
William Henry Young, an unconventional president of the International Mathematical Union. (English) Zbl 1502.01068

Mazliak, Laurent (ed.) et al., Mathematical communities in the reconstruction after the Great War 1918–1928. Trajectories and institution. Based on the international meeting, Marseilles, November 2018. Cham: Birkhäuser. Trends Hist. Sci., 1-29 (2021).
Summary: William Henry Young was President of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) from 1929 to 1932. These were turbulent times for international cooperation in science in general, and mathematics in particular. The main cause of conflict was the International Research Council (IRC), which was created after the war by the Allied Powers with the aim of controlling international scientific relations.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1483.01004].


01A74 History of mathematics at institutions and academies (non-university)

Biographic References:

Young, William Henry
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[1] 1907: Fellow of the Royal Society. The certificate of proposal for his election lists thirty-three works (articles and books) and was signed by mathematicians from the Royal Society such as Burnside, Hobson, Love, and Forsyth. 29 1917: Awarded the De Morgan Medal of the London Mathematical Society. 1922-1924: Elected President of the London Mathematical Society. 1928: Awarded the Sylvester Medal of the Royal Society. 1929-1932: Appointed President of the International Mathematical Union. 1939: Honorary Fellow of his college in Cambridge.
[2] Ce travail de M. Young est le premier de ceux qui ont finalement bien fait comprendre ce que c’est qu’une integrate de Stieltjes.
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