Author ID: leonard.b-p Recent zbMATH articles by "Leonard, B. P."
Published as: Leonard, B. P.
Documents Indexed: 20 Publications since 1977, including 1 Book
1 Further Contribution
Co-Authors: 4 Co-Authors with 4 Joint Publications
2 Co-Co-Authors

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

19 Publications have been cited 867 times in 719 Documents Cited by Year
A stable and accurate convective modelling procedure based on quadratic upstream interpolation. Zbl 0423.76070
Leonard, B. P.
The ULTIMATE conservative difference scheme applied to unsteady one- dimensional advection. Zbl 0746.76067
Leonard, B. P.
Simple high-accuracy resolution program for convective modelling of discontinuities. Zbl 0667.76125
Leonard, B. P.
Why you should not use “hybrid”, “power-law” or related exponential schemes for convective modelling – There are much better alternatives. Zbl 0848.76048
Leonard, B. P.; Drummond, J. E.
The NIRVANA scheme applied to one-dimensional advection. Zbl 0849.76063
Leonard, B. P.; Lock, A. P.; Macvean, M. K.
A survey of finite differences of opinion on numerical muddling of the incomprehensible defective confusion equation. Zbl 0435.76003
Leonard, B. P.
Sharp monotonic resolution of discontinuities without clipping of narrow extrema. Zbl 0721.76060
Leonard, B. P.; Niknafs, H. S.
Note on the von Neumann stability of the explicit FTCS convective diffusion equation. Zbl 0443.76049
Leonard, B. P.
Computational techniques in transient and turbulent flow. Zbl 0503.76001
The flux integral method for multidimensional convection and diffusion. Zbl 0847.76053
Leonard, B. P.; MacVean, M. K.; Lock, A. P.
Note on the von Neumann stability of explicit one-dimensional advection schemes. Zbl 0848.76061
Leonard, B. P.
Comparison of truncation error of finite-difference and finite-volume formulations of convection terms. Zbl 0798.76053
Leonard, B. P.
News-flash: Upstream parabolic interpolation. Zbl 0368.76081
Leonard, B. P.
Third-order upwinding as a rational basis for computational fluid dynamics. Zbl 0558.76003
Leonard, B. P.
A consistency check for estimating truncation error due to upstream differencing. Zbl 0391.76005
Leonard, B. P.
Sharp simulation of discontinuities in highly convective steady flow. Zbl 0632.76099
Leonard, B. P.
Stability of explicit advection schemes. The balance point location rule. Zbl 1066.76045
Leonard, B. P.
A convectively stable, third-order accurate finite-difference method for steady two-dimensional flow and heat transfer. Zbl 0515.76032
Leonard, B. P.
A stable, accurate, economical, and comprehendible algorithm for the Navier-Stokes and scalar transport equations. Zbl 0484.76029
Leonard, B. P.
Stability of explicit advection schemes. The balance point location rule. Zbl 1066.76045
Leonard, B. P.
Why you should not use “hybrid”, “power-law” or related exponential schemes for convective modelling – There are much better alternatives. Zbl 0848.76048
Leonard, B. P.; Drummond, J. E.
The NIRVANA scheme applied to one-dimensional advection. Zbl 0849.76063
Leonard, B. P.; Lock, A. P.; Macvean, M. K.
The flux integral method for multidimensional convection and diffusion. Zbl 0847.76053
Leonard, B. P.; MacVean, M. K.; Lock, A. P.
Note on the von Neumann stability of explicit one-dimensional advection schemes. Zbl 0848.76061
Leonard, B. P.
Comparison of truncation error of finite-difference and finite-volume formulations of convection terms. Zbl 0798.76053
Leonard, B. P.
The ULTIMATE conservative difference scheme applied to unsteady one- dimensional advection. Zbl 0746.76067
Leonard, B. P.
Sharp monotonic resolution of discontinuities without clipping of narrow extrema. Zbl 0721.76060
Leonard, B. P.; Niknafs, H. S.
Simple high-accuracy resolution program for convective modelling of discontinuities. Zbl 0667.76125
Leonard, B. P.
Sharp simulation of discontinuities in highly convective steady flow. Zbl 0632.76099
Leonard, B. P.
Third-order upwinding as a rational basis for computational fluid dynamics. Zbl 0558.76003
Leonard, B. P.
A convectively stable, third-order accurate finite-difference method for steady two-dimensional flow and heat transfer. Zbl 0515.76032
Leonard, B. P.
Computational techniques in transient and turbulent flow. Zbl 0503.76001
A stable, accurate, economical, and comprehendible algorithm for the Navier-Stokes and scalar transport equations. Zbl 0484.76029
Leonard, B. P.
Note on the von Neumann stability of the explicit FTCS convective diffusion equation. Zbl 0443.76049
Leonard, B. P.
A stable and accurate convective modelling procedure based on quadratic upstream interpolation. Zbl 0423.76070
Leonard, B. P.
A survey of finite differences of opinion on numerical muddling of the incomprehensible defective confusion equation. Zbl 0435.76003
Leonard, B. P.
A consistency check for estimating truncation error due to upstream differencing. Zbl 0391.76005
Leonard, B. P.
News-flash: Upstream parabolic interpolation. Zbl 0368.76081
Leonard, B. P.
all top 5

