
Media:vo dpeq001 4 margaret 03.ogg Margaret: Mm-hmm, that's the one. Genius Invokation TCG has been attracting more and more players lately.
Media:vo dpeq001 4 margaret 04.ogg Margaret: The Adventurers' Guild arranged for venues in every city to hold a regional tournament for the King of Invokations Grand Prix. The rewards are quite substantial.
Media:vo dpeq001 4 margaret 05.ogg Margaret: Mondstadt is already at the finals stage, so I'm afraid you might be a little too late to get that prize...
Media:vo dpeq001 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Really? Darn... We already promised Diona we'd treat her to some food with the Mora we won...
Media:vo dpeq001 4 margaret 06.ogg Margaret: It's alright! There's bound to be a next time. This card game came out of nowhere and has already taken the world by storm... Who knows where it'll go next?
Media:vo dpeq001 4 margaret 07.ogg Margaret: The game's creators must be ecstatic with all this success, don't you think? It's unbelievably popular.
Media:vo dpeq001 4 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Yeah. And it only gets more fun the more people there are to play it with.
Icon Dialogue Talk I really want to play now...
Icon Dialogue Talk I want to win that tournament...
Media:vo dpeq001 4 margaret 08.ogg Margaret: Well... You may have missed the boat on the official event, but there's also an unofficial tourney organized by some players. Would that interest you at all?
Media:vo dpeq001 4 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Unofficial tourney?
Media:vo dpeq001 4 margaret 09.ogg Margaret: That's right. With all the excitement surrounding the main tournament, players can hardly contain their enthusiasm. So they've set up an unofficial tourney aimed at a larger player base.
Media:vo dpeq001 4 margaret 10.ogg Margaret: You can sign up at any time and play however many matches you want. They even have pre-built decks for players to use. Oh, and the rewards are pretty generous, too.
Media:vo dpeq001 4 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Ooh, Paimon likes the sound of this! Thanks for the info, Margaret. We'll go check it out!
Media:vo dpeq001 4 margaret 11.ogg Margaret: You're welcome. There are plenty of booths at the venue offering food and other fun activities, so it's definitely worth a visit. Who knows, you might even bump into some old friends there.
Media:vo dpeq001 4 margaret 12.ogg Margaret: Right, if there's nothing else you needed, I'll be continuing my walk now.
(Margaret leaves. A girl with pink hair can be seen in the background at Mondstadt General Goods)
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: *sigh* Paimon still thinks that with your abilities, winning the grand prize in the official tournament would have been as easy as pie!
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Just imagine it: "Honorary Knight Defeats Foes and Emerges as Tournament Champion"! The headline practically writes itself.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 01.ogg ???: Hmm? Do my ears deceive me... Or do you two have some breaking news to share with me?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Whoa! Wh—Who are you? And why the heck are you eavesdropping on us!?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 02.ogg ???: Ah, sorry — force of habit! I tend to keep my ears peeled at all times... Didn't even realize I was listening in.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 03.ogg Charlotte: Let me introduce myself. I'm Charlotte, a reporter for The Steambird from Fontaine. I've been posted here to cover the King of Invokations Grand Prix.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: The Steambird?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds familiar.
Icon Dialogue Talk Never heard of it.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 04.ogg Charlotte: The Steambird is a major news outlet headquartered in Fontaine and widely acclaimed all over Teyvat. We even have regular columnists based right here in Mondstadt.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Ooh, okay. Paimon's name is Paimon, and this is (TravelerTraveler). What was that you were saying about some breaking news?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 05.ogg Charlotte: Oh, looks like I've managed to pique your interest. Well, the truth is that my keen reporting senses are telling me that this competition will be chock-full of huge news stories!
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Huge news stories? You sure your senses are reliable...?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 06.ogg Charlotte: Absolutely! After all... I've seen it with my own eyes! There's a criminal who's been slinking around the competition venue, and his name is the Card Snatcher!
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Card Snatcher?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 07.ogg Charlotte: Mm-hmm. He stole his opponent's cards when they weren't looking. I was about to try and chase him down, but the next moment, he'd disappeared into thin air.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: But why would someone wanna steal other people's cards?
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe to gain an edge over his opponents?
Icon Dialogue Talk Perhaps he just wants to throw off the other competitors?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 08.ogg Charlotte: Hehe, whatever the truth of the matter — it's my job as a journalist to dig up all the gory details and turn them into my very own exclusive news piece!
