
Adaptive dynamical networks. (English) Zbl 1532.81014

Summary: It is a fundamental challenge to understand how the function of a network is related to its structural organization. Adaptive dynamical networks represent a broad class of systems that can change their connectivity over time depending on their dynamical state. The most important feature of such systems is that their function depends on their structure and vice versa. While the properties of static networks have been extensively investigated in the past, the study of adaptive networks is much more challenging. Moreover, adaptive dynamical networks are of tremendous importance for various application fields, in particular, for the models for neuronal synaptic plasticity, adaptive networks in chemical, epidemic, biological, transport, and social systems, to name a few. In this review, we provide a detailed description of adaptive dynamical networks, show their applications in various areas of research, highlight their dynamical features and describe the arising dynamical phenomena, and give an overview of the available mathematical methods developed for understanding adaptive dynamical networks.


81P68 Quantum computation
68M10 Network design and communication in computer systems
68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence
62M45 Neural nets and related approaches to inference from stochastic processes
91D30 Social networks; opinion dynamics


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