Stress Relief Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stress-relief" Showing 241-270 of 303
Shannon L. Alder
“Laughter is the only medicine, without side effects.”
Shannon L. Alder

Djuna Barnes
“I might have known better, nothing is what everybody wants, the world runs on that law. Personally, if I could, I would instigate Meat-Axe Day, and out of the goodness of my heart I would whack your head off with a couple of others. Every man should be allowed one day and a hatchet just to ease his heart.”
Djuna Barnes, Nightwood

Annika Sorensen
“It is fine to be committed to work, but our minds need time to recover and our bodies need to move.”
Annika Sorensen, Take Stress from Chaos to Calm

Annika Sorensen
“We must dare to be true to ourselves – to see ourselves as we really are.”
Annika Sorensen, Take Stress from Chaos to Calm

Annika Sorensen
“Feeling good about yourself is the best sleeping pill of all.”
Annika Sorensen, Take Stress from Chaos to Calm

“If you don't want stress, detach yourself from the stressors”
Genica JC

“Not only does depression take away our spiritual and emotional health, it also undermines our physical health.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

Annika Sorensen
“By simply braking down the task into more manageable pieces much can be accomplished in a year.”
Annika Sorensen, Take Stress from Chaos to Calm

“The pattern of your breathing affects the pattern of your performance. When you are under stress, deep breathing helps bring your mind and body back into the present.Over the years I have handed out thousands of little stickers to athletes that read ‘Breathe and Focus.’ A baseball player will place the bright orange circle on the shoulder of his uniform or underneath the bill of his cap, or on the barrel of his bat. A hockey player might affix it to his stick. Firefighters I have worked with place the stickers on their self-contained breathing apparatus. The stickers serve as a reminder. Whenever they feel themselves growing anxious, breathe in energy. Breathe out negativity. Breathe in relaxation. Breathe out stress.”
Gary Mack

Gudjon Bergmann
“The worst possible approach to a problem is waiting until it becomes overwhelming or irreversible, and that is exactly what many people do. They put dealing with stress on the backburner until they start to experience all the worst symptoms of stress, and by then, it may be too late!”
Gudjon Bergmann, Yes! You Can Manage Stress: Regain Control of Your Life Using the Five Habits of Effective Stress Management

“We are not designed to deal with the many stress-inducing situations of the twenty-first century. For most of human history, the stressors we faced were mainly physical, like running away from wild animals. Now they are almost entirely psychological. When was the last time you were frightened by a lion? The things that cause us stress in our modern world are the ones that go inside our heads.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

“Research shows that sincere positive feelings--like love, care, gratitude, appreciation, compassion, or joy--smooth out our heart rhythm into a harmonious coherent pattern.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

“When our hearts are in a state of coherence, we more easily experience feelings such as love, care, appreciation, and kindness. On the other hand, feelings such as irritation, anger, hurt, and envy are more likely to occur when the head and heart are out of alignment.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

“Chronic pain shatters productive lives. Chronic pain almost always is accompanied by depression, anxiety, frustration, fatigue, isolation, and lowered self-esteem.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

“You have the power to treat your own pain, and you can do it without surgery, drugs, or other invasive interventions.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

“Here's how it works. Your immune system protects you from all kinds of nasty bugs and helps repair tissue that has been damaged by injury or surgery. When a problem develops somewhere, your body does the equivalent of calling 911. The alarm sounds, and the immune system springs into action. The first responders, the white blood cells, travel to the site of the problem. As weapons, some of the cells released a shower of powerful free radicals (called an oxidative burst) that aids in the destruction of invading microorganisms and damaged tissue.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

“See yourself as a pioneer in a new world. We are not facing the end of the world, as some would have us believe, but the greatest adventure of our lives. We have the unique opportunity to write a new chapter in the history of humankind, to be active participants in shaping a new world.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

“The physical body itself is continually vibrating and resonating with other energies in the environment. While Western medicine has developed few interventions that are based in the recognition that energy is at the foundation of, or at least intimately intertwined with, physical matter, scientists from many other disciplines are working within this perspective. They are, for example, recognizing the potential explanatory power of fields that are 'totally unlike any of those presently known' in the ways they hold and transmit information, display quantum properties such as nonlocal influence, and interact with consciousness.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

“Anger is the only emotion many men allow themselves to express. Growing up, we are taught to avoid anything that is seen as the least bit feminine. We are taught that men 'do' while women 'feel.' We learn to keep all emotions under wraps, to see them as unmanly. We cannot show we are hurt, afraid, worried, or panicked. The feeling we are allowed to express without being called feminine is anger. When men experience IMS, anger is often the primary emotion.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

“Middle age is such a low point for well-being; it's at the bottom of a U-shaped curve that shows greater happiness among the younger and older people.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

Subodh Gupta
“#Happiness For anybody and everybody whoever wants to experience Real happiness one thing should be clear -as long as one generates negativity i.e. anger, hatred, etc. in mind for anybody irrespective of any reason, Real peace & Real Happiness is far away because negativity & happiness cannot exist together. Have a lovely day.
(P.S. It would become more clear once you meditate more & experience yourself)”
Subodh Gupta

Anthony Avina
“Don't Stress About the Future. Live Life and Love Now!”
Anthony Avina

“In my experience as a psychotherapist, I have found that stress underlies most of the psychological, social, and medical problems people face in contemporary society. If we can get a handle on stress, we can take care of most of the problems we face in our lives.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

“Our new understanding of energy, and hence energy healing, is full of ideas that seem strange and contradictory. The ability to understand that two competing concepts can exist at the same time is the key to being able to derive benefits from the new understanding of energy and the new science of energy healing. In the Newtonian world, matter and energy are separate and therefore don't influence each other. In the world of Einstein, they are intertwined and offer wonderful new possibilities that can benefit us all. But it is a world that many people have a hard time accepting.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

“The impact of human intention on physical systems within as well as outside the body has been scientifically demonstrated and reveals a shortcoming of the conventional medical paradigm and highlights a strength of the energy medicine paradigm.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

“In an age of rampant chronic disease, reconnecting with the Earth's energy beneath our very feet may provide a way back to better health and keeping our bodies in top condition throughout our lives.”
Jed Diamond

“Many of us have been burned by love and vowed to keep ourselves safe and not get pulled in again. But, inevitably, we do. Then we vow that this time, it's going to be different. This time, we're not going to make the same mistakes. And things seem wonderful--for a while. But more often than not, the same problems come up over and over.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

“Anxiety is a state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation. Often, men will appear confident and self-assured to others but actually be living with a great deal of worry and fear.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

“Some clinicians and researchers believe that andropause is primarily the result of our loss of testosterone. It is clear to me that it is much more than that. Andropause is a multidimensional change of life with hormonal, physical, psychological, interpersonal, social, sexual, and spiritual aspects.”
Jed Diamond, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live Well

Subodh Gupta
“Many times people living on street become source of inspirations. When in New Delhi often when your vehicle stops at red lights, small kids living on streets asking for money surrounds you & some of them with smiling face which makes me think if these people in this condition (when they are not even sure if they would get enough to eat today) can keep smiling face, can't I keep myself up during difficult time and this perspective often works. Subodh Gupta”
Subodh Gupta