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 09.ogg Charlotte: So, what do you think? Wanna join me in my quest to uncover the sensational story that's hiding behind the scenes?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: That does sound interesting, but... why us? Any reason you singled us out in particular...?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 10.ogg Charlotte: Are you kidding me?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 11.ogg Charlotte: It's a no-brainer, considering you're the Honorary Knight who saved Mondstadt, the hero of Liyue who fought alongside the adepti, a key player in the repealing of Inazuma's Sakoku Decree, and the redeemer of the Sumeru Akademiya...
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Okay, okay, point taken... Yeah, it seems like we've ended up making quite a big name for ourselves, huh.
Icon Dialogue Talk She really did her homework...
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 11a 1.ogg Paimon: Yeah, kinda scary... Does she research all her new friends before meeting them for the first time?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's hear some more of our accomplishments...
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 11b 1.ogg Paimon: Hey, we've got better things to do than listening to that!
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 12.ogg Charlotte: I promise you, teaming up with me will be a great move for you. For starters, when my exclusive news article is published, you'll be credited as contributors.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 13.ogg Charlotte: Not to mention that being in a news agency makes me pretty well-connected. That'll come in real handy if you're ever traveling in Fontaine. And if you ever wanted to run an ad in the paper one day, no problem. I could make that happen.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: That actually sounds genuinely useful... What do you think, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk Why not? We've got some time on our hands.
Icon Dialogue Talk And this "Card Snatcher" sounds interesting.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 14.ogg Charlotte: Great, then welcome to the news crew! Ah, I've heard that the Traveler always lends a helping hand, so it's nice to know that you live up to your reputation... but even nicer to experience it for myself.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 15.ogg Charlotte: Now then. Before we start investigating our card snatcher, I have one other small task to take care of first.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 16.ogg Charlotte: That Mondstadt columnist who I mentioned earlier is a long-time favorite of The Steambird's readership. Management thought that a cash bonus was in order, so I brought it along with me.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Oh, so we're gonna go meet them now?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 17.ogg Charlotte: Yep, I have the address right here. We just need to make a slight detour to drop off the Mora, then we'll be on our way.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 18.ogg Charlotte: Heh... I thought you would have figured out who it is I'm talking about by now. From what I've heard, you're quite well acquainted.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Oh, it's someone we know? Hmm, that doesn't narrow it down much — we know lots of people in Mondstadt...
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Eh, never mind. Just lead the way, Charlotte.
Icon Quest Step Step Description

The King of Invokations Grand Prix is underway! Unbeknownst to all, however, there is an even more startling event hiding in its shadow...
(While following Charlotte)
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Hmm, who could it be?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 19.ogg Charlotte: One of your rich friends, I'd assume. After all, you gotta be pretty well-off to live in the city, right?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: That still doesn't really narrow it down... We know lots of people with lots of Mora...
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 20.ogg Charlotte: Wow... I guess being a national hero earns you friends in high places...
(Approach Mona's Laboratory)
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 21.ogg Charlotte: Here we are! Wait here a moment, I'll go hand over the cash.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Huh? Oh, so it's...
Media:vo dpeq001 5 mona 01.ogg Mona: Who is it? Can I help you? ...Oh, (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon, what brings you here? And... I'm sorry, I don't believe we've...
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 22.ogg Charlotte: You must be Mona Megistus, the Astrologist. It's an honor to finally meet you.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 23.ogg Charlotte: I'm Charlotte, a reporter from The Steambird. Your columns have been so well-received by our readers lately that our management asked me to present you with this cash bonus.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: She got Mona's full name and title right on her first try... She really does do her homework!
Media:vo dpeq001 5 mona 02.ogg Mona: Ah, you must be Charlotte? Welcome, welcome... Please, just call me Mona. Gosh, this is a long way to come from Fontaine. I hope it wasn't too much trouble...
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 24.ogg Charlotte: No trouble at all. It was on the way.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: Wow, sounds like your articles are a real hit with readers all over Teyvat, Mona!
Media:vo dpeq001 5 mona 03.ogg Mona: Hmm? Have I never told you? I've been writing my column "All Things Astrological" for The Steambird for a long time now.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 mona 04.ogg Mona: The chief editor wrote to me a while ago about the bonus. Thank goodness it's finally here, I was wondering when it would arrive. Thank you, Charlotte...