Cited by 1,369 Authors

15 Sheu, Tony Wen-Hann
10 Leschziner, Michael A.
9 Ferreira, Valdemir Garcia
8 Leonard, B. P.
8 Visonneau, Michel
7 Chiang, T. P.
7 Knoll, Dana A.
7 Sousa, Ercília
6 Akhtar, Imran
6 Armfield, Steven William
6 Blanquart, Guillaume
6 Chou, Yi-Ju
6 Isaev, S. A.
6 Pain, Christopher C.
5 Chacón, Luis
5 Cuminato, José Alberto
5 Fernandes Pereira, José Carlos
5 Fringer, Oliver B.
5 Kurokawa, Fernando A.
5 Lien, Fue-Sang
5 Nikushchenko, D. V.
5 Oishi, Cassio M.
4 Barron, Ronald M.
4 Bhattacharyya, Somnath
4 Borggaard, Jeff T.
4 Darwish, M. S.
4 Deng, GanBo
4 Ferziger, Joel Henry
4 Humphrey, Joseph A. C.
4 Hwang, Robert R.
4 Lee, Joseph Hun-Wei
4 Manson, J. Russell
4 McKee, Sean
4 Minakov, Andreĭ V.
4 Mompean, Gilmar
4 Moukalled, F. H.
4 Pakhomov, M. A.
4 Piggott, Matthew D.
4 Rizwan-uddin
4 Sheu, Wen-Horng
4 Shyy, Wei
4 Street, Robert L.
4 Sudakov, Aleksandr Grigor’evich
4 Taitano, William T.
4 Terekhov, Viktor I.
4 Toutant, Adrien
4 Tseng, Yu-Heng
4 Wallis, Steve G.
4 Xiao, Feng
4 Xie, Bin
4 Zhu, J.
4 Zhu, Jun
4 Zijlema, Marcel
3 Bataille, Françoise
3 Brandt, Luca
3 Candezano, Miguel Antonio Caro
3 Chiu, Pao-Hsiung
3 Chourushi, Tushar
3 Chu, Vincent H.
3 Cifani, Paolo
3 De Biase, Lucia
3 de Queiroz, Rafael A. B.
3 Dekterev, Aleksandr A.
3 Dupuy, Dorian
3 Durst, Franz
3 Emerson, David R.
3 Eswaran, Vinayak
3 Farrow, Duncan E.
3 Gao, Wei
3 Geurts, Bernard J.
3 Goddard, A. J. H.
3 Gu, Xiaojun
3 Guilmineau, Emmanuel
3 Hung, Chen-Yen
3 Jiang, Chunbo
3 Kaibara, Magda K.
3 Kirkpatrick, Michael Philip
3 Kobayashi, Marcelo Hissakiti
3 Koshizuka, Seiichi
3 Kozelkov, Andrey Sergeevich
3 Launder, Brian E.
3 Lima, G. A. B.
3 Mousseau, Vincent A.
3 Muradoglu, Metin
3 Nishikawa, Hiroaki
3 Ouahsine, Abdellatif
3 Pascau, Antonio
3 Pennati, Vincenzo
3 Perić, Milovan
3 Queutey, Patrick
3 Sakai, Katsuhiro
3 Scapin, Nicoló
3 Sezai, I.
3 Sotiropoulos, Fotis
3 Stern, Fred
3 Teruel, Federico E.
3 Tomé, Murilo F.
3 Tryggvason, Grétar
3 Wackers, Jeroen
3 Xie, Zhihua
...and 1,269 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 81 Serials

131 Journal of Computational Physics
104 Computers and Fluids
71 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
54 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
38 Journal of Fluid Mechanics
36 Applied Mathematical Modelling
22 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
17 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
17 Physics of Fluids
16 Applied Mathematics and Computation
13 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics
12 Fluid Dynamics
11 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
11 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering
9 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
7 Computational Mechanics
7 Journal of Scientific Computing
7 Combustion Theory and Modelling
6 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
6 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids
6 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
5 Computer Physics Communications
5 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
5 Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
4 Acta Mechanica
4 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
4 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
3 Applied Numerical Mathematics
3 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
3 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
3 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
3 Flow, Turbulence and Combustion
3 Computational Geosciences
3 Journal of Turbulence
2 Meccanica
2 Engineering Computations
2 The ANZIAM Journal
2 International Journal of Computational Methods
2 Acta Mechanica Sinica
2 Izvestiya. Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
2 International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics
2 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
2 Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Matematika i Mekhanika
1 International Journal of Control
1 Inverse Problems
1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1 Transport Theory and Statistical Physics
1 Physics of Fluids, A
1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
1 Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
1 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
1 Communications in Applied Numerical Methods
1 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
1 Numerical Algorithms
1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
1 Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Nonlinear Dynamics
1 Abstract and Applied Analysis
1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
1 International Journal of Modern Physics C
1 Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie
1 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
1 Journal of Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing
1 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine
1 Communications in Computational Physics
1 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei)
1 GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics
1 Journal of Theoretical Biology
1 JSIAM Letters
1 Journal of Function Spaces
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications
1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
1 Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics
1 Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Journal of Computational Physics: X

Citations by Year