
Matthews, Miccal T.

Author ID: matthews.miccal-t Recent zbMATH articles by "Matthews, Miccal T."
Published as: Matthews, Miccal T.; Matthews, Miccal; Matthews, M. T.
Documents Indexed: 13 Publications since 2006
Co-Authors: 7 Co-Authors with 12 Joint Publications
197 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

10 Publications have been cited 92 times in 66 Documents Cited by Year
Newtonian flow with nonlinear Navier boundary condition. Zbl 1117.76024
Matthews, M. T.; Hill, J. M.
Flow around nanospheres and nanocylinders. Zbl 1100.76017
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hill, James M.
Nano boundary layer equation with nonlinear Navier boundary condition. Zbl 1207.76050
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hill, James M.
A note on the boundary layer equations with linear slip boundary condition. Zbl 1148.76019
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hill, James M.
Asymptotic phenomena in pressurized thin films. Zbl 1371.74204
Coman, Ciprian D.; Matthews, Miccal T.; Bassom, Andrew P.
Micro/nano thermal boundary layer equations with slip-creep-jump boundary conditions. Zbl 1388.76055
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hill, James M.
Micro/nano sliding plate problem with Navier boundary condition. Zbl 1142.76360
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hill, James M.
Effect of slip on the linear stability of flow through a tube. Zbl 1138.76038
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hill, James M.
An analytical and numerical study of unsteady channel flow with slip. Zbl 1379.76012
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hastie, Karen M.
Asymptotic analysis of the viscous micro/nano pump at low Reynolds number. Zbl 1163.76015
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hill, James M.
Asymptotic phenomena in pressurized thin films. Zbl 1371.74204
Coman, Ciprian D.; Matthews, Miccal T.; Bassom, Andrew P.
An analytical and numerical study of unsteady channel flow with slip. Zbl 1379.76012
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hastie, Karen M.
Asymptotic analysis of the viscous micro/nano pump at low Reynolds number. Zbl 1163.76015
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hill, James M.
A note on the boundary layer equations with linear slip boundary condition. Zbl 1148.76019
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hill, James M.
Effect of slip on the linear stability of flow through a tube. Zbl 1138.76038
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hill, James M.
Newtonian flow with nonlinear Navier boundary condition. Zbl 1117.76024
Matthews, M. T.; Hill, J. M.
Nano boundary layer equation with nonlinear Navier boundary condition. Zbl 1207.76050
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hill, James M.
Micro/nano thermal boundary layer equations with slip-creep-jump boundary conditions. Zbl 1388.76055
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hill, James M.
Flow around nanospheres and nanocylinders. Zbl 1100.76017
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hill, James M.
Micro/nano sliding plate problem with Navier boundary condition. Zbl 1142.76360
Matthews, Miccal T.; Hill, James M.
all top 5

Cited by 114 Authors

8 Coman, Ciprian D.
5 Bassom, Andrew P.
5 Matthews, Miccal T.
4 Crane, Lawrence John
4 Hill, James Murray
4 McVeigh, A. G.
4 Vajravelu, Kuppalapalle
2 Abdullah, Shahrir
2 Haloi, Rajib
2 Hashim, Ishak
2 Herron, Isom H. jun.
2 Kumar Yadav, Pramod
2 Nieto, César
2 Pal, Subha
2 Power, Henry
2 Sopian, Kamaruzzaman
2 van Gorder, Robert Ashton
2 Wrobel, Luiz Carlos
2 Yazdi, Mohammad H.
1 Abbas, Zaheer
1 Abbasbandy, Saeid
1 Al Baba, Hind
1 Ali, Nasir
1 Aly, Emad H.
1 Asako, Yutaka
1 Asha, S. K.
1 Bellout, Hamid
1 Benarroch, Joseph
1 Biance, Anne-Laure
1 Calabretto, Sophie A. W.
1 Carey, Graham Francis
1 Ceccacci, Silvia
1 Cheng, Jun
1 Chinyoka, Tirivanhu
1 Das, Kalidas
1 Datta, Sunil
1 Denier, James P.
1 Deo, Satya
1 Dewasurendra, Mangalagama
1 Ebaid, Abdelhalim
1 Foucard, Louis C.
1 Frankiewicz, Christophe
1 Ganga, Bhose
1 Gao, Yingtao
1 Garg, Ashish
1 Ghosh, Amrita
1 Giraldo, Mauricio
1 Gümgüm, Sevin
1 Hakeem, A. K. Abdul
1 Harikrishnan, A. R.
1 Hastie, Karen M.
1 Hegde, Amit Sanjay
1 Hong, Chungpyo
1 Hormozi, Sarah
1 Indumathi, N.
1 Jagadeeshwar, Pashikanti
1 Javed, Tariq
1 Kaladhar, Kolla
1 Kantachuvesiri, P.
1 Kishore, Nanda
1 Kohr, Mirela
1 Komuraiah, E.
1 Kumar, Bayya Venkatesulu Rathish
1 Lee, Choongyeop
1 Li, Ronald
1 Liao, Shijun
1 Liu, Lishan
1 Mail, G.
1 Makinde, Oluwole Daniel
1 Martouzet, Grégoire
1 Merlen, Alain
1 Mohapatra, Ram Narayan
1 Muha, Boris
1 Nečasová, Šárka
1 Niu, Jiajia
1 Ossi, Nicholas
1 Parand, Kourosh
1 Peterson, John W.
1 Pirat, Christophe
1 Poncet, Sebastien
1 Prakash, Jai
1 Prasad, Kerehalli V.
1 Ramteke, Rahul Ramdas
1 Raturi, Shweta
1 Reddy, K. Madhusudhan
1 Rezaei, Ahmad Reza
1 Sahoo, Bikash
1 Sajid, Muhammad
1 Sammarco, Michael
1 Saranya, S.
1 Satish, P.
1 Sekhar, G. P. Raja
1 Sharma, Ram Prakash
1 Shivanian, Elyas
1 Soares, Delfim jun.
1 Soavi, J.
1 Srinivasacharya, Darbhashayanam
1 Suárez, Pablo U.
1 Sun, Qian
1 Sweet, Erik W.
...and 14 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 41 Serials

4 Acta Mechanica
3 Journal of Fluid Mechanics
3 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
3 Journal of Elasticity
3 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids
2 Computers and Fluids
2 International Journal of Engineering Science
2 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2 Journal of Engineering Mathematics
2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
2 Meccanica
2 Applied Mathematics Letters
2 Archive of Applied Mechanics
2 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
2 Abstract and Applied Analysis
2 Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences
1 International Journal of Modern Physics B
1 Applicable Analysis
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1 Physics Letters. A
1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
1 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series
1 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics
1 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
1 Applied Mathematical Modelling
1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
1 New Journal of Physics
1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
1 The ANZIAM Journal
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications
1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition)
1 Entropy
1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing
1 Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications
1 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics
1 AMM. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition)
1 Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations

Citations by Year