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 25.ogg Charlotte: Huh, you make it sound like you really needed this... Are you pressed for money, Mona?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 mona 05.ogg Mona: What? No, of course not! It's just that once I knew the bonus was coming, I re-allocated some funds that I'd previously set aside for daily necessities, and purchased some expensive equipment... That's all.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 21.ogg Paimon: Hehe, classic Mona...
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 26.ogg Charlotte: Aha, perfect! "Renowned Astrologist Broke and Starving — Do the Stars Really Have All the Answers?" ...The article practically writes itself!
Icon Dialogue Talk Actually, that does sound like an interesting read.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 mona 06a 1.ogg Mona: ...Aw! I beg your pardon!?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds a little exaggerated, don't you think?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 22.ogg Paimon: Mona's actually super rich — it's just that astrology research is really expensive.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 mona 07.ogg Mona: "Super rich" is a bit of a stretch... Ugh, anyway, enough about that. What brings you back to Mondstadt this time, (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 23.ogg Paimon: Originally, we just came to catch up with a friend of ours... but some things have come up, and now we're helping Charlotte investigate the case of the Card Snatcher.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 27.ogg Charlotte: Speaking of which, will you be competing in the King of Invokations Grand Prix? Word is that the prizes are pretty stellar.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 mona 08.ogg Mona: I'm much too busy with my research these days to dedicate time to a competition. Besides, even if I did enter, there's no guarantee I'd actually win a prize, is there?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 28.ogg Charlotte: Isn't there? I'd have thought you'd be certain to win with astrology on your side. You'd know all of your opponents' cards ahead of time.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 mona 09.ogg Mona: What do you take me for? No self-respecting astrologist would dream of abusing their beloved art for such crude purposes. Besides, it wouldn't be fair to the other contestants.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 29.ogg Charlotte: Well said. Spoken like an accomplished academic and a conscientious citizen.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 mona 10.ogg Mona: Well yes, obviously. Anyway, if past precedent is anything to go by, you're the ones who ought to be wary of what's around the corner. Especially if you're chasing after this... Card Snatcher, was it? Sounds like bad news — shall I take a glance at what you're up against?
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 30.ogg Charlotte: Thanks for the offer, but there's no need. Relying on your astrological skills for all the juicy details would make this story a Mona-exclusive... but that's not quite the kind of exclusive report I'm going for here.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 31.ogg Charlotte: But don't you worry — they call it "investigative journalism" for a reason... We journos have our ways!
Media:vo dpeq001 5 mona 11.ogg Mona: Alright. Well, best of luck with your investigation then. Thanks again for bringing the bonus, Charlotte. Do give my regards to the chief editor.
Icon Dialogue Talk Take care of yourself, Mona...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Also, we should play another game of Genius Invokation TCG sometime!
Media:vo dpeq001 5 mona 12.ogg Mona: I will — and yes, we should. I'll hold you to that.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 charlotte 32.ogg Charlotte: I think it's about time we started heading to the competition venue. The Mondstadt regional final should be starting shortly.
Media:vo dpeq001 5 paimon 24.ogg Paimon: Alright! Paimon can't wait to find out who the finalists are.

(Approach the venue)
Media:vo dpeq001 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wow, so this is the venue, huh? Seems pretty lively here!
(Charlotte falls back to a nearby fruit stand to observe two people)
Media:vo dpeq001 6 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: Well, if it isn't (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon. What a rare surprise. Did you really come all this way just to watch Timmie and me in the final?
Media:vo dpeq001 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Kaeya? You made it to the finals? Wait... What about your work with the Knights of Favonius? You'd better not be slacking off again...
Media:vo dpeq001 6 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: Hey, c'mon now. That's no way to talk to a friend. Naturally, I wouldn't have considered entering the competition were I not already on top of my work.
Media:vo dpeq001 6 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: Ah, enjoying a drink while playing a few rounds of cards... I can't think of a better way to relax outside of work, can you? Oh, just be sure not to tell Diona I said that.
Media:vo dpeq001 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Well, since you're in the competition... Have you noticed anything suspicious going on so far? You know, like... people stealing other players' cards, that kind of thing?
Media:vo dpeq001 6 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: Stealing cards, you say? I'm afraid I haven't seen anything of that sort — not while I've been playing, anyway. Why do you ask?
Media:vo dpeq001 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Well, we just ran into this journalist from Fontaine, and she... Huh? Where'd Charlotte go? She was right here, wasn't she...?
Media:vo dpeq001 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Grr... Paimon bets she snuck off to go find some tasty snacks for herself!
