

swMATH ID: 33094
Software Authors: Alviano, Mario; Calimeri, Francesco; Dodaro, Carmine; Fuscà, Davide; Leone, Nicola; Perri, Simona; Ricca, Francesco; Veltri, Pierfrancesco; Zangari, Jessica
Description: The ASP system DLV2. We introduce DLV2, a new answer set programming (ASP) system. DVL2 combines (mathcal {I}mathrm {-DLV}), a fully-compliant ASP-Core-2 grounder, with the well-assessed solver WASP. Input programs may be enriched by annotations and directives that customize heuristics of the system and extend its solving capabilities. An empirical analysis conducted on benchmarks from past ASP competitions shows that DLV2 outperforms the old DVL system and is close to the state-of-the-art ASP system Clingo.
Homepage: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-61660-5_19
Keywords: answer set programming; systems; grounding; solving
Related Software: Clingo; WASP; clasp; Gringo; DLV; Datalog; Potassco; GASP; SPARQL; OMiGA; MiniSat; maxino; RDFox; DBpedia; Cmodels; IDP3; Chaff; Clingcon; ezcsp; Ontop
Cited in: 27 Documents

Standard Articles

2 Publications describing the Software, including 2 Publications in zbMATH Year
Enhancing DLV for large-scale reasoning
Leone, Nicola; Allocca, Carlo; Alviano, Mario; Calimeri, Francesco; Civili, Cristina; Costabile, Roberta; Fiorentino, Alessio; Fuscà, Davide; Germano, Stefano; Laboccetta, Giovanni; Cuteri, Bernardo; Manna, Marco; Perri, Simona; Reale, Kristian; Ricca, Francesco; Veltri, Pierfrancesco; Zangari, Jessica
The ASP system DLV2. Zbl 1472.68178
Alviano, Mario; Calimeri, Francesco; Dodaro, Carmine; Fuscà, Davide; Leone, Nicola; Perri, Simona; Ricca, Francesco; Veltri, Pierfrancesco; Zangari, Jessica

Citations by Year