
All the trinomial roots, their powers and logarithms from the Lambert series, Bell polynomials and Fox-Wright function: illustration for genome multiplicity in survival of irradiated cells. (English) Zbl 1406.92284

Summary: All the roots of the general \(n\)th degree trinomial admit certain convenient representations in terms of the Lambert and Euler series for the asymmetric and symmetric cases of the trinomial equation, respectively. Previously, various methods have been used to provide the proofs for the general terms of these two series. Taking \(n\) to be any real or complex number, we presently give an alternative proof using the Bell (or exponential) polynomials. The ensuing series is summed up yielding a single, compact, explicit, analytical formula for all the trinomial roots as the confluent Fox-Wright function \(_1\Psi_1\). Moreover, we also derive a slightly different, single formula of the trinomial root raised to any power (real or complex number) as another \(_1\Psi_1\) function. Further, in this study, the logarithm of the trinomial root is likewise expressed through a single, concise series with the binomial expansion coefficients or the Pochhammer symbols. These findings are anticipated to be of considerable help in various applications of trinomial roots. Namely, several properties of the \(_1\Psi_1\) function can advantageously be employed for its implementations in practice. For example, the simple expressions for the asymptotic limits of the \(_1\Psi_1\) function at both small and large values of the independent variable can be used to readily predict, by analytical means, the critical behaviors of the studied system in the two extreme conditions. Such limiting situations can be, e.g., at the beginning of the time evolution of a system, and in the distant future, if the independent variable is time, or at low and high doses when the independent variable is radiation dose, etc. The present analytical solutions for the trinomial roots are numerically illustrated in the genome multiplicity corrections for survival of synchronous cell populations after irradiation.

MathOverflow Questions:

Series solution for general trinomial


92C50 Medical applications (general)
92D10 Genetics and epigenetics
65H04 Numerical computation of roots of polynomial equations


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