
Stress Relief Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stress-relief" Showing 1-30 of 303
“I have never known any distress that an hour’s reading did not relieve.”

Besa Kosova
“Money can't buy happiness, but it certainly is a stress reliever.”
Besa Kosova

Subodh Gupta
“A positive attitude may not solve all our problems but that is the only option we have if we want to get out of problems.
-Subodh Gupta author "Stress Management a holistic approach -5 steps plan".”
Subodh Gupta, Stress Management A Holistic Approach

Holly Mosier
“Our culture encourages us to plan every moment and fill our schedules with one activity and obligation after the next, with no time to just be. But the human body and mind require downtime to rejuvenate. I have found my greatest moments of joy and peace just sitting in silence, and then I take that joy and peace with me out into the world.”
Holly Mosier

Susan C. Young
“There will be times in your life when things simply have to be replaced because they are tired, broken, worn out, harmful, outdated, or irrelevant. Take an inventory of the things that no longer serve your best and highest good so you can replace them with things which do.”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“Reconnect to what makes you happy and brings you Joy. If there is something that used to make you happy which you have stopped doing, do it again. Seek to find deeper meaning and significance rather than living on the surface.”
Susan C. Young

“The mind can't delete what the heart won't let go of.”
Peggy Toney Horton, Stop the World and Get Off

Susan C. Young
“Connecting with others gives us a sense of inclusion, connection, interaction, safety, and community. Your vibe attracts your tribe, so if you want to attract positive and healthy relationships, be one! Staying connected and getting reconnected feeds the flow of goodness which empowers our humanity.”
Susan C. Young

Christine Feehan
“He rarely smoked, but once in a while, like now, when his world had been shaken, his woman nearly killed in front of his eyes, and he’d watched a house consume a man and spit him out, he figured a drag or two were appropriate.”
Christine Feehan, Safe Harbor

Annika Sorensen
“The grass is not 'greener' on the other side – it is just another shade of green.”
Annika Sorensen, Take Stress from Chaos to Calm

Emily Maroutian
“You’re not behind in life. There’s no schedule or timetable that we all must follow. It’s all made up. Wherever you are right now is exactly where you need to be. Seven billion people can’t do everything in exactly the same scheduled order. We are all different with a variety of needs and goals. Some get married early, some get married late, while others don’t get married at all. What is early? What is late? Compared with whom? Compared with what? Some want children, others don’t. Some want a career; others enjoy taking care of a house and children. Your life is not on anyone else’s schedule. Don’t beat yourself up for where you are right now. It’s YOUR timeline, not anyone else’s, and nothing is off schedule.”
Emily Maroutian, The Book of Relief: Passages and Exercises to Relieve Negative Emotion and Create More Ease in The Body

Susan C. Young
“Did you once have a grand plan which has become obsolete and no longer serves you? If there are areas in your life which must change to help you create better results, a redesign may be in order. Consider going back to the ‘drawing board’ to deconstruct what isn’t working and start anew.”
Susan C. Young

Emily Maroutian
“Just because you’re in the process of bettering yourself doesn’t mean there won’t be times when you make questionable choices, respond out of character, lack proper communication, or let negativity get the best of yourself. That’s all a part of the process of becoming better. How else would you know what needs cleaning up if you don’t stand in your mess every once in a while?”
Emily Maroutian, The Book of Relief: Passages and Exercises to Relieve Negative Emotion and Create More Ease in The Body

Jonathan Anthony Burkett
“Holding on to the past will hold you down in life. Learn from it but move on.”
Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Emily Maroutian
“What if you offered your body love instead of criticism? What if you offered it some compassion instead of insults? What if you saw the decades of abuse, wear-and-tear, and aging as cause for more love instead of less? What if you acknowledged the thousands of miles it has trekked through this rough and wild world and you felt nothing but appreciation and love for all it has withstood for you? What if you offered it more sleep, more hot baths, better foods, healthy exercise, fun activities, and more rest? What if you gave it more love? What if you stopped punishing it for belonging to you?”
Emily Maroutian, The Book of Relief: Passages and Exercises to Relieve Negative Emotion and Create More Ease in The Body