Media:vo dpeq001 6 kaeya 05.ogg Kaeya: Journalist from Fontaine... Oh, you mean the one from The Steambird? I do recall seeing a Steambird reporter listed in the Knights of Favonius' visitor log.
Media:vo dpeq001 6 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Yeah, that'll be her. She said that she saw a Card Snatcher at the tournament venue, so we're helping her investigate.
(The two people Charlotte is watching leave)
Media:vo dpeq001 6 kaeya 06.ogg Kaeya: A "Card Snatcher"? ...Hmm, how very interesting. But, one question, Paimon... Are you sure that cards are really what this "snatcher" is after?
Media:vo dpeq001 6 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Huh? What makes you say that?
Media:vo dpeq001 6 mcmondstadt 01.ogg Master of Ceremonies: Hello everyone, your attention please! The final is about to begin! Now, let's give a warm welcome to our two contestants!
Media:vo dpeq001 6 kaeya 07.ogg Kaeya: Guess we'll have to leave it there. Let's continue this conversation another time.
Icon Dialogue Talk Good luck, Kaeya!
Media:vo dpeq001 6 kaeya 08a 1.ogg Kaeya: Thanks, Traveler.
Icon Dialogue Talk Give it your best!
Media:vo dpeq001 6 kaeya 08b 1.ogg Kaeya: Don't worry, I will.
Media:vo dpeq001 6 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Go get 'em, Kaeya! We'll see you in a bit!
Media:vo dpeq001 6 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: So (TravelerTraveler), who do you think's gonna win?
Icon Dialogue Talk Pretty sure Timmie will win.
Media:vo dpeq001 6 paimon 10a 1.ogg Paimon: Yeah, Timmie seems to be a pretty strong TCG player.
Icon Dialogue Talk I think Kaeya will win.
Media:vo dpeq001 6 paimon 10b 1.ogg Paimon: Yeah, Kaeya's quite the crafty one. He must have some tricks up his sleeve.
Media:vo dpeq001 6 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Either way, whoever wins is bound to make headlines... Wait, speaking of headlines, isn't that Charlotte's job!?
Media:vo dpeq001 6 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Huh... maybe she got caught up trying out all the delicious Mondstadt snacks? Let's go look for her.
(Talk to Eichendorff and Lennard, optional)
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 lennard 01.ogg Lennard: I sure hope Timmie wins the finals... At least then, I could say I lost to the champion...
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 eichendorff 01.ogg Eichendorff: I understand where you're coming from, but don't get your hopes up. It's gonna be tough for him to beat the Cavalry Captain.
(Talk to Huffman, optional)
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 huffman 01.ogg Huffman: You've got this, Captain Kaeya! The Knights of Favonius are counting on you!
(Talk to Kaeya, optional)
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: Everyone's quite fired up... Whew, it's even making me a little nervous.
(Talk to Timmie, optional)
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 timi 01.ogg Timmie: I'm bringing my A-game today, and I'm gonna win this thing!
(Approach Charlotte)
Media:vo dpeq001 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Charlotte! What happened? You just disappeared without saying anything!
Media:vo dpeq001 8 charlotte 01.ogg Charlotte: Oh, I just didn't want to bother you while you were catching up with your friend.
Media:vo dpeq001 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: But Kaeya's one of the finalists. Don't you wanna interview him, or something? You did say you're supposed to be covering the competition...
Media:vo dpeq001 8 charlotte 02.ogg Charlotte: Ehh, I could churn out that kind of soft news piece in five minutes if I had to. Personally... I'm more interested in those two.
Media:vo dpeq001 8 charlotte 03.ogg Charlotte: From the moment things kicked off, they've been acting very strangely, like they're trying to stay out of sight... I'm sure they must be plotting something.
Media:vo dpeq001 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hmm? *gasp* You mean, there are two Card Snatchers!?
Media:vo dpeq001 8 charlotte 04.ogg Charlotte: Shh! Keep your voice down! We don't want to scare them off! We need to wait until we've got something concrete, then we can use my Kamera to catch them in the act...
Media:vo dpeq001 8 charlotte 05.ogg Charlotte: Huh!? Wait, where'd the other guy go?
Media:vo dpeq001 8 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: He's on the run!
Media:vo dpeq001 8 charlotte 06.ogg Charlotte: After him!
(While looking for the suspicious person)
Media:vo dpeq001 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Huh... You seem like you've done this before. Do you spy on people often?
