
The axiomatics of ordered geometry: I. Ordered incidence spaces. (English) Zbl 1227.51010

The author presents a survey of the development of the axiomatic theory of ordered and half-ordered incidence geometry, starting from M. Pasch’s book [Vorlesungen über neuere Geometrie. Leipzig. Teubner (1882; JFM 14.0498.01)]. For reasons of comparability, the different axiom systems are transferred into one common language, namely first-order logic. Only in the case of Archimedian ordered geometry extensions of first-order logic are needed.
The paper contains a wealth of information, and it will certainly become a standard reference in the field. Particularly valuable is the bibliography which contains 358 entries and appears to be rather complete.


51G05 Ordered geometries (ordered incidence structures, etc.)
01A60 History of mathematics in the 20th century
52A01 Axiomatic and generalized convexity
03B30 Foundations of classical theories (including reverse mathematics)


JFM 14.0498.01
Full Text: DOI


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