

swMATH ID: 4631
Software Authors: Niemelä, Ilkka; Simons, P; Syrjänen, Tommi
Description: The Smodels system is an Answer Set Programming (ASP) implementation based on the stable model semantics of normal logic programs. The basic idea of ASP is to encode the constraints of a problem as a logic program such that the answer sets (stable models) of the program correspond to the solutions of the problem. Then we can solve the problem by letting a logic program engine to find the answer sets of the program.
Homepage: http://www.tcs.hut.fi/Software/smodels/
Keywords: Stable model semantics; Nonmonotonic reasoning; logic programming; answer set programming
Related Software: ASSAT; Cmodels; XSB; Gringo; clasp; Lparse; Chaff; CCalc; NoMoRe; Datalog; Potassco; GNT; MiniSat; NP-SPEC; WASP; SWI-Prolog; SICStus; SATO; SPIN; Clingo
Cited in: 231 Documents
Further Publications: http://www.tcs.hut.fi/Software/smodels/index.html#publications

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
The Smodels system. Zbl 1010.68797
Syrjänen, Tommi; Niemelä, Ilkka
all top 5

Cited by 322 Authors

14 Gelfond, Michael
14 Niemelä, Ilkka N. F.
11 Pontelli, Enrico
11 Son, Tran Cao
10 Eiter, Thomas
10 Leone, Nicola
9 Truszczyński, Mirosław
8 Baral, Chitta R.
8 De Vos, Marina
8 Janhunen, Tomi
8 Schaub, Torsten H.
8 You, Jia-Huai
7 Lierler, Yuliya
7 Tompits, Hans
6 Balduccini, Marcello
6 Delgrande, James P.
6 Lin, Fangzhen
6 Marek, V. Wiktor
5 Bonatti, Piero Andrea
5 Faber, Wolfgang
5 Greco, Gianluigi
4 Greco, Sergio
4 Heljanko, Keijo
4 Lifschitz, Vladimir
4 Moniz Pereira, Luís
4 Pfeifer, Gerald
4 Remmel, Jeffrey Brian
4 Seipel, Dietmar A.
4 Simons, Patrik
4 Syrjänen, Tommi
4 Vermeir, Dirk
3 Alferes, José Júlio
3 Analyti, Anastasia
3 Angiulli, Fabrizio
3 Antoniou, Grigoris
3 Baselice, Sabrina
3 Brain, Martin
3 Brewka, Gerhard
3 Calimeri, Francesco
3 Dovier, Agostino
3 Erdem, Esra
3 Formisano, Andrea
3 Ianni, Giovambattista
3 Liu, Guohua
3 Nicolas, Pascal
3 Oikarinen, Emilia
3 Palopoli, Luigi
3 Papini, Odile
3 Perri, Simona
3 Scarcello, Francesco
3 Stéphan, Igor
3 Swift, Terrance
3 Ternovska, Eugenia
3 Woltran, Stefan
3 Wurbel, Eric
3 Yuan, Li Yan
2 Cenzer, Douglas
2 Chen, Yin
2 Cliffe, Owen
2 Czeizler, Eugen
2 Denecker, Marc
2 Dix, Jurgen
2 Dzifcak, Juraj
2 Elkabani, Islam
2 Ferrari, Mauro
2 Fink, Michael
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2 Fitch, John
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2 Haanpää, Harri
2 Hermenegildo, Manuel V.
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2 Hué, Julien
2 Jia, Xiumei
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2 Leite, João Alexandre
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2 Ornaghi, Mario
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