Media:vo dpeq001 9 charlotte 02.ogg Charlotte: Haha, you're too kind. You should see the celebrities in Fontaine — the lengths they'll go to to try and avoid the public eye... Compared to that, this is nothing.
Media:vo dpeq001 9 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: That wasn't supposed to be a compliment!

(Approach the marked area by the Teleport Waypoint)
Media:vo dpeq001 9 charlotte 01.ogg Charlotte: He's heading towards Mondstadt's side gate. Let's follow him, but quietly. We mustn't let him spot us.
(Approach the marked area by Hertha)
Media:vo dpeq001 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Now he's heading away from the city. How long are we gonna follow him for?
Media:vo dpeq001 10 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Ugh, at this rate, we're going to miss Kaeya and Timmie's match.
(Approach the marked area outside the side gate)
Media:vo dpeq001 13 charlotte 01.ogg Charlotte: Ah, there — looks like he's stopped. Let's sit tight and see what happens.
Media:vo dpeq001 13 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Why'd he come all the way out here? Is he gonna hide something?
Media:vo dpeq001 13 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: And now he's crouching down with his hands above his head... Wait, Treasure Hoarders! He's in trouble!
Media:vo dpeq001 13 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Quick, we need to rescue him!
(At the beginning of the fight)
Media:vo dpeq001 14 adrian 01.ogg Adrian: Help! Someone save me!
Media:vo dpeq001 14 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What are the Treasure Hoarders doing so close to the city?
(After defeating the Treasure Hoarders)
Media:vo dpeq001 15 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Are you alright?
Media:vo dpeq001 15 adrian 01.ogg Adrian: Oh thank goodness! I thought it was all over for me.
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 01.ogg Charlotte: Those Treasure Hoarders, did you know them? It sure looked like they were here just for you.
Media:vo dpeq001 15 adrian 02.ogg Adrian: Why would I know them!? I was just... uh, out for a walk. Minding my own business, and then the next thing I knew, I was surrounded!
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 02.ogg Charlotte: Oh, really? Then why did they target you? It wouldn't be because of some dubious deal you were involved in at the tournament, would it?
Media:vo dpeq001 15 adrian 03.ogg Adrian: Huh? A deal? I, uh... I don't know what you're talking about.
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 03.ogg Charlotte: Well that's a shame. You see, I'm a journalist, and I just happened to snap a picture of you and one other individual in the middle of a deal back at the tournament.
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 04.ogg Charlotte: I was only going to ask you for an interview, but that was before you caused all this trouble... and now you're feigning ignorance of the deal in question...
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 05.ogg Charlotte: Hmm, maybe I'm just wasting my time? Shall I just cut my losses and hand over the evidence to the Knights of Favonius?
Media:vo dpeq001 15 adrian 04.ogg Adrian: Whoa whoa whoa, no, please! I'll talk! But you gotta believe me, there's nothing shady going on, I swear!
Media:vo dpeq001 15 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wow, that was some serious bluffing on Charlotte's part... she didn't take any pictures at all.
Media:vo dpeq001 15 adrian 05.ogg Adrian: Back at the tournament, I was approached by some random guy who said that he wanted to buy a card back off me. I said, okay, how much are you offering... and when he told me the amount, my jaw practically hit the floor!
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 06.ogg Charlotte: Really? What kind of card back was it?
Media:vo dpeq001 15 adrian 06.ogg Adrian: Uhh... Nothing special, I just picked it up at a general goods store. It had a treasure chest design on it. I only bought it because it was dirt cheap.
Media:vo dpeq001 15 adrian 07.ogg Adrian: This guy offered me three times what I'd paid for it, and handed me the Mora right then and there.
Media:vo dpeq001 15 adrian 08.ogg Adrian: I could hardly believe my luck, so I decided to head somewhere less crowded and check the Mora was real. That's when I ran into the Treasure Hoarders...
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 07.ogg Charlotte: Did you ask him why he wanted to purchase this item from you?
Media:vo dpeq001 15 adrian 09.ogg Adrian: No, I didn't... Genius Invokation TCG has been getting pretty popular lately, and some people will pay good Mora to make their decks look flashy. It didn't strike me as that unusual.
Media:vo dpeq001 15 adrian 10.ogg Adrian: But after I gave him the card back, he let out a sigh of relief and said something about, uh... "That's all the Mondstadt ones. Next stop, Liyue," or something like that...
