
Peano’s 1886 existence theorem on first-order scalar differential equations: a review. (English) Zbl 1354.01011

The authors focus on Peano’s 1886 theorem, stating the existence of a solution of an initial value problem \(y'=f(x,y)\), \(y(a)=b\), under the assumption of the continuity of the function \(f\). Someone lamented the lack of details in the proof, considering it “surprisingly unrigorous” (p. 387). Nevertheless, as the authors point out, these shortcomings are due to Peano’s choice to be “as simple and possible”. The lack of details must be interpreted in this perspective.
After a short introduction, the paper lays down the statement (Theorem 1, pp. 377–378) and the re-statement (Theorem 2, p. 379) of Peano’s existence theorem. Then, the authors state the more innovative part of Theorem 1, i.e., Theorem 3 (p. 380), called “the heart of Peano’s 1886 existence theorem”.
This last theorem will be proved in the following pages, filling in the gaps. As a matter of fact, the authors prove also Equations 3.14
\[ \frac{\Phi(x)-\Phi(x_0)}{x-x_0}\geq f(x_0,\Phi (x_0))-\varepsilon,\text{ for all }x\in ]x_0,x_1] \]
and 3.15
\[ \frac{\Phi(x)-\Phi(x_0)}{x-x_0}\leq f(x_0,\Phi (x_0))+\varepsilon,\text{ for all }x\in ]x_0,x_1], \]
which Peano left unproved (pp. 382–384). In other words, the authors re-state Peano’s original proof, emending it from its inacuracies.
Section 4 is devoted to the statement of analogous theorems by G. Peano himself [Math. Ann. 37, 182–228 (1890; JFM 22.0302.01)], G. Mie [ibid. 43, 553–568 (1893; JFM 25.0504.01)], W. F. Osgood [Monatsh. Math. Phys. 9, 331–345 (1898; JFM 29.0260.03)] and O. Perron [Math. Ann. 76, 471–484 (1915; JFM 45.0469.01)] (pp. 384–387), in order to make a comparison with Peano’s 1886 theorem and to show the originality of this last.
Section 5 (pp. 387–388) is a short conclusion which repeats the rationale of the author: the gaps in the proof of Theorem 1 are due to Peano’s choice to be as simple as possible and not to his floppiness.


01A55 History of mathematics in the 19th century
34-03 History of ordinary differential equations
34A12 Initial value problems, existence, uniqueness, continuous dependence and continuation of solutions to ordinary differential equations
34A40 Differential inequalities involving functions of a single real variable

Biographic References:

Peano, Giuseppe
Full Text: DOI


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