
An asymptotic distribution theory for Eulerian recurrences with applications. (English) Zbl 1440.05026

Summary: We study linear recurrences of Eulerian type of the form \[P_n(v) = (\alpha(v) n + \gamma(v)) P_{n - 1}(v) + \beta(v)(1 - v) P_{n - 1}^\prime(v)\qquad (n \geqslant 1),\] with \(P_0(v)\) given, where \(\alpha(v)\), \(\beta(v)\) and \(\gamma(v)\) are in most cases polynomials of low degrees. We characterize the various limit laws of the coefficients of \(P_n(v)\) for large \(n\) using the method of moments and analytic combinatorial tools under varying \(\alpha(v)\), \(\beta(v)\) and \(\gamma(v)\), and apply our results to more than two hundred of concrete examples when \(\beta(v) \neq 0\) and more than three hundred when \(\beta(v) = 0\) that we gathered from the literature and from Sloane’s OEIS database. The limit laws and the convergence rates we worked out are almost all new and include normal, half-normal, Rayleigh, beta, Poisson, negative binomial, Mittag-Leffler, Bernoulli, etc., showing the surprising richness and diversity of such a simple framework, as well as the power of the approaches used.


05A15 Exact enumeration problems, generating functions
05A05 Permutations, words, matrices
05A10 Factorials, binomial coefficients, combinatorial functions
05E16 Combinatorial aspects of groups and algebras
11B83 Special sequences and polynomials
30C10 Polynomials and rational functions of one complex variable
30E15 Asymptotic representations in the complex plane
60F05 Central limit and other weak theorems




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