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 08.ogg Charlotte: ..."Or something like that"? He either said that or he didn't, how certain are you?
Media:vo dpeq001 15 adrian 11.ogg Adrian: I'm positive! I know what I heard. Once the card was in his hands, he suddenly relaxed, like a huge burden had been taken off his shoulders. It was genuine relief! ...Could that card back really be as valuable as he thought?
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 09.ogg Charlotte: That I don't know. But in the interests of your personal safety, I suggest you report all of this to the Knights of Favonius.
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 10.ogg Charlotte: After all, you weren't doing anything against the law, were you?
Media:vo dpeq001 15 adrian 12.ogg Adrian: Right, yeah, no, that makes sense. I'll go speak to the Knights of Favonius right away.
Media:vo dpeq001 15 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: It sounds like that guy's just collecting rare card backs. Are you sure this is the person you're after, Charlotte?
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 11.ogg Charlotte: Well, it definitely doesn't add up. You really think someone out there's going from nation to nation shelling out huge sums of money for a few card backs bought from a grocery store?
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 12.ogg Charlotte: My gut tells me that there's more to this story than the card back alone. Hehe, this entire situation reeks of exclusive news!
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you think there's real treasure involved?
Media:vo dpeq001 15 paimon 04a 1.ogg Paimon: Ooh, treasure! Maybe the card backs make a treasure map? You know, collect all the pieces, put 'em together, and they reveal where the treasure is buried!
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe it was designed by a famous artist?
Media:vo dpeq001 15 paimon 04b 1.ogg Paimon: Oh, you mean someone like Albedo? Hmm, that would explain why only some people understand the true value.
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 13.ogg Charlotte: Who knows... but wherever this leads, we're definitely onto something.
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 14.ogg Charlotte: Even though I didn't manage to get a good look at his face, his physique and the way he moved were identical to the Card Snatcher I saw last time. I'm sure it's the same guy.
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 15.ogg Charlotte: He was much more discreet this time, though. I guess he didn't want to risk trying anything with so many potential witnesses around.
Media:vo dpeq001 15 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: From the sounds of it, we need to head to Liyue next, right? Paimon can't wait — we have tons of friends in Liyue, too!
Media:vo dpeq001 15 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: But shouldn't we check in with Kaeya before we leave? Paimon at least wants to find out who won the final.
Media:vo dpeq001 15 charlotte 16.ogg Charlotte: Good idea, let's go.

(Approach the venue)
Media:vo dpeq001 16 mcmondstadt 01.ogg Master of Ceremonies: I hereby declare the winner of the Mondstadt regional final of the King of Invokations Grand Prix is... Timmie!
Media:vo dpeq001 16 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wow! Timmie won, that's amazing!
Media:vo dpeq001 16 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: *sigh* I was beaten by the best. Timmie's a tough opponent — he had me on the back foot the entire time.
Icon Dialogue Talk There's always next time.
Icon Dialogue Talk At least you are gracious in defeat.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: Haha, it's alright, you don't need to comfort me.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: This must be the journalist from Fontaine you mentioned earlier. Charlotte, was it? Enchantée.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: I'm Kaeya, Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius. I trust you're enjoying your time in Mondstadt?
Media:vo dpeq001 16 charlotte 01.ogg Charlotte: The pleasure is all mine. Mondstadt's reputation as the City of Song and Freedom is truly deserved. The mood here is simply delightful.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 kaeya 05.ogg Kaeya: Haha, I'm glad you're liking it. By the way, I couldn't help but notice you all rushing towards the city's side gate earlier. Did you find something? I couldn't get it off my mind, even during the competition.
You tell Kaeya everything that happened...
Media:vo dpeq001 16 kaeya 06.ogg Kaeya: Hmm, I see...
Media:vo dpeq001 16 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: So it seems we have an answer to Kaeya's question from earlier: What the Card Snatcher's really after is these card backs. But we still haven't figured out why he cares so much about them.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 kaeya 07.ogg Kaeya: Hmm. Well, while I'd love to accompany you all to Liyue Harbor, I'm afraid I still have my Knights of Favonius duties to attend to.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 kaeya 08.ogg Kaeya: In fact, our top priority right now is strengthening Mondstadt's defenses. Treasure Hoarder activity has been increasingly rampant lately.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hehe, don't worry, we'll keep you in the loop if we find anything. In fact, if Charlotte's journalistic instinct is on point, you'll probably be reading her exclusive report in The Steambird before long!
