Final Fantasy Wiki

Ninimo is a non-playable character in Final Fantasy XIV. She appears in seasonal event Little Ladies' Day in 2015. Ninimo is Nanapasi's daughter.


XIV Little Ladies Day 2015

Little Ladies' Day 2015 artwork.

Because of his work, Nanapasi cannot properly care for his daughter. Ninimo wanting to have more time with her father, proposes during the Little Ladies' Day festivities to recreate the Thorne Dynasty on a stage. However, Nanapasi did not understand Ninimo's purpose, and ordered to build a stage in large proportions.[1]

Nanapasi reveals his creation to Ninimo, only to receive a less than enthusiastic reaction. Mustering the courage to speak her mind, Ninimo reveals that her true intention in proposing the construction of the doll cart was to spend more time with her father, a message that finally gets through to the overwrought Nanapasi. Moved by his daughter's pure and gentle heart, Nanapasi apologizes for his obtuseness and vows that he will strive to be the father she always wanted him to be.[2]




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Behind the scenes[]

Ninimo shares her name with a Gridanian retainer from version 1.0.

