

swMATH ID: 4435
Software Authors: Lierler, Yulia
Description: Cmodels is a system that computes answer sets for either disjunctive logic programs or logic programs containing choice rules. Answer set solver Cmodels uses SAT solvers as a search engine for enumerating models of the logic program – possible solutions, in case of disjunctive programs SAT solver zChaff is also used for verifying the minimality of found models. The system Cmodels is based on the relation between two semantics: the answer set and the completion semantics for logic programs. For big class of programs called tight, the answer set semantics is equivalent to the completion semantics, so that the answer sets for such a program can be enumerated by a SAT solver. On the other hand for nontight programs [6], and [7] introduced the concept of the loop formulas, and showed that models of completion extended by all the loop formulas of the program are equivalent to the answer sets of th! e program. Unfortunetly number of loop formulas might be large, therefore computing all of them may become computationally expensive. This led to the adoption of the algorithm that computes loop formulas ”as needed” for finding answer sets of a program.
Homepage: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/tag/cmodels.html
Programming Languages: C++
Operating Systems: Sun/Linux/Windows
Related Software: ASSAT; Smodels; Gringo; clasp; Chaff; WASP; Lparse; MiniSat; NoMoRe; DLV; Clingo; Datalog; GNT; Potassco; nomore++; DLV2; IDP3; GASP; maxino; BerkMin
Cited in: 68 Documents
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Cited by 105 Authors

7 Leone, Nicola
7 Maratea, Marco
6 Perri, Simona
5 Calimeri, Francesco
5 Faber, Wolfgang
5 Lierler, Yuliya
4 Alviano, Mario
4 Dodaro, Carmine
4 Gelfond, Michael
4 Niemelä, Ilkka N. F.
4 Pontelli, Enrico
4 Son, Tran Cao
4 Ternovska, Eugenia
3 Giunchiglia, Enrico
3 Lin, Fangzhen
3 Truszczyński, Mirosław
3 Zhang, Yan
2 Brain, Martin
2 Catalano, Gelsomina
2 De Vos, Marina
2 Doherty, Patrick
2 Dovier, Agostino
2 Fichte, Johannes Klaus
2 Gebser, Martin
2 Ianni, Giovambattista
2 Janhunen, Tomi
2 Pfeifer, Gerald
2 Ricca, Francesco
2 Schaub, Torsten H.
2 Szałas, Andrzej
2 Szeider, Stefan
2 Tang, Calvin Kai Fan
2 Tu, Phan Huy
2 Wallner, Johannes Peter
2 Woltran, Stefan
2 Zhang, Yuanlin
2 Zhou, Yi
1 Anger, Christian
1 Angiulli, Fabrizio
1 Armando, Alessandro
1 Asuncion, Vernon
1 Baral, Chitta R.
1 Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary, Rachel
1 Boenn, Georg
1 Bogaerts, Bart
1 Brochenin, Rémi
1 Cadoli, Marco
1 Chen, Yin
1 Compagna, Luca
1 Crouch, Michael S.
1 Dal Palù, Alessandro
1 De Wulf, Wolf
1 Dix, Jurgen
1 Dvořák, Wolfgang
1 Eiter, Thomas
1 Erdem, Esra
1 Fassetti, Fabio
1 Ferraris, Paolo
1 Fitch, John
1 Formisano, Andrea
1 Fuscà, Davide
1 Garcia, Laurent
1 Gupta, Arvind
1 Immerman, Neil
1 Järvisalo, Matti
1 Kavanagh, Jonathan
1 Kvarnström, Jonas
1 Lee, Joohyung
1 Lefèvre, Claire
1 Lifschitz, Vladimir
1 Linke, Thomas
1 Linsbichler, Thomas
1 Liu, Lengning
1 Mancini, Toni
1 Maňuch, Ján
1 Marek, V. Wiktor
1 Mellarkod, Veena S.
1 Micaletto, Davide
1 Mitchell, David G. M.
1 Morales, A. Ricardo
1 Moss, J. Eliot B.
1 Neumann, André
1 Nicolas, Pascal
1 Niskanen, Andreas
1 Oikarinen, Emilia
1 Palopoli, Luigi
1 Patrizi, Fabio
1 Pelov, Nikolay
1 Peñaloza, Rafael
1 Rossi, Gianfranco
1 Scarcello, Francesco
1 Schlipf, John Stewart
1 Stéphan, Igor
1 Subrahmanian, V. S.
1 Thiele, Sven
1 Usadel, Björn
1 Veber, Philippe
1 Vescio, Saverio
1 Ward, Jeffrey A.
1 Wong, Martin D. F.
...and 5 more Authors

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