Media:vo dpeq001 16 kaeya 09.ogg Kaeya: Wonderful. Then I look forward to reading all about it.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 charlotte 02.ogg Charlotte: Haha, thanks for supporting quality journalism. Okay, let's take tonight off and head to Liyue Harbor tomorrow. It'll give me a chance to write down everything that's happened today.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Oh, Paimon wanted to ask... See the two people on this poster? Are they the inventors of Genius Invokation TCG? They look so young!
Media:vo dpeq001 16 charlotte 03.ogg Charlotte: Maybe, but very little is known about either of them.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 charlotte 04.ogg Charlotte: Whether they've been living under a rock this whole time or just aren't interested in the fame, I don't know. But hardly anybody has ever seen them.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 kaeya 10.ogg Kaeya: The poster's probably just an artist's impression to capture the general look and feel of the duo. Beyond that, I doubt it's very true to life.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Sound like they're a couple of socially reclusive scholars. If Paimon were in their shoes, she'd be showing up to all the events, signing autographs, selling cards... and probably getting complimentary food and drink!
Media:vo dpeq001 16 kaeya 11.ogg Kaeya: Haha, I approve. And to top it off, you could play a few rounds of Genius Invokation with everyone.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 charlotte 05.ogg Charlotte: I was reading up on the game's inventors before I came to Mondstadt. I was originally hoping to arrange an interview with them.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 charlotte 06.ogg Charlotte: But I soon discovered that there's no mention anywhere of where they live or of any Genius Invokation events that they've attended.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 charlotte 07.ogg Charlotte: It's as if they designed the game and then never played it again.
Icon Dialogue Talk What a mysterious couple of game designers.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 kaeya 12.ogg Kaeya: Either they don't want to play the game, or they're unable to. But they must have their reasons.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 charlotte 08.ogg Charlotte: I wonder if they'll show up at all during the King of Invokations Grand Prix...
Media:vo dpeq001 16 kaeya 13.ogg Kaeya: Maybe, if you get lucky... and based on my experience, (TravelerTraveler) seems to have no shortage of that.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 charlotte 09.ogg Charlotte: Oh really? Well, that gives me one less thing to worry about.
Icon Dialogue Talk Hearing that that put you at ease puts me at ease.
Icon Dialogue Talk Hopefully my luck won't run out any time soon...
Media:vo dpeq001 16 charlotte 10.ogg Charlotte: Anyway, our focus is still on tracking down the Card Snatcher.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 charlotte 11.ogg Charlotte: I heard Snezhnaya has an old saying: "If you try chasing two rabbits at once, you'll only end up empty-handed."
Media:vo dpeq001 16 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Well... (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon can always split up and chase one rabbit each!
Media:vo dpeq001 16 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Okay, now Paimon's feeling hungry. We can worry about all this later — right now, it's time to get some grub.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 kaeya 14.ogg Kaeya: Haha... You can always trust Paimon to know where life's priorities lie. If it's food you're after, I recommend taking a look at the nearby stalls.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 kaeya 15.ogg Kaeya: The tournament has brought quite a crowd, so there's a lot of fun to be had around the venue.
Media:vo dpeq001 16 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Sounds great! Thanks, Kaeya!

(Talk to Charlotte, optional)
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 charlotte 01.ogg Charlotte: "City on the Lake Teems With Talent in TCG Tournament as Young Prodigy Bests Favonian Cavalry Captain"...
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 charlotte 02.ogg Charlotte: Hmm, this title saves face for the Knights, but lacks a little "oomph"...
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 charlotte 03.ogg Charlotte: "Top Strategic Mind of the Knights of Favonius Outsmarted by Bridge Boy in Five-Round Failure"...
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 charlotte 04.ogg Charlotte: "Captain's Championship Hopes Crushed in Dazzling Dark Horse Defeat"...
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 charlotte 05.ogg Charlotte: Hmm... Maybe I should stick with my first draft...?
(Talk to Eichendorff and Lennard, optional)
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 eichendorff 02.ogg Eichendorff: What an amazing tournament. That Timmie, huh... He really has a gift for this.
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 lennard 02.ogg Lennard: Yeah, who saw that coming... But at least I can feel a little better about losing to him now.
(Talk to Huffman and Mika, optional)
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 mika 01.ogg Mika: Wait, why's everyone leaving? ...Did I miss it...?
