
Shadow of Kottler black hole in the presence of plasma for a co-moving observer. (English) Zbl 1516.83033

Summary: In this paper, we discussed the shadow of a static, spherically symmetric black hole geometry in presence of a positive cosmological constant \(\Lambda > 0\). We analysed the black hole shadow both in absence and presence of plasma. Then we study the black hole shadow from the point of view of a comoving observer. We display the plots for the angular shadow size as measured by a comoving observer. The effects of the cosmological constant \(\Lambda\) and plasma parameter \(k\) on the angular size of the black hole shadow have been investigated in detail. Finally, by using the observed angular size of \(\mathrm{M}87^\ast\) and Sgr \(\mathrm{A}^\ast\) black hole, we constrain the value of the plasma parameter \(k\) with a specific observational value of the cosmological constant \(\Lambda\) (or the Hubble constant \(H_0\)).


83C57 Black holes
78A45 Diffraction, scattering
82D10 Statistical mechanics of plasmas
93B53 Observers
83C30 Asymptotic procedures (radiation, news functions, \(\mathcal{H} \)-spaces, etc.) in general relativity and gravitational theory
83B05 Observational and experimental questions in relativity and gravitational theory




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