
Dependency of the positive and negative long-time behaviors of flows on surfaces. (English) Zbl 1528.37037

In this paper, the author studies the structure of \(\omega\)-limit sets of flows defined on compact surfaces. In particular, it is shown that the \(\omega\)-limit of an orbit whose closure has non-empty interior (locally dense orbit), is either a nowhere dense subset of singular points or the closure of a non-closed locally dense recurrent trajectory (Theorem A). Further, the author observes that this is also the structure depicted by the \(\omega\)-limit sets of non-closed trajectories of non-wandering flows (Theorem B). For Hamiltonian flows, Theorem C establishes that \(\omega\)-limits of non-closed trajectories on possibly non-compact surfaces consist of singular points.
The author also introduces the notion of pre-Hamiltonian flow which is a flow whose non-singular trajectories are the connected components of the level sets of the restriction of some real-valued function to the surface obtained by removing the singular points, and comprise a codimension-one foliaton of this new surface. Theorem E states that if a flow has a finite number of singular points being pre-Hamiltonian is equivalent to being Hamiltonian.


37E35 Flows on surfaces
37C15 Topological and differentiable equivalence, conjugacy, moduli, classification of dynamical systems
37C75 Stability theory for smooth dynamical systems
37J39 Relations of finite-dimensional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems with topology, geometry and differential geometry (symplectic geometry, Poisson geometry, etc.)
37J12 Fixed points and periodic points of finite-dimensional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems


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