Susan C. Young
“Be a life-long learner. Whether you are seeking to achieve peace and harmony, learn a new technology to do your work faster, or design a strategy to blow your competitors out of the water, retraining is a pivotal way to strengthen your knowledge and realize your goals”
Susan C. Young

Amit Ray
“Overthinking is not a disease; it is due to the underuse of your creative power.”
Amit Ray, Meditation: Insights and Inspirations

Andrew Ashling
“Let the Gods create the days, and just live through them.”
Andrew Ashling

Amit Ray
“Drop the fear. What you fear most, can be a repeated theme in your life.”
Amit Ray, Mindfulness Meditation for Corporate Leadership and Management

Emily Maroutian
“Maybe it was hard before. Maybe you didn’t know what to do or who to turn to. Maybe you wished and prayed for better days. Maybe it seemed like it would never end. But you survived. You survived. You did what you needed to do, and you made it. You are so much more courageous and stronger and smarter than you give yourself credit for. You are so much kinder and more compassionate than you realize. The fact that you even want to beat yourself up for how you handled your past shows that you believe you could have been a better person. Only good people feel that way. Only good people believe they could have been better. Only good people want to be better. So be good to yourself. Let it go and let yourself be better. It doesn’t start with you hurting yourself; it starts with you being good to yourself. You deserve it.”
Emily Maroutian, The Book of Relief: Passages and Exercises to Relieve Negative Emotion and Create More Ease in The Body

Emily Maroutian
“Whether you feel your absolute best or your absolute worst today, you still deserve comfort, care, and love. You still deserve the kindness of strangers and the compassion of good friends. You still deserve hearty belly laughs and a good night’s sleep. You still deserve warm baths and a night out to your favorite restaurant. You still deserve those little moments that make you feel glad you were there to witness them. Regardless of how you feel, you will always remain a deserving being worthy of the best moment that is possible for you right here and right now.”
Emily Maroutian, The Book of Relief: Passages and Exercises to Relieve Negative Emotion and Create More Ease in The Body

“Through knowing death we can hold a beacon of love for every moment that has just passed, for every friend who has lost a friend, for every child who has lost a parent, for every parent who has lost a child; for any suffering anywhere.”
Sebastian Pole, Discovering the True You with Ayurveda: How to Nourish, Rejuvenate, and Transform Your Life

Lee Papa
“Nourish yourself mindfully, Give from the overflow.”
Lee Papa

“Indulge in some "you" time because self-care isn't selfish; it's self-preservation with a side of sass! Treat yourself like the VIP you are, whether it's a spa day or a Netflix binge in your PJs. Remember, you're the CEO of your life, so make executive decisions about your well-being. After all, a little self-care goes a long way in keeping your mind sharp, your heart happy, and your spirit sassy! So go ahead, pamper yourself like the fabulous boss you are!”
Life is Positive

“You’re not a machine; you’re more like a garden. Some days, you need a little extra sunshine, and other days, you need a bit less water. You have seasons of growth and rest—it’s not a design flaw; it’s wisdom in embracing change. So, what does your garden need today? Maybe some tender care, a sprinkle of self-love, or a dash of adventure. Whatever it is, nurture yourself like the beautiful, ever-evolving garden you are, and watch yourself bloom in all your vibrant splendor.”
Life is Positive

“Managing stress doesn't have to be as daunting as assembling IKEA furniture without instructions. Think of it as tidying up your space with your favorite tunes blasting—turning a chore into a dance-off with your broom.”
Life is Positive

Soufiane El Alaoui
“Being stressed often means there's a solution you’re overlooking, buried beneath layers of worry. Clarity comes not from pushing harder, but from stepping back and allowing new perspectives to surface.”
Soufiane El Alaoui

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