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 huffman 02.ogg Huffman: Ah Mika, too bad you weren't here to see it. I'm afraid that... Captain Kaeya lost.
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 mika 02.ogg Mika: What!?
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 mika 03.ogg Mika: Tell me everything! What happened?
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 huffman 03.ogg Huffman: Well, I don't know much about Genius Invokation myself, but I did try to follow along by listening in to what everyone was saying...
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 huffman 04.ogg Huffman: Captain Kaeya took out one of Timmie's character cards right at the start, giving him an early advantage.
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 huffman 05.ogg Huffman: But I guess that was all part of his opponent's strategy...? In any case, Timmie spent the first few rounds stocking up cards in his hand, and then swung the game with a brutal offensive right at the end.
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 huffman 06.ogg Huffman: Hmm, but y'know, maybe the match was already over from the moment they flipped the coin and determined that Kaeya would go second...
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 huffman 07.ogg Huffman: *sigh* I need a drink...
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 mika 04.ogg Mika: Calm down, bro. Now's not the time to start drinking your sorrows away.
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 mika 05.ogg Mika: Knowing Captain Kaeya, he wouldn't want to see you upset over his loss.
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 mika 06.ogg Mika: Hey, why don't we learn how to play, too? Maybe then, we'll get to play against Captain Kaeya some day! Hehe... Though, I'm sure we'd lose pretty badly to him.
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 huffman 08.ogg Huffman: Hah, yeah, you're right, Mika. Not a bad plan.
(Talk to Kaeya, optional)
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: Hey there. Something else you wanted to discuss?
Icon Dialogue Talk About Genius Invokation TCG...
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 kaeya 03a 1.ogg Kaeya: The game's really caught on lately. It's a part of everyday life now — everywhere you go, you see people playing it.
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 kaeya 03a 2.ogg Kaeya: In fact, some people have even given up drinking in order to keep a clear head during the game.
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 kaeya 03a 3.ogg Kaeya: Hehe, I'm sure Diona will be happy to hear that.
(Return to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk How are the Knights of Favonius holding up?
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 kaeya 03b 1.ogg Kaeya: Don't worry, everyone's just fine.
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 kaeya 03b 2.ogg Kaeya: I actually managed to convince Jean to join me for a game, but we only got part of the way through before she was called away. I ended up having to finish the match for the two of us. *sigh* What can you do? Everyone has to put their work first.
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 kaeya 03b 3.ogg Kaeya: But seeing how successful the tournament has turned out and how much fun everyone's had, I'm hoping that she at least has one less thing to worry about.
(Return to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's catch up another time.
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 kaeya 03c 1.ogg Kaeya: Sure. We should have a game of Genius Invokation TCG when you get the chance.
(Talk to Timmie, optional)
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 timi 02.ogg Timmie: I won, I won!
Icon Dialogue Talk Congratulations, Timmie!
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 timi 03a 1.ogg Timmie: Thanks. I can't wait to tell my mom... this'll make her really happy, won't it?
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 timi 03a 2.ogg Timmie: Mom was the one who kept telling me I should join the tournament, so I'm gonna give the prizes to her!
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 timi 03a 3.ogg Timmie: I really wish my dad could see me now...
Icon Dialogue Talk Bye, Timmie.
Media:vo dialog dpeq001 timi 03b 1.ogg Timmie: Bye! Ah, Genius Invokation is sooo much fun...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCommence! A Suspect Genesis
Júkāi! Yíyún Dǒushēng
Júkāi! Yíyún Dǒushēng
Iza Taikyoku! Ukabiagaru Gimon
Korean듀얼! 피어오르는 의문
Dyueol! Pieooreuneun Uimun
Duel! Rising Doubt
Spanish¡Inicio! El germen de la sospechaStart! The Seed of Suspicion
FrenchPartie commencée : Début suspectGame Started: Suspicious Start
RussianДуэль начинается! Первые подозрения
Duel' nachinayetsya! Pervyye podozreniya
Duel Begins! First Suspicions
Thaiเริ่มเกม! ความน่าสงสัยเริ่มก่อตัว
VietnameseKhai Trận! Ngờ Vực Trào Dâng
GermanLos gehts! Ein zweifelhaftes Mysterium
IndonesianMulai! Munculnya si TersangkaBegin! The Suspect Appears
PortugueseComecem! A Suspeita Surge
TurkishBaşla! Şüphenin Doğuşu
ItalianSi comincia! La nascita di un sospetto

Change History[]
