
Convergence of nonlocal geometric flows to anisotropic mean curvature motion. (English) Zbl 1471.53072

Summary: We consider nonlocal curvature functionals associated with positive interaction kernels, and we show that local anisotropic mean curvature functionals can be retrieved in a blow-up limit from them. As a consequence, we prove that the viscosity solutions to the rescaled nonlocal geometric flows locally uniformly converge to the viscosity solution to the anisotropic mean curvature motion. The result is achieved by combining a compactness argument and a set-theoretic approach related to the theory of De Giorgi’s barriers for evolution equations.


53E10 Flows related to mean curvature
35D40 Viscosity solutions to PDEs
35K93 Quasilinear parabolic equations with mean curvature operator
35R11 Fractional partial differential equations


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