

swMATH ID: 7095
Software Authors: Gebser, Martin; Kaufmann, Benjamin; Neumann, André; Schaub, Torsten
Description: clasp: A conflict-driven answer set solver. clasp is part of the Potassco project hosted at SourceForge. Source code and pre-compiled binaries are available on the Potassco download page. clasp is an answer set solver for (extended) normal logic programs. It combines the high-level modeling capacities of answer set programming (ASP) with state-of-the-art techniques from the area of Boolean constraint solving. The primary clasp algorithm relies on conflict-driven nogood learning, a technique that proved very successful for satisfiability checking (SAT). Unlike other learning ASP solvers, clasp does not rely on legacy software, such as a SAT solver or any other existing ASP solver. Rather, clasp has been genuinely developed for answer set solving based on conflict-driven nogood learning. clasp can be applied as an ASP solver (on SMODELS format, as output by Gringo), as a SAT solver (on a simplified version of DIMACS/CNF format), or as a PB solver (on OPB format).
Homepage: http://www.cs.uni-potsdam.de/clasp/
Keywords: Potassco; answer set solver; ASP
Related Software: Gringo; Clingo; WASP; ASSAT; MiniSat; iClingo; Smodels; Potassco; Cmodels; Clingcon; SATzilla; Lparse; DLV2; DLV; GASP; Lingeling; Chaff; GitHub; MiniZinc; IDP3
Cited in: 108 Documents
all top 5

Cited by 220 Authors

22 Schaub, Torsten H.
16 Gebser, Martin
11 Janhunen, Tomi
11 Ricca, Francesco
9 Dodaro, Carmine
8 Kaufmann, Benjamin
5 Alviano, Mario
5 Amendola, Giovanni
4 Calimeri, Francesco
4 Maratea, Marco
4 Pontelli, Enrico
4 Thiele, Sven
3 Bogaerts, Bart
3 Bomanson, Jori
3 Drescher, Christian
3 Fink, Michael
3 Hoos, Holger H.
3 Kaminski, Roland
3 Lierler, Yuliya
3 Lindauer, Marius
3 Marques-Silva, João P.
3 Ostrowski, Max
3 Perri, Simona
3 Schüller, Peter
3 Siegel, Anne
3 Truszczyński, Mirosław
3 Zangari, Jessica
2 Andres, Benjamin
2 Banbara, Mutsunori
2 Bliem, Bernhard
2 Brewka, Gerhard
2 Cuteri, Bernardo
2 Dahlem, Marc
2 Delgrande, James P.
2 Doherty, Patrick
2 Dovier, Agostino
2 Drap, Pierre
2 Erdem, Esra
2 Faber, Wolfgang
2 Janičić, Predrag
2 Leone, Nicola
2 Leyton-Brown, Kevin
2 Marek, V. Wiktor
2 Morgado, António
2 Niemelä, Ilkka N. F.
2 Oikarinen, Emilia
2 Papini, Odile
2 Rankooh, Masood Feyzbakhsh
2 Remmel, Jeffrey Brian
2 Romero, Javier
2 Schneider, Klaus
2 Sérayet, Mariette
2 Son, Tran Cao
2 Szałas, Andrzej
2 Szeider, Stefan
2 Veber, Philippe
2 Walsh, Toby
2 Wanko, Philipp
2 Woltran, Stefan
1 Abreu, Salvador
1 Abseher, Michael
1 Argelich, Josep
1 Balduccini, Marcello
1 Baral, Chitta R.
1 Basu, Kinjal
1 Becker, Bernd
1 Benhamou, Belaid
1 Bhagyanath, Anoop
1 Bichler, Manuel
1 Bischl, Bernd
1 Bisiani, Roberto
1 Blockeel, Hendrik
1 Boreale, Michele
1 Bruynooghe, Maurice
1 Calautti, Marco
1 Charwat, Günther
1 Ciatto, Giovanni
1 Collet, Guillaume
1 Santos Costa, Vítor
1 Dahl, Veronica
1 Dal Palù, Alessandro
1 de Cat, Broes
1 De Cock, Martine
1 De Pooter, Stef
1 Denecker, Marc
1 Diaz, Daniel
1 Dusberger, Frederico
1 Dworschak, Steve
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1 Elkhatib, Omar
1 Ellmauthaler, Stefan
1 Eveillard, Damien
1 Fichte, Johannes Klaus
1 Fiorini, Paolo
1 Formisano, Andrea
1 Fréchette, Alexandre
1 Frioux, Clémence
1 Fuscà, Davide
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