
Calculating black hole shadows: review of analytical studies. (English) Zbl 1486.85026

Summary: In this article, we provide a review of the current state of the research of the black hole shadow, focusing on analytical (as opposed to numerical and observational) studies. We start with particular attention to the definition of the shadow and its relation to the often used concepts of escape cone, critical impact parameter and particle cross-section. For methodological purposes, we present the derivation of the angular size of the shadow for an arbitrary spherically symmetric and static space-time, which allows one to calculate the shadow for an observer at arbitrary distance from the center. Then we discuss the calculation of the shadow of a Kerr black hole, for an observer anywhere outside of the black hole. For observers at large distances we present and compare two methods used in the literature. Special attention is given to calculating the shadow in space-times which are not asymptotically flat. Shadows of wormholes and other black-hole impostors are reviewed. Then we discuss the calculation of the black hole shadow in an expanding universe as seen by a comoving observer. The influence of a plasma on the shadow of a black hole is also considered.


85A25 Radiative transfer in astronomy and astrophysics
83C57 Black holes
83C50 Electromagnetic fields in general relativity and gravitational theory
78A45 Diffraction, scattering
83E05 Geometrodynamics and the